Dreaming or Real


Registered Senior Member
At night I awake to find a small hooded creature at the bottom of the bed with his hand reaching out to me. He has a blue and green glow to his body and seems to be trying to contact me through my dreams he will leave within a few seconds like a light being turned of. I have a few scars that cannot be explained and I do not look forward to sleeping at night. Has this ever happened to any of you.
It's never happened to me. But I have some questions:

Roughly, how often has this happened?

What have your reactions been?
Originally posted by Andrew111
At night I awake to find a small hooded creature at the bottom of the bed with his hand reaching out to me. He has a blue and green glow to his body and seems to be trying to contact me through my dreams he will leave within a few seconds like a light being turned of. I have a few scars that cannot be explained and I do not look forward to sleeping at night. Has this ever happened to any of you.

you might have been abducted , lots of people had similar experiences , not a pleasent thing for sure , there are help groups as far as I know , try to locate one of them if you are having problems :) Maybe you could try to find out what it wants ,
You should seek professional help. Not because you have such dreams, we can all have the weirdest dreams, but because you are considering them to be real.

i see a phycoligist every week and have talked about it i have a fear of leaving my home and i keep my family in close to me because im afraid that somthing is going to take my children away from me. I see and hear things that i dont want to see or hear but for some reason i cant stop this from happening to me .They have me taking 60mg of paxil every day perhaps thi is whats causeing the problem.
Originally posted by Andrew111
i see a phycoligist every week and have talked about it i have a fear of leaving my home and i keep my family in close to me because im afraid that somthing is going to take my children away from me. I see and hear things that i dont want to see or hear but for some reason i cant stop this from happening to me .They have me taking 60mg of paxil every day perhaps thi is whats causeing the problem.

Maybe I am not qualified enough to give you any advice , but I think you must face the problem , not run away from it , dont take drugs if they are not absolutely necessary , once you deal with your problem "face to face" it wont be a problem any more , but that is just my opinion :bugeye:
run run where i cant even leave the house because of my fears i have been on paxil now for 14 months i first posted on sciforums when i had a message to tell i felt that i must get it to every one who wanted to read it and i still feel the same way. I will post it again so that you can see it.
My first post

In the beginning there was nothing, no boundaries or feelings, there was a small microscopic atom. The atom which contained all creation life. On the other side of the empty void was a atom called death, it was on a collision course with life. When death collided with life all heaven and hell was let lose, all the energy in life was released at once, the creation of galaxies and worlds that still had a bit of life hanging on to them were being spun and created. At the same time death was also at a balance with life, new worlds with life and death were all over the new universe. There were many new worlds and many new life forms, it had taken billions of years to create a new world full of life but death was fast at destroying what ever life had created. like a black empty void death would take just a few seconds to destroy what life had taken a billion years to create. The struggle for life to get a hold in the universe was very difficult but life had a trick or two, it would create life in a small scale in comparison with the size of the universe, hiding life in a way that would give death a difficult time in finding it.
Life would create a vast number of galaxies all over the universe, millions of them, but only on a very few of them were selected by life to have life on them. This would give death a hard job in finding life before life had a chance to develop into a life form that could learn to change its surroundings and control its own destiny and could look into the heavens and wonder what’s its all about. Life did this successfully on many worlds across the universe and some life forms became very advanced in there control of there surroundings but there were some that didn’t developed in the same technical or mental controls that life needs to defeat death and those life forms that could look out to other worlds and see where life has been then they would become watchers to see that the life that was created still had a chance in the universe and be able to defend its self against death .
The world that we live on today has been shaped and developed by the watchers they decide how we develop they control some of our destiny but what is our destiny, do we survive and become as the watchers or do we destroy our self’s because of our self destructive nature perhaps death has already touched us in a way that has already decided our fate and we are destined to be destroyed in the near future or will they decide we are worth saving and develop us into what they need us for, perhaps we all need a lesson in self awareness and to begin to understand that we are just parasites on this world and we can be taken away at any time if they wish to. Is there a fight for good and evil or is it power over our neighbours. Life is not meant to be as we live at this moment ,we are all afraid of what knowledge our neighbours have and if they have more than us should we go to war with them or should that knowledge be shared with all, so that no one man has control over another man and that children, that are innocent should never suffer for the things that there forefathers have done, this is not right and its time the watchers took us and taught us that life should be embraced and not run by men who want only to control and cause suffering among us, the life force of the earth, in destroying us as a people who care about what is happening in this world . Its time we all looked into our own harts and decided whether we are to live in peace and destroy suffering, feed the hungry, pull out the cancers of the world and kill them, change the way that the world is being controlled by one man, a man who will lead us all into death because he cant see what he’s doing to us all and is blinded by a religion of hate and deception which has now been with us like a cancer for a thousand or more years. Its time to look into the heavens and see what has been there for millions of years, its time to wake up and bring our souls into the next level of conciseness which will release us from our earth bound three dimensional outlook and release all suffering across the world and bring us all closer to what we call God . Life is all around us and we do nothing to preserve it all we do is destroy it, the watchers who are there will see that we are no good for what they need us for and unless we change our outlook about life and the way we share our knowledge across different nations allowing all people to have the same choices of what they want to do with this knowledge. Life is just hanging on in this world the watchers are here to help us develop into a army, a force which can defeat death when it discovers that life has been hiding us in small but distant clusters of worlds. Many of these worlds have already been destroyed and life has fled and found a new World to live on. If we get it right we will all be allowed live in peace but if we get it wrong life will cease to continue. They will decide that we do not deserve to stay and destroy us in some way but there is still time, time to change, time to shake the hand of our neighbour and share our bread with the hungry, live our lives with a clear mind which will allow our minds to open to the next level of conciseness. All will be forgiven, if we can do this but those that are blind to what’s happening to us feel in some ways that its to late for us and we should just let it happen.

What will happen if we don’t change. The watchers will destroy all of us and start again with a new form of life perhaps closer to there own life form. To start again you could say that there would not be time but in the time we have been around is just a blink of a eye in the time of the universe and the watchers have been there from the begging of our time which to them is a few hours not even days. Lets not get worried because as I said there is still time for us to change and its near the time that they will reveal them self’s to us and all will become clear. What life has to offer us are they going to give us new knowledge about travelling through time and space, while still on earth to see the dawn of creation as we were intended to, a world without famine, suffering, pain, no greed, no wars, no rules for one and different rules for others, those who ignore what’s happening will find them self’s in pain and discomfort with there souls. We all have a meaning, a reason for being who we are, every thing that we do has a reaction that will affect all life on this world, in this universe there are times in all our lives we find our self’s questing what we are here for. We are here for a reason and that reason will soon be apparent to us all, do not follow the man who wants to lead us all into his leadership but follow what you feel is right to you and your hart, embrace new technology it’s a gift that has been given to us by the watchers to help us towards understanding the way we all work and increase the knowledge that’s needed to defeat death, as it approaches us at great speed to destroy us all. Some men on this earth know that this is happening and work for the man who wants to rule us all, a ruler who will use drugs to control the new youth who will follow him . Who is right or wrong, these men who know who they are, have greed in there harts and lust in there souls, there is no hope for them they will die and no one will remember them or there actions against there own kind, the watchers will find them and they can not hide they will be destroyed. There is a man who feeds on all the wrongs in the world, all the drug abuse, murders, rapes, deceit and lies. He is a fat man and is getting fatter by the moment. The watchers are watching him, he thinks they will allow him to continue, but they won’t. Life for many of us is a struggle, things are getting worse and perhaps we are meant to suffer for our forefather’s sins. But as I said we should not be held to ransom for our father’s sins. The shame of man who feeds himself and watches his neighbours children go without will suffer the misery of a living hell in his own mind. The watchers are very near, they weep for the way man has developed, though still hold hope that we can change before its too late. Don’t think that you can make out you are doing good, that they will think you are better than anyone else. We are all born into this world with nothing and we leave with nothing. Its what you do between that makes the difference to the world or universe, we are promised eternal life when we die this is true but I feel that it not a world that we would be familiar with but a new world in a new universe where time has no meaning. At the very second that you die you enter a new world where time has no meaning, so there fore when you enter eternity and its your own conscience that makes it your heaven or your hell.

I don’t know why I feel this way at present, I just do as in all of you if you search deep into your own minds you will see the truth. Look deep into your soul and decide what kind of person you are.
Decide now before it is to late and we all suffer for the sake of just one man and his lust for power.
Close your eyes and embrace life, search deep into your mind, look hard for the answers that you need, look for those places deep and far away that you search for and use the power of your mind to go there. There is a answer for us all out there some may not like what they will find some will understand what it all means and some will hide but the time has come to look after are children let the suffering stop, greed become a thing of the past and a new life for all people on this world start today.
OK, Andrew111, so you have already sought help. That is good, but it can be a long and hard process. The thing you have to come to grips with is that because of your disease, your reference frame is out of whack.

When you are well, you have a good idea of which things are real and which are not, and can rationalize your fears and thoughts. Right now, you have temporarily lost that ability and this is a scary experience, beause you have no way of knowing what is real and what is not.

Because of this it is important to have people around you whom you trust, becuse you must rely on their sense of reality, till your own comes back. I know this is VERY difficult, but you must try to trust you family and your doctor: What they say is real is real, and what they say is inside your head is inside your head. This is an unsatisfactory solution, but it is all you have at the moment.

On medication: I would not recomment you to skip medication. Medication cannot cure you, but it can soften the battering you are taking right now, till you can face the world unaided. It is like a crutch for a broken leg: It won't heal it, but it will ease the pain and give the bones a rest while they heal.

Originally posted by Andrew111
run run where i cant even leave the house because of my fears i have been on paxil now for 14 months i first posted on sciforums when i had a message to tell i felt that i must get it to every one who wanted to read it and i still feel the same way. I will post it again so that you can see it.

What I mean is that you must not run away from your fears , face them , that 's something you should do if you ever again want to be free , free from you fears , actually it doesent matter what you are affraid of , is it real or not , say to yourself I am not going to be affraid of anyone or anything , be reasonable in you claims , If you are affraid of being abducted or something like that , well then say so be it , I 'll try to ask them not to do that again , if not I 'll send them to hell couse their actions are not humain , you can not treat yourself as someone who hasn't got his rights , and noone and nothing souldn't threaten them ;)
p.s. send the shrinks to hell too , noone can help you but yourself , and noone can show you the right way but yourself ,
Obviously, all types of medication have good side and bad sides. If what you get now is not working well, ask for something else, god knows there's enough to choose from.

MiTo: It is all very well, to say that he should face his fears, but obviously he has not got the strength for that just now. Facing things inside your head can be more terrifying than the worst perils of the outside world, there are situations where you must have help before you can do it.

Originally posted by MRC_Hans
MiTo: It is all very well, to say that he should face his fears, but obviously he has not got the strength for that just now. Facing things inside your head can be more terrifying than the worst perils of the outside world, there are situations where you must have help before you can do it.

You are right , I don't know , but maybe meditation would help too , maybe joga or something , or even some martial art (kung fu for example) , spiritual development and more insight "inside and out" could help ,
Sure it might. But in the middle of a mental disease it is an extra load to learn new tricks. In many ways psychofarmica stink, but they act like oil on stormy waters. When your ship is sinking you don't worry about pollution.

Yea. it might be a side effect of the paxil. But it could also been sleep paralysis.

What are the symptoms?

A complaint of inability to move the trunk or limbs at sleep onset or upon awakening

Presence of brief episodes of partial or complete skeletal muscle paralysis

Episodes can be associated with hypnagogic hallucinations or dream-like mentation (act or use of the brain)

Ontop of previous advice at this time dont listen to jahiro, or Oorl, Because no one with a friggin common sense does,
Get a weopen ready and go for the kill, then you find out that its your relation.(or a dream), (learn to enjoy it).
I have a few scars that cannot be explained and I do not look forward to sleeping at night

just talk with it :rolleyes:

ps : be always sceptic , "it can´t be true"