DREAM world users please sighn innn

Victor-ia's secret

Yo, my bad. I am still getting used to this Forums format... so yea
I responded to the wrong post. Anyhooow, regarding the post
that was meant for me, while I am sleeping (out cold)... nothing
that goes on in my brain affects my immediate environment
(unless I roll off the bed or something). No demons, no ghosts,
no gods, no paranormal, no nothing... just some rapid eye
movement and possibly some snorin'.
ok yeah mabey forsure not your immediate inviroment unless of course you wake up with a suddun urrge while sleeping of cource to leave your house, open your door and run out in to traffic/ or find the kitchen knife and decide to hunt down the deamon in your house that' s really your grandma or a usual case wake up screaming cause youve just been told you have aids in your dream,, somthing of the such not the exxact words..

but fore sure i surely must be making sence when i tell you that i believe dreaming will effect your life in one way or another no matter how miner a fraction or how grand a percentage ..

just one question have you read any of my thoughts in my other threads expecially the new one..
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mr kenny mon

dude Guy!

you havent for e sure fore sure fore sure never ever ever seen a ghost in a dream ... whoo whoo

i'm telling you it is just as scary as seeing one in real life
much to discuss much to discuss.................................no tek no logic
I wouldn't even classify that as a 'belief'. It's more or less a fact
that the content of your dream can affect you in many ways.
Ex, you have a bad nightmare and wake up terrified. Because you
were so scared you tend to be a little more cautious and that
caution pays off when you avoid a fatal car wreck on the freeway.
Now you have a whole set of experiences that will probably affect
they way you think for the rest of your life.

On the other hand, no gods will come to your rescue... no
deamons will attack your grandmother... etc... just because that
was part of your dream's content. I ripped out my heart last night
in my dream (just because I wanted to see what it would look
like and how it would feel -was quite cool actually-)... but I awoke
sometime in the A.M. alive and with my heart in tact.

I have not seen your thoughts in your other threads yet
(especially the 'new' one)... but I'll take a look.
I've seen a ghost, been a ghost, interacted with multiple ghosts,
done the ghost thing to death in my dreams. Old shtuff if ya know
vat I mean.
stange dream

strangest thing occured to my friend lora vary recently she was passed out on the sofa when suddenly she sat upright on the sofa and it appeared to me that there was an invisible person ajusting her then she started moving her legs up and down in a vary systematic manner as if someone invisible or in the dream world was having sex with her it really sure freaked me out cause she was maouning and almost screaming i was vary surprised, write after she said that uncontiously of course i have to pee and she walked to the door and opened it with her eyes closed or half way i wassent paying attention and she attempted to walk out side in the pouring rain into what is the buzyist street in my whole city at 3oclock in the mourning on a friday night. thankfully my frriend alex grabbed her just in time and closed the door where lora first cummed and then peeed all over the floor it was very weird and somthing in the back of my mind tells me that there really was somone in her sleep that was fucking her

now i believe when you have afantisy it meens someone out there is on the other end of that fanticy dreaming the same dream...

also when you dream that you are a rapest for example i believe someone out there dreaming is being the rapie....

heavy thoughts from a heavy soal...............................................
Or a night terror/sleep walkin'/wet dream... poor girl was probably
embarrased. If she has no memory of it I put my bets on night
terror/sleep walkin combo.
yeah it was that too!! but for me this is not just what i think it's a whole philosophy that keeps my soal in line dreams are very important and unless they are aknowleged as important to all of society , society will not accheive it's full potential...
expreiment in your lucidity by trying to manifest a part of your character in to a much stronger force, i assure you these qualitys will come out in your every day life

ya see dreaming is not just rest, it's another 8 hours of cosmic time that allows you to improve your self..
I don't think a societies potential could be measured. Maybe it's
kinetic but definately not its potential. I know you can overcome
fears, phobias, whatever by simply practicing in lucid dreams.
Like I mentioned earlier, they can affect your mind.

Comsic time eh? You crack me up muh brotha'. Tell me now, what
is the most fantastic dream you have had?
Once I had this dream that I could move objects with psykosis, using no more than my mind.

I found myself staring at an object, I can't remember what it was. I lifted my hand and pointed it at the object, and began to feel pressure build up around my body, inside my head and around the skin of my hand. The pressure increased significantly, I felt that I could hold it no longer and I released the energy. The object went flying:D. I was amazed.

So later in my dream I gradually figured out how to succesfully utilize my power, so that I could move objects with only short bursts of power. It was really incredible and a lot of fun, awhile ago I used to experiment with moving things with my mind, but was never succesful. I feel like what I did in my dream was what should have happened in the real world, that even in real life while I tried to push things around etc I could feel pressure build within my body. If anyone has some cool tips to help me get this thing on the move then they would be much appreciated...I might get back in the habit of moving things around.

i have had many and,,

ya see i have dreampt lots and every dream has been just as fantastic as the next but in turms of most spiritual i can answer

and it goes like this ...

i was running around town as usual when my motorised car broke down, then there i was stranded in the middle of this fearsom dark ally way all of a suddan a good friend to mine showed up out of nowhere {this girl changed the course of my life forever} she is fonomanal i wont even glote about her couse you would not even imagine unless you realize your past lives and look back through life's history..

she took me to a safe heaven unfortunatly evil spirts manifested my mind and i attempted to make love to her,,

most girls would just let me continue but not this one ... she's real smart

she then commended powers within her and flew to the ceiling where she morphed into the most powerfull angel in the world

god her wings were beautifull...

i dont get to see her much these days. due to lifes daily fucked up routine any way my friend i love this girl like a sister now and will stop at nothing to help this now younge woman fullfill her destany.......................................................................wiktor ciao
Pollux, awesome telekenetic dream. I find that if I use that ability
too much in any single dream, I tend to run out of 'juice' to make
things move. Of course I hypothesize this has to do with my
dreaming behaviors (the more tired I am the more cool stuff
I can do in dreams and vice versa). The more time that passes,
the more rested I get, and the less assertion I have over my
dream environment.

Tek, also a really awesome dream. Very powerful to experiance
I am sure. You're friends representation in your dreams and in
real life feed off of each other and ultimately make her an
important part of your life.

Before I go on, I want to say the I don't mean for the next
statements to slam on what you have told me so far. While your
fantastic dreams are great, I want to know if have you ever
experienced anything even more fantastic? For example:

* Experiencing a new emotion that otherwise does not
seem to exist in waking life.
* Seeing a new color which the human eye currently cannot
pick up.
* Existing as a conceptual unit in a matrix of some sort?
* Existing as a outline of light in a universe where you see
in full 360 degree perception?

yes yes yes
now you've reminded me of wonce it was quite too over unexplainabley terrrifiing {too lucidly i am flying through cosmos freely oh shit worst feeling in life /everything is perfect tipe thing}
for me being seven at the time i must of woke up terrified to go huddle myself into some corner}

i sweare it felt like datura from an aliean planat
Do you remember alot of details about the dream? Beginning,
middle, end? Expand on it brotha'. I want to hear the whole
Originally posted by Legrand262
I would be interested to talk to you on the subject of dreams and all related subjects. I practice several aspects on this subject. I will
I will await your reply
legrang262 I can only show you the paths you must make all the choices toward your destinies. As for the next question I practice many different types of the arts " I can help"As for the queue of my roots is and open ended question be more specific in the question. When you ask a question it must always be thought to out very carefully before asking! asking a a poor question can result in devastating concequences. As for the way it was 35 years ago we could go into later. As for being something extra special shows you have an ability to hand out compliments loosely
I am me nothing more and you are you ready to start new paths make your are ready! When I am positive that you sure of you want in the studies I will give you my email address. Am we will set up im's.
sincerely Legrand 262
I have one interesting thing to mention about my dreams-
If I get killed in them - which sometimes happen I usually restart from the place- just an example - real dream

was fighting with some monsters, beat them, then forth comes one wizard with a large sword. I quickly take another sword which had been hanging by a wall. We fight and he cuts open my stomach. Was Suprised at first, then had a "funny" feeling (probably dying) then a moment later I was again fighting with those monsters before tat wizard. And that fucking wizard (I duno why-I just knew he was a wizzard) killed me with his sword 4 times- and I was restarting 4 times
well helo again my friend mr. le grande

sorry for the childish behaviour { i was just trying to catch your attention}}}

you must under stand my position

i have majically stumbled on to what i now no as truth the existence of a certain part of my brain that shows me a different side of life..
aside of life where future / past ande present are one .

where i get to experience me as my whole including every past life and past life expierience that makes me brave and strong through this world and the next ...
i my experience many different worlds but i will always have my dreams...
my name is victor and i will be victorious with the help of our universal soal.

of cource.. any way i am extremly tired and i must awake for tommorow morning.. any way like to talk soon..

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i do know what i want to learn , practice and do.

first mabey some history my parents left poland and got married in the eighties , after that they went to austria to enter a refugee camp and essentialyhave me now eighteen years later ,, here i am...

in ottawa , canada living with my mother currently at the moment and never ever hesitating to leave for montreal to see my favorite city where my father lives...

i my self am interested in healing which is too me one of the most important actions people could use to be in contact with their true selves and possibly learn

i am currently learning about the herbs and plants and am realizing that in order to understand your self you must first learn to understand the world around you..

which for me , means that in order for me to heal myself i must first heal others , and for me to heal others i must first learn to heal that is what i came from. {mother earth} the most natural enviroment for which we have again and again grown prospierious from. as civilizations across time that have been conquered and have conquered !

any how i would like to understand what datura could do for clensing??/

alls i know is a story datura was two children ,one boy one girl who knew to much and asked alot of questions !! later they were expelled from earth and in their place was the most powerfull seeeding plants on the fase of this world.../

good night.