Dream Interpretation

Funny thing is, I always understand the meaning of my dreams, when I can remember them.

I've been a practicing witch (Wicca not witchcraft) for 6-8 months now, so I'm pretty new at paganism. But even when I did go to church (and I still attend church activities) I just didn't feel God was the supreme being. God is just all the Gods fused into one being for the sake of simple people or vise versa...

Oh okay, so a Wiccan, not an athiest. Sorry, my bad.

I'll give your dream a shot:

I'm over in Russia with my parents who are suppose to be foreign diplomats. My physical features have changed into a character I created in my writing and I'm wearing druid robes throughout the entire dream.

So you are more or less what you wish to be? Your character?

In other words, this you is what you want to be?

I might note that Russia could be a symbol - "godless commies", the fall of the USSR, all that.

The russian leader's son is showing me around the towns when the subject of God comes up. He tells me God does not exist and I start to babble and yell at him. I walk ahead of him in a fluster, still yelling.

So you are the exact opposite of what you wish to be?

Many dreams are like that.

It begins to rain hard and I walk onto a platform, lightening buzzing around me. Right about this time I'm speaking in tongues, my voice is many voices, and my eyes are rolled back in my head.

So your enviornment becomes uncontrolled and wild?

My head is tilted to the sky, letting the rain pour down on my face. The street clears and the only person there is the russian son. He asks me if I'm alright. I look down on him, my eyes still back in my head, and I speak to him, "He is the alpha and the omega. He created you and he will destroy you." I said I knew what was to come and that he was a fool not to know. My eyes rolled forward again and I screamed silently.

And then you transform into somthing else, somthing.....that you want to be?
Your right about me wanting to be my character, who is by the way completely different from me inside and out. She's like the bad and crazy side of me mixed with a okay amount of goodness. Maybe I do wanna transform into her personality, but I can't for the life of figure out what the hell is up with God. But thanx for breaking down the other parts.
Dragon: welcome to sciforums. I started up a writers thread under art and culture. Check it out.

See you around, mon:D
I recently Had an Epic dream where-as i felt like i controlled every single detail that happened during this dream... im not quite sure i remember every detail but it happened something like this in order... I started in a small room.. facing an open door that had darkness behind it... to my left was a love seat.. and to the left of the love seat was a closed door that served no purpose it seems... but neways.. on the love seat was what it seemed at the time manikins but i forget really.... Next to describe more i would have to say that this room was only about 10Ft x 15ft.. estimation.. This gets wild n is very extensive.. all over the room where random objects that i cant describe in detail but some where sculptures and every day objects like scissors.. tape.. bottles... remotes.. anything you can possible think of.. these items had auras around them and i picked one up and all of a sudden creepy figures started walking in as if my goal was to fight them off.. i would pick up objects n throw them at these characters and both the objects and "Spirts"/"People" would dissapear.. then the objects would re-appear as if it was my ammo supply.... after this long fight.. i walked through the darkness and all of a sudden i was outside in a bright envirement.. steps lead down.. i would have to say about a 25 flight of stairs.. then back up 25 more.. i got to the top of the second set and there was a dirtbike.. so i got on this.. and never turned back.. this is where the dream becomes epic.. because i controlled the dirtbike whereever i felt like going.. i road wheelies everywhere for a little then started rippppin down hills and back up others.. Fun for the moment but i started getting chased.. so i was running from nothing pretty much.. the dream gets very vague to me at this point and i cannot explain much more.. :eek::bugeye::eek:
Wow, thread necromancy and nonsense all in one post.
not necromancy or nonsense at all... just completely crazy... get off the diablo.. this has to do with something and i need to know....
not necromancy or nonsense at all... just completely crazy... get off the diablo.. this has to do with something and i need to know....
Necromancy: the last post in this thread was nearly 7 years ago.
And the nonsense is the dream itself (and the way it's expressed).
Why particularly does it class as "epic"?
Why do you think it's got to do with "something"?
It was a dream for crying out loud.
Oh wait, you're one of these woo woos that think dreams "mean" something.