Dreaming or Real

Abductions, usually happen without you knowing it. Think of it like dreams.
When your sleeping its the easiest way to be abducted, they can use your dreams as a like camoflauge so you'll think it might of just been a dream.
Thats why I say if your a dreamer... be careful around people - anyone. I call aliens , ghosts, spirits, scouts, flyers...I put them all in the category of "entities"
They live in our "dimension" our universe cept theyre a higher "density" usually 4th thats what makes them more "advanced" than us and why we cant "see" them... most of the time , depends on you or them. Most of the aliens people see on Earth are what some call "Grays" thier masters at projecting.
And a alien which is best called a entity, cuz its been here with us all along, for its been living on earth for centuries, thats a predator and feeds on our energy, are called "flyers"....thats what the bible refers to as the snake. Thats what the quote, talking about in the post "will aliens be revealed to us anytime soon" ....their always almost all the time in your dreams for theyre apart of everybody....in the mind.... Keep it silent have discipline - not discipline like waking up early in the morning everyday and such like that...but self control... observe and keep silent. When you are more aware and are able to "see" these Flyers... you will notice they are EVERYWHERE- which is a very scary thing to be aware of- so its more than likely when you are able to see them it will be frightening- the best way to handle this is by changing that fear into AWE, for control.... thats a part of "discipline"
Many forces act on us and thru us. Be Aware.
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right, but this is all speculation since you have no proof to back any of it up, or even the existance of aliens
heh... "waiting" for proof is going to be our downfall.
If someone showed you proof, if the goverment showed you proof of aliens, would you feel more secure?

If you saw an alien would anyone believe you? Probably not, since you arent the Gov.
Why do we always wait for someone to follow, someone you might think is worth believing? Like I said: Anyone can be leader cuz everyone wants to be led.

Its like wondering how painful fire will burn or not. Even with all the proof of others experience. You wont truly know or "believe" and more likely be satisfied till you experience it, so everything till then is speculation... but that speculation often helps to understand, to keep an open mind. And even then you wont understand the pain of it...
the flame is real, the burn is the truth, the pain the illusion.
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A timeline of what has happened to you beginning with before you needed the medication would be helpful in understanding what is happening to you. I'm also curious about the large dosage that you're on. I'm on 20 mg of Celexa to keep me from having anxiety attacks. It works like a charm.

Andrew, I don't think the original experience that you described
is anything more than a completely NORMAL hypnogogic
hallicination. Please look up the topic online and talk to your
doctor about it (I am quite suprised he has not told you about
this type of sleep-related event).