Drop All Religion And Start Worshipping God!

i have replies for all of u but it is too time consuming and awkward to find what people have written, then transfer the quote etc. I am going to find a chat room. its a lot easier. See u all. Pete :) PS ur all wrong lol:p
I think it's the word worshipping that annoyes people. If he had used some other word he had gotten the message through more clearly, because I do believe the intentional thought is good.
Because by saying that people should worship God, he is already making out rules for others, creating religion again.

Yes bebelina is correct. and i apologise. On was on my way out when I started the thread so i didn't check it. When I say God I mean a higher being who created the universe.
I meant that he should have said:
Drop all religion and start being God. :) Or he could also have said : Drop all religion and start being the higher being. :) That works too, even better.
