Dreams & Reality

hey all :)
Shaman1301 -you have answered your own question through
Anthropomorphic reference! :D

or do you not accept that a butterfly can not use a computer?

the fact that you used the word butterfly means you are not one.

but ofcoarse it does depend somewhat on your level of time/mass/space-opinion/philosophy :D
and we could just stop talking altogether?
what would be the point? :D

with soo many sick people around us it is easy to imagine it is a natural opposite :/
but we must be strong and rissiliant!
seek truth and light!
ooopppppsss i better stop preaching :D

groove on all :)
Wow! Seems we may have to rebuild the wood shed so I can say, "Take it out back, guys!"

Pro. Max Arturo,
When I first started at Sciforums it always got to me that not everyone seemed to have the "want to" to reread, edit, and check spelling. After a while I realized that it in no way changed the validity of the posts. If fact some of the points come across well. Not all of our readers/posters are from the English speaking and writing side of the world. To be honest I commend them in the effort. There is a lot to be said for those who give the effort in such formats as a science forum. You gotta admire these folks. Would you want to try in a Japanese forum? Or if you write Janapese, how about Indian forum in it's native language? I could not pull it off and would sound like a blithering idiot in the process.
Nah, a boxing ring!

Damn, wet1, you sure can be diplomatic when you want to be!

Didn't know you had it in you!

Take care :D