Dreams & Reality


Staff member
After talking to several of my students about their dreams, I collected the following information:

1. Dreams that are normal, meaning it is a representation of our reality.
2. Dreams that are nightmares and so weird that normal reality does not fit in. such as flying, going through walls, or an animal talking...
3. Dreams that are, as if they are in a different reality. The design of the material items are totally different. The clothings are different. The writings on the magazine is totally different. The design of a perfume bottle is such that it comes out in a gel like a shaving cream. The design of a car is totally different where the only items identifiable are size, shape and six wheels.

It is the third item that intrigues me. It is like a parallel universe where technology and life style developed slightly diffrently.

Any one among our readers have similar experience?

Everyone has dreams like that. I think it's part of the human condition to create things, and certainly not outside of our realm to realise the ways things could be different. A lot of time it's the feeling that something is totally different or wrong that alerts you to the dream, not the images, and that may be connected with a similar feeling in real life that comes from social situations, family problems, etc. It seems to me that all dreams reflect on our different personalities and individual notions of self. To say that it's actually partly caused by another dimension (I'm not suggesting you menat that) would be a bit of a stretch but would also reveal an even deeper underlying feeling in the dream; that we don't really fit in with accepted real life and are desperately searching for something true, understanding, and comfortable. I think in that way dreams can help us to deal with our problems and help cure some of the ills of society, like pseudoscience.
Thank you Piffi for your observations. What I am at a loss to explain is that the dreamer who dreamt specific items did not work in that specific design field or saw such items in a movie, yet those items may show up in our future as products.

Very interesting indeed....

Dreams are messages from our higher self, the soul. And since our soul is multidimensional it also exists in other dimensions than this, parallell universes and so on. And uses those other dimensions,and this one in order to get a message through. Our daily life is not as trivial as it may seem at first, and our dreams can put certain common events in a different light, so that we should see the underlying , deeper meaning of that paricular event. Everything has a purpose, especially dreams. :p
Nicely spoken, kind lady.

I have long believed that other world dimensions of our conscious being do interact with our present subconscious. That our REM dreamscape could act as a conduit for these other dimensions is intriguing, to say the least. Perhaps this is the root cause for premonitions and extra sensory perception.

<i>"Everything has a purpose, especially dreams. "</I>

Everything in one's life must have a purpose for that person, as every space-time event in one's life is absolutely critical to the makeup of each person's present state of being.
Another interesting item, I would like to bring up under this topic is a specific dream that is common to several people that I am aware of. It goes like this:

In the next 10 to 15 years we will have a world wide disaster that will collapse our normal economic system. There will be no electrical power from the power grid. No gasoline. Most factories will be shutdown. It will only last for 8 to 10 months before everything is back up again. It was/ or will be global. The third world countries will fare better than highly industrialized ones.

People who dreamt it could not say what caused it. Only the effect. They describe their daily life from the reoccuring dream. The time period is derived from the description of their loved ones. Like a child somewhat grown up. In the dream, people are using home made alcohol to run motorcycles for travel. Everything is in barter system. But they are not afraid of radiation exposure.

What interests me most is to speculate what can cause to throw us back to a survival life style? An EMP blast, Meteor impact, stock market crash? Any speculations?
The meaning of dreams.

Athough I claim no expertise in this area, I am willing to venture a few thoughts on this subject:

In the next 10 to 15 years we will have a world wide disaster that will collapse our normal economic system. There will be no electrical power from the power grid. No gasoline. Most factories will be shutdown. It will only last for 8 to 10 months before everything is back up again. It was/ or will be global. The third world countries will fare better than highly industrialized ones.

<i><b>Speculation by Arturo:</b> It has occured to me that many people have a subconscious fear of the future. The meaning of such a collapse to these people would be a total disruption of their everyday lives which they comfortably live in, at present. The fear factor should be more pronounced in people who have tendency to jump to conclusions, or believe the worst <b>(Y2K fears for instance)</b>. This fear factor also may well appear in people who are actually quite self-sufficient (the entrepreneur, who refuses to put his future in the hands of an employer).</i>

The 10-15 year time period that you mention seems to be rather universal among people who are living in developed countries or among people who have aspirations of greater future accomplishments. High School and College graduates often ponder a future which is along the 10-15 year period. <b>To me, this is long term fear (or concern) that people have in regard to their total life long accomplishments</b>. I have noted however, that this concern for the future is less pronounced among the very successful. I can only speculate that these very successful people expend more of their time making their dreams happen, and thus do not dwell on the possible failures, as does the rest.

That many people recount their dreams from a child's perspective would seem to me that these people may be reacting to possible future fears from an emotional level of helplessness that they similarly experienced in their childhood. In other words, an adult who recounts fears of such a future, from a childs perspective, simply may not have had the same kind of emotional reaction since (s)he was (x) years old.

Fear of the future is a driving instinct within us all. I believe that it is one of those things that separates us from animals. Fear is the great motivator. Those who have such dreams will also have a deeper concern for the well being of the human race, although they may not express it in ways that most of us can see. Often I have been aquainted with persons who outwardly seem to have nothing but contempt for everything and everyone. But as one comes to know such a person, he finds that this is an act, or a smokescreen to cover the persons' true feelings about the world around him.

In my lifetime, I have noted that my dreams often reflect my emotional state at the time. Example: I recently had a dream that was very pessimistic in regard to someone that I know. Although I hadn't seen this person in quite a while (or even thought of this person), my subconscious put together a dream, with such characters of my past, to form a dream that expressed my obviously pessimistic viewpoint of recent weeks. Upon waking and considering this dream, I came to realize that I <b>had</b> actually become more pessimistic recently, without realizing it at all!

I believe that dreams are a way for the more primal parts of the human mind to interact in a positive way, to subconsciously guide and warn us of those things that we are not consciously aware of.

Pro. Max Arturo
Fear of the future is a driving instinct within us all. I believe that it is one of those things that separates us from animals.
Do you mean to tell me that each morning we wake up we experience fear and predicate our behavior on it the rest of the day? That would appear to have to be the case were it to be instinctual.

I don't think so, but do know that animals experience fear.
I simply cannot understand your question.

I am sure that you had intended to convey some meaningful points in that collection of gibberish, that you have managed to assemble. I simply cannot decipher it Chagur.

I realize that many of our fellow man cannot read and write well. This can be very frustrating, but it need not be permanent, Chagur!

I have taken the liberty of providing "links" to a variety of online services which I believe could be of great help to you.

http://www.educate.com/specials/specials.cfm?PC=NWGTO-GEN-0201 SYLVAN LEARNING CENTERS

http://www.joyoflearning.com/ HOOKED ON PHONICS

http://abc-read.com/ ABC READ.COM

http://www.educate.com/readinghelp.htm EDUCATE.COM

So Chin up, Chagur! Soon you'll be able to correspond with the confidence and grace of the great writers!

Pro. Max Arturo
hey all :)
you kmguru dude :D the number "3" ........ ?
he he just pointing the finger in a jesty numeroligy type way :)

some say we are still in the age of 3 in a psychological sence!

max arturo.... your a laugh a minute :)
a bit harsh but gave me laugh i hope chagur is not too pissed :/
typos are a sign of the changing times of shifting importance....
yet communication is being championed as the the crucial element of a higher thought. :/
and so we all have likes :)

-max... how can u possibly expect to accurately judge the
impresions of a mad man>?
or has materialism bacome a virtue?
to subscribe a millionare to sanity on the bassis of his wealth is ...............??????????? well i hope you see what i mean.

#so what is the mathermatical proberbility that 2 people or more would share a dream? that i would be interested in seing ...
specialy how you would choose to calculate it and with what perrameters :D
any who thats my point....if any :/

groove on all :)
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Good luck to you also, ripleofdeath.

I can see now that there are many more who are greatly in need of remedial study. I must say that you have mastered the capability to type almost every key on the keyboard quite well, ripleofdeath.

<b><i>Things to work on</b></i>

I believe that you should try to form complete words;

then I suggest that you should attempt to form complete sentences with these new skills, and lastly

attempt to convey thoughts, if only simple thoughts. They will do nicely.

Although I have my doubts regarding your ability to ever write well, ripleofdeath, I believe that one day you may very well attain the ability to fill out an employment application, or perhaps an Organ Donor Card.

If you do actually learn to fill out a Organ Donor Card, you should pay special attention to avoid putting a check mark beside the brain organ.

Good luck to you also.

Pro. Max Arturo
I should have renamed this topic to War and Reality...

Prof. Arturo, your comments on that 10-15 year out dream is well noted and appreciated. Because of rapid changes in our society and technology, change management is a problem that manifests itself in to stress, high cortisol level and so on....

I am also asking for a risk analysis as to what type of disaster that are probable and what we can do to minimize the damage. In case anybody is interested...

Cool it guys....
My dear Pro. (?)

What a perfectly inelegant way of avoiding defending your inane statement.
I realize that many of our fellow man cannot read and write well.
I suggest you return to the sites you suggested and study hard to improve your reading and writing skills. It is all too apparent how totally inadequate they are.

See you in a few years ... maybe.

Chagur :eek:
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Hey ripleofdeath ...

He's just pissed because I ripped into him on another thread where he made an equally ridiculous statement.

Fun and games. :D

I owe you a brew, mate - This is my 300th post.
What's goin on Maxie-pad?????

Yo professional,

Why are you insulting my friends? They've done nothing to you.

Get a grip man! Not everyone here cares to spend the time to go through typos, when the idea is just to get the point across!!!!!!!!!!!

Loosin up and stop being an asshole, fat boy!!!!

Ah ha!







Hi :D (too late, you don't get a brew)
Whoa Chagur!!!!

Hey take it easy Chagur. I was talking at that fat boy Arturo....not you!!!!

Get a grip man!!!!!!

I don't care if your fat! just don't be a fat-asshole!

Jesus Christ chag........'ol maxie pad Max really pissed you off, didn't he?

it ain't no big thing. He just posts here because everyone else has become too bored to listen to him.

<b> CHILL OUT BRO!!!!!!!! </B>
Oooooh ....

Hey Pro.

No need to answer HOWARD - I did it for you.

You owe me!
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hey all
well its sunday night and so you should know why that is special
when i say thanks howard and chagur for making me laugh.
you may of saved someones life!
as for maxi pad it takes me awhile to type it because of all the laughing :D

kmguru- point taken! ill try to be as constructive as possible!
that is my intension!
sometimes i try it through shock treatment :D

sorry to sully your post :/

maybe one day i will wake from this dream?
maybe one day i will dream of this reality?
if someone says chicken or egg im gunna scream! :D
(i'm going to scream[prof max arturo translation])
because of my qualification in hairdressing should i call myself-
trade qual hair god?
kinda easy to assume the worst when you assume a title of specific reference! [in my opinion!]!
we all say we should not judge by first impressions{names/looks}
but most people do and thus we choose how we appear to others and what we say!
to this end i ask the nature of the reality of ego in its form of dream ...
do we act as we might assume
do we act as we might dream to dream of?
and thus we live our dream through our ego! .... ?


groove on all :)

I had a dream that I was a Butterfly or am I a butterfly dreaming I am a man.