Drop All Religion And Start Worshipping God!


Registered Senior Member
I heard that on the James Wail show, Its on talksport at 10 o'clock week nights. I think it is a good idea. I think that the title doesn't need explaining but i will if you want.

What do you think?
The only thing that could be considered worthwhile with religions is that they do try to create order where they perceive there is none.

Some good ideas do come out of religions. I'd vote for keeping those things and dispense with the rest.

As for gods: Without a supporting political insfrastruture I suspect the bare idea of gods will vanish into mythology where it belongs.
Suspect I am hugely missing the point, but ...

If you worshipped God ... wouldn't that be 'having a religion'??
hmm. rather supportive responses...didn't think i would get that.

Since you asked, I personally think that worshipping a rather sloppily evolved myth is silly to the point of being pathetic.

Yes but do you believe in a God?


The only thing that could be considered worthwhile with religions is that they do try to create order where they perceive there is none

True, but are they always succesful?

If you worshipped God ... wouldn't that be 'having a religion'??

Yes but no. The way i percieve religion is that it is a bunch of Rules governing how you live, and how you should worship. In my religion there would be no rules, no guidance other than, worship how you want to within the rules of your country.
Drop All Religion And Start Worshipping God!

Any deity that requires the homage of sycophantic little lickspittles is not worthy of the title.


The truth is that religion and deity are really inseperable. It requires an organization and dogma to overcome reason. I would encourage your idea if for no other reason than it would mean a quicker death to theism.
It requires an organization and dogma to overcome reason
Why does religion have to oppose reason?? Surely u can believe in a god and worship it and still be a reasonable person.
Any deity that requires the homage of sycophantic little lickspittles is not worthy of the title.
do u mean that if something created all of this (the universe etc) then why would it need praising from us, mere nothings? Have to say that can any of us understand the universe!?? Can anyone explain what we are doing here?? No. So can anyone now explain to me what god is thinking!? None of us know the mind of god so maybe he does just want thanks for creating everything and most of all GIVING US LIFE.
Personally i think that if something did create all of this then it deserves praise. I mean, we only know the planet earth and look how wonderful that is (sounds cheesy i know lol.)

Suspect I am hugely missing the point, but ... If you worshipped God ... wouldn't that be 'having a religion'??
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Why does religion have to oppose reason?? Surely u can believe in a god and worship it and still be a reasonable person.
Not when those two things require that you believe and hold ceremony for an invisible being that a 2000 year old book tells you exists, and of there are no other assurances. That is unreasonable.
Not when those two things require that you believe and hold ceremony for an invisible being that a 2000 year old book tells you exists, and of there are no other assurances. That is unreasonable.

What do u mean 'hold ceremony'? And there is not just 1 book that tells of him. There are loads (the qu'ran etc), a few at least. They all come from different contiments yet all document a supreme being!! Also, they (these books) are not the only ressurance of it. If u look u will notice him urself. Maybe u dont want to see him. Thats probably why u cant.
If u look u will notice him urself. Maybe u dont want to see him. Thats probably why u cant.

The constant rant of the religious: we can see something you can't, we know something you don't, we have something you don't have .... and on and on.

In your OPINION you do. But that's all it is: an OPINION. It's not a fact.

And please, drop the "maybe u don't want to see him" lines. "Want" is a word that only has relevancy to your belief that there is something that can be wanted - or not wanted. It's way out of the loop to consider "want" has any relevancy to the atheist stance.
well to be honest Macz, have u even truly, and objectively thought about god and the bible!?? U say im being arrogant but i want to ask u this. have u ever tried looking for god? i think the answer will be no and thats what i mean. U cant see him because u havent looked.
Another point. If u were around in jesus' times, and u went to the tomb and u saw he was gone, you would say someone tunelled in and removed the body (or something like that). if u were there when the seas parted for him u would say it was a coincidence. a staorm or something. If u saw him after he was dead and he rose into the sky u would assume that you hadnt had enough sleep right!? (u were hallucinating or something) At the end of the day there is nothing that could be shown to u to make u beleieve. U dont want to believe
It's way out of the loop to consider "want" has any relevancy to the atheist stance.
so ur saying that athiests havent even thought about god? that they havent made the choice to disbelieve.

What do u mean 'hold ceremony'?
You said worship. That means some sort of ceremonial practice. This includes prayer.
And there is not just 1 book that tells of him. There are loads (the qu'ran etc), a few at least. They all come from different contiments yet all document a supreme being!!
Actually there are two. Josephus's book and the bible. I'm not sure about the Qur'an. It refers to Abraham to be sure, but any resulting references that may occur in it are derivitive of the bible. In fact any book other than the two would have to be referencing the bible. That is not an alternate source. Only one continent/region could have had any direct exposure: the Middle East. Any literature that is original in eyewitness testimony would need to be from there. In any case there are only the two.
If u look u will notice him urself. Maybe u dont want to see him. Thats probably why u cant.
I have never seen Jesus. But then neither has the non-schizophrenic world. Jesus is either dead or he never existed. For these reasons only a liar or a nut could say he/she has seen this person.
U say im being arrogant but i want to ask u this. have u ever tried looking for god? i think the answer will be no and thats what i mean. U cant see him because u havent looked.
Actually, this god thing was rather hard to avoid and in taking a look-see to see what all the fuss was about, I couldn't see anything. And that was that. End of story.

And in your continuing (presumptuous) theme of asking me questions and answering them for me, you go on to say:
At the end of the day there is nothing that could be shown to u to make u beleieve.
Quite wrong. If and when there is indisputable proof that god exists, I will believe. In the meantime, as has been said already, the burden of proof is on you.
U dont want to believe
It is not a matter of not wanting to believe. If and when there is evidence, only then will it be relevant to talk about wanting or not wanting to believe it.

You can't quite grasp this point, can you? And quite frankly, I don't have the imagination to come up with a sufficiently simple way to explain this to you.
This has just turned into a discussion about whether GOD exists or not, so I am leaving now and not coming back! Enjoy your repetitive arguments.
You said worship. That means some sort of ceremonial practice. This includes prayer.
eeeerrrrrrr, no. u can worship with ur thoughts.
I have never seen Jesus. But then neither has the non-schizophrenic world. Jesus is either dead or he never existed. For these reasons only a liar or a nut could say he/she has seen this person.
I was talking about god, not jesus.
It is not a matter of not wanting to believe.
of course it is!! I havent seen proof of god but i still believe. It took some faith on my part but i think it comes down to the fact that i want to believe. i never used to. ur not looking!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :eek:
I've never seen Mistress Helga The Heavybreasted Whore, she of the nine mammoth breasts and the 16 inch tongue, but I believe she exists, and I believe she loves me. I have absolutely no reason to believe in her, but I know she's real...
p_ete2001 wrote:

It took some faith on my part but i think it comes down to the fact that i want to believe.
Precisely. You choose myth and baseless superstition, a choice apparently driven by a frenetic need to believe. In fact, your Gods have no more substance than does the Greek Pantheon or the charming inhabitants of the Faerie Kingdom.

p_ete2001 wrote:

ur not looking!!!!!!!

And you're not thinking - you're simply prosyletizing, and doing a remarkable inept job at it. If the God(s) did exist, they could only be highly displeased at the quality of your support.
do u mean that if something created all of this (the universe etc) then why would it need praising from us, mere nothings?

Exactly. It's petty and suggests a low self-esteem; "Oooh. Look what I did!" Or perhaps a mean spirit; "I gave you this… and I can take it away too!" I just have a problem with this type of behavior in something as great as God would have to be. Sorry, I just don't get the demanding of worship… I believe this is a fabrication of man in order to control others, not a requirement of any God. Catholic service, in particular, always seemed like a game of Simon Says to me: "God says kneel." "God says stand." "God says genuflect." "Kneel." .... "Got you. I didn't say God says!"

None of us know the mind of god so maybe he does just want thanks for creating everything and most of all GIVING US LIFE.

Sure… and if it exists, it has my thanks, awe, and admiration but that's quite different from demanding praise and worship. Perhaps it should follow Jesus' advice. "Matthew 6:2
"So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be honored by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full.

of course it is!! I havent seen proof of god but i still believe. It took some faith on my part but i think it comes down to the fact that i want to believe. i never used to. ur not looking!!!!!!!
First you say you haven't seen proof of god, and then you say that we are not looking. You are obviously looking...and you have found nothing. Why should we find any different? Faith is another way of articulating ignorance.