DREAM world users please sighn innn


Registered Senior Member
i really want t o start a collective of people who are powerfull in the dream world or people who at least under stand what the dream worl d is an what can be done with it so any one interseted please write me one .
I would be interested to talk to you on the subject of dreams and all related subjects. I practice several aspects on this subject. I will
I will await your reply
I've had dreams of extreme power and dreams where I was
no more powerful than I am in my real life environment. It
seems the more physically tired I am in real life, the more likely
I will have extreme power in my dreams... but this is just a
generic observation on myself. Here are a few things I have been
able to do in my more powerful dreams:

* Command mechanical objects to work simply by issuing
vocal commands. For example... telling a car to start simply
by saying 'start'.

* Fly at variable speeds with variable degrees of

* Move objects (large and small) with my mind.

* Create objects and complex automated forces to manipulate
them. For example, I would create a small cloud of gas that
would consistently exist. I would then create a conceptual
timer that would ignite the gas every 2 seconds (or so), and
then create a line of force would direct the gas in it's ignited
state to some destination. Basically in this example I made a
fireball launcher.

* Control the weather (turn a sunny sky into a raging tornado
spewing chunks of molten lava and vice versa).

* Control water (make massive tidle waves in the ocean,
still the waters of an ocean, use water to propel me to
a desired destination, etc).

* Make an entire landscape erupt into flames.

* Change my appearance. This could be anything from
turning myself into a tiger to turning myself into a jar of

Let me know if this is what you are looking for.
very interesting!!!!!

the game of life exists through manipulation !

so dose the dream world.

people minds are drained they need to be free

this is why we must let our imaginations to wonder and rhome..

so we could collectively analize what is possible for us to imagine
in the dream world,
everbody shares the dream scape together

so if ever our live's are blocked in the real world then we can open them in our own real world {the dream scape}

i find it quite interesting that u could control all these things how old are you i think your a dragon in chineese horoscope
but im probably wrong why don't you tell me the juicy stuff ;;;;

did you ever communicate with close ones, friends,demons, angels, spirits,entities, sorcerors, warlocks,witchs, buddists, gods, or computors..
why coulden't computers dream please sendasighn

and write back soon.

i mean their hooked up to every mainframe,
hell i believe that it could be as simple as putting a machine over one's head and having one sleep
instantly connected to the dream world and,
free to do what ever it wishes.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if signals have the power to travel through air
then what stopping
them from entering your dreams and utimetly the dream world..

i be lie vet
whats stopping you???????????????????????????????????????????????????????.

we already know that matresses pick up on the same signals as tvs, radios, celphones
and even microwaves...............!!!!!!!!!

so just incase you havent heard it why by a mattress

any way write me one....

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You just went a little strange/new-age on me there... but I'll go
along :). Regarding your specific questions:

Q: how old are you?
A: 29 (Dec 9, 1972 - Year of the Rat in Chinese astrology).

Q: Ever communicate with close ones, friends,demons, angels,
spirits,entities, sorcerors, warlocks,witchs, buddists, gods...?
A: For real?... nope. In my dreams probably all the above at
some point... but they are dreams. No reality... just
me and my brain.

Q: Why coulden't computers dream?
A: Because they have no self-awareness and no rest cycles?


I don't have good dreams... most of them are bad. In one dream I was walking past a mirror and told myself "This isnt real!". Then my eyes started to get really big and I was all like "I can control the dream!" And my eyes started to get smaller again but then they blew up.... Whats up with that? Ive heard of it before but I dont know what its called. Please tell me if you know.
If it has a name other than "makin' yer' peepers big n' small and
blowin em' to kingdom kom" then I don't know what it is. Sounds
cool though (even though it was not a good experience). Here
are a couple of good techniques to determine if you are dreaming
or not:

A) * Look at your watch, a clock, something that tells the time.
* Look a way for a few moments.
* Look at your watch, clock, etc... again.
* Chances are that it will say something completely

B) * If you find yourself asking the question 'Am I dreaming?'
then just remember this... If you have to ask then you
are most definately dreaming :).

Maybe those techniques can help you gain more control in your
bad dreams.
Wouldnt that mean that I could control all of my dreams? Even the good ones? Like I could make britney appear and then like do stuff?:D
Well, its a start. Once you know you are dreaming you have
the option to TRY to control the dream... but (for me anyway)
it's not a guranteed thing. Sometimes it works, sometimes it
doesn't, and sometimes you get somewhere in between. For
me, LACK of fatigue gives me significantly less control in my
dreams and being very tired does the exact opposite for me. So, I
would experiment for a while... find out what gives you more
control in a dreams. Once you know, OD on whatever that is
and then the real fun begins. I would consider making 'britney'
appear to do your bidding as a tough thing for a beginner.
Try something simpler like making yourself lighter and bouncing/
leaping around in your environment for big distances.
Sorry!just came back from all night techno trance rave party for peace {EARTHDANCE}

every one evolves at a different level!!!!

you my friend
are on the same level as me.. chineese rat / opinuchus dec 6 -31

or capricorn to every body else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
except you have about twelve years on me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

your a dreams are not reality eh,,
ok,, well
what is manifestation!

i mean you do manifest your life within every moment
so why aren't your dream's part of that every day life and every day moment to moment..

the world you create in the dream world is the world that you have to return to latter,
when you sleep and enter the "dreamscape" again .

every body whether they say so or not Dreams 2 hours a day <minimum>
i personally dream at least 8 i would say,........

dreams are shared with other people

i had to meet extreamly excentric people to realize it but

in the end i discovered that i could meet a close friend in the dream world and share a unique experience ,, and not thinking my friend had at all been there for real i lissen the morning after to every detail their was in my mind as to what was going on in my previous dream
without even mentioning asingle thing to that same person.,

life's crazy my friend get with the new world ..

thats why i believe dreaming is not just me and my brain,,
but my brain (me) and everything that exists around my brain that put all those things/thoughts/ideas/images/emotions/expressions inside me my brain...

i am not saying intirely that all computers turn them selves off and fall asleep

i'm simply saying that electronic sub atomic particles (signals)
are not only recepted by humans while awake but that they are also recepted while we are sleeping and that these signals have their effect on us in our subcontious and contious states of awareness...


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your eyes got bigggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ithink mabey the over load of lucidity blew you up.... normall thing people just usually wake up right away..generally
Teknik, I probably wasn't clear. Dreams are very real. They
ARE a part of my everyday life. The affect how I think,
and how I think affects them. The content of my dreams are
what's not real. They can be very cool experiences but they
have zero affect on my environment. If I die in a dream I
don't really die. If I grow 10 arms in a dream, I don't really
grow 10 arms.

The ideas of a communal 'dreamscape' and shared dreams
are a nice idea, but I have not experienced them. Example,
my wife and I both woke up from some really cool dreams
involving each other. They were very different from each other.
Absolutely no resemblance between the dreams. If you can
'prove' the idea is a fact to me, I would definately be open to
it. Do you think that would be possible?

Regarding the computer topics, you're talking about electrical
fields. Your brain works off of electricity so I see no reason why a
computer's electrical field couldn't affect it somehow. As far as
'virtual dreaming', linking peoples dreams together, etc... perhaps
someday... but our understanding of the biology behind it is
simply not there at the moment. As far as computers themselves
being able to dream... well that just ain't gonna happen unless
someone figures out at a bare minimum how to automate

You are definately 'out there' bud, and I hope you enjoyed your
grando le grandi whatsa goingona

Le Grande--practicing and understanding your natural sences are very important ..
to know yourself well in your own world is
the only way set your imaginations free in this world..

i am very excited to speak with one who is working on expanding his own subcontious intellectual abilities!!

what do you practice ?, how do you practice it ? how would i attempt to gain contiousness in my most natural state of true being,,

For this world may parrish,, but my soal connected cyche shall be with me allways.. and in cases of true emergency it shall also be there to transport me allways>>.>>>>>>>>.>>>>>>>>

if you do not understand please read my last few comments in {dream world users please log on} or somthing like that.

any way please sendasign

T e K.................................................................................................g
brain power has purpose...>>>>>>>>>>

i'm telling you my brother anything that affects and influences you in the dream world directly effects the ways that you would communicate with the people around you, which is your enviroment/surroundings/ you must realize the facts your brain power functions just as much if not more when you are sleeping as when you are awake. which means things influence you just as much in the dream world as they would in the real world but not if you suppress those feelings in which case they would influence you more in the long run............................................

you have en effect on your surroundings you choose the clothes you where the friends you have and the restaurants you eat in...

therefore anything that influences you influences your enviroment around you.

message for Legrande

i believe that it would me more beneficial for me to speak with you then for you to speak with me but either way it shall be beneficial that is just my excited opinion.......................:):eek: :D :eek: :( :p
Hi Tek,

Q: what do you practice?
A: I assume you mean when I am asleep. Basically anything
that interests me. Ex. When I first got interested in flying
I would practice bouncing and leaping big distances. This
evenetually turned into sustained flight. I then decided to
go on a maneuverability kick and experimented with body
modification and active 'field' generations to enhance my
flying (by field I mean what my mind considered to be electrical
and magnetic). This worked for me.

Q: how do you practice it ?
A: Trial and errror + repetition.

Q: how would i attempt to gain contiousness in my most natural
state of true being,,
A: I have no idea what you are asking :).

Anyhow, it looks like you wanted to discuss some things with
me (you implied a 1 on 1 type of deal). Pick a format... email,
yahoo messanger, phone and pick a day and time and we'll make
it happen. My RL name is 'Ken' FYI.


ken barby is not a toy.

hey ken whats going on here ,,
are you playing with me ??
unless you have two different user names you must have misunderstood my last post..
yasee i was first responding to this junior member mr legrand who seems to be 52 years old.
he posted in this thread second after me i havent heard from him yet but i hope to soon..
the post after the second last post begining with I'm telling you my brother is /was my reply to the post you posted before that one
any way there i have proven to you that your dreamworld directly influences your life from dream to dream.. any way i still always injoy speaking with you cause intellectual stimulation is the motor in my soal..
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! write me one soon with your second responce to my second last post intended for you.... peace...................... by the way my real name is Victor / Wiktor....................