Dream Interpretation


Valued Senior Member
I thought this could be fun...:) That we write down our dreams here as they appear and then help eachother out trying to interpret them.
I hope my dream the other night about being hunted by dinosaurs has no clairvoyant meaning...and last night it was giant robots. :D

Last nite I dreamt that Sir Loone removed the scrolling marquee and began using normal fonts in his posts. :eek:

It was just a dream, tho.
What about this..?

Last night I found myself deep in the Great Forest. With large Trees, surrounded by all kind of plants and other vegetation. I found tracks of Elephants and was really surprised by finding them. I went back to my house, which was very different from the house I live in, and told about the tracks to my sister. (I don't have a sister in real life). She was dressed in an aqua dress and we went back to the Forest to go look for the Elephants. We found a kind of hotel/restaurant in the middle of the Forest. It was surrounded by perks of little blue flowers. Later, when we walked further, we found stone plates in the ground, half covered by grass and vegetation...:cool:
That was a beautiful dream. :)

Do you think elephants have any specific symbolic universal meaning in dreams? Because I remember one epic dream involving an elephant...
I was standing in the low water in the sea, and it was still. An elephant came walking on the water carrying a horse on its back, which it had rescued from drowning. It was a long scene, and I kept my eyes on them all the time. It was just before dawn with that special light.

I think your dream was a gift from your spiritual sister. :)

Rio, excuse my lack of knowledge, but what is diomation?

great idea, beb!

My dreams are usually scifi or space oriented. The first of two I will describe involved me going on a class trip to Quebec with my fellow eighth graders (from last year of course:D). It was a very futuristic city, a tint of gold everywhere and huge skyscrapers all inside this one auditorium. It was also very humid. I went off with one of my friends and stole a shuttle for fun, but found piloting it a very, very challenging task as the controls were not logically set up (a lever that would pitch the nose up or down moved left to right, for instance). Eventually the guy, who was a police officer methinks, chased after us and shot the craft, causing it to spiral out of control and awakening me with a shock. Of course I got the pit in my stomach but it was still a hellofa good time.

Theennnn I had a sort-of lucid dream where I could control the first star wars movie, I relived every scene from start to finish, watching and controlling and changing it to make it as entertaining as possible. Now THAT was really, really awsome.

It was a typo on my part, it was supposed to be Dinomation. It was around Cincinnati for a while, and I think went on tour. It was basically all of these animatronic robots of dinosaurs, which showed us how they moved and how they looked, as much as could be done at the time.
Lots of dreams have no meanings / signs / prophecies. There are also dreams which repeately. This kind of dream may have meanings or may caused by endless fears or unrealized wishes. The dream which may have meanings are which one we remembered clearly after we woke up, and mostly repeaed or continued for several times, without stress, depressed, or deep tought in our mind caused the dream.

Those kind of dreams i wanna hear here. So, please anyone also tell how many times the dream apears, and how clear you remember. I wish Bebelina agree with this. ;)
Yes, I agree, repetitive dreams are ususally messages that are very important for you to recieve. It doesn´t have to be the exact same dream every time, but wit the same context, the same theme.

Pollux, maybe you are so fascinated by sci-fi films that you have created an alternative reality within the dream world , where you can fully enjoy all that comes with the theme. I liked the image of the golden city, make that one come true, please. I think you should be very happy for your ability to create such worlds, sounds like a good time, an adventure everytime you go to sleep. Be proud. :)
The Star Wars dream can easily be applied to your waking life. The same way that you controlled the outcome of the film, you can direct your life to become as entertaining and rewarding as possible. :)

Rio, thanks, now I get it, no dinosaur-robot-exhibitions for me then, or maybe I must go, just to see what happens...

In the current novel I'm writing a pure-gold pyramid hundreds of stories high is the capital of the galaxy, and there is a city on an asteroid inside an 'atom field' bubble which has a amber-gold hue. It resembles the underwater city from the first star wars movie.

I had a really incredible dream last night, it must've been half an hour long, I was fighting my way through the winds of this desert with a dark blue sky and fighting fat, asswipe-ish dopeheads and pushing them off stone stairways. It just had so much action, was definitely one of my favorite dreams of all time.
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Last night I had a very strange dream...

;) last night I dreamt that I my school was in an old, worn out apartment building in the ghetto, and it was at least 6 or 7 stories high. In my physics class, my teacher was drinking, smoking, and, well, he was unrobing, so to speak. But that's beside the point- what is strange is that in the school, I left the class and found a group of small, yellow creatures that resembled butter. They were in the bathroom, and were trading 'commodities' of some sort. I felt like I was left out in the trading, and wanted to make a buck or two with the little yellow guys.

Might that symbolise me wanting to find menaing in far-off, unseen places yet not exactly having the strength? And the part about my physics teacher, well we know what that symbolises.:D
my amazing dream...

Polux V, you've bring your draft of novel to your dream :D. btw, if you can take benefit from your dream as inspiration to write your novel... just go ahead ;)

Congratulation, Nice dream. Hope you find it's meaning someday... ;)

I was have a dream about 11 years ago that i still remember 'till now!

It's started from my house, exactly looks like my real house. I'was walking outside around the house. But when i come on the back of the house, there are a beach there (actualy my home is 40Km away from beach), quiet without waves, just like a side of giant lake. I walk along this 'beach', wishing to find a boat to across, but never find it. This dream stop here.

Another time few weeks later, I was dream again. It's starts exactly same with the first one. But now I found a kind of surfing board. So i ride it and go further to the lake, far away until there are some waves to drive the board. While in there i saw across the lake there was a huge tower, at the such of island. I want to go there, but it's seem imposible because of the time runs out, and night gonna fall. This dream stops here.

Another few weeks later, i got the dream same theme settings. Strange, in the dream i remember all about previous dreams. So i got hurry to get the surfing board across the lake. It's looks like a wide prairie, with very fresh grass. I go further into the island. But i didn't see the tower where i like to go to. Instead, there a endless, huge crosswired fence. I go along the fence but still can't find the gate. Stop here.

Next time, it's starts on the prairie. I feel to recognise this place, remember previous dreams related. Then i think i got to climb the giant fence. It's was so exhausted. Finally i suceed cross the fence. Then the fence itself suddenly disapear! I don't think further about it. What is in my mind is i got to go to the tower. Behind small hills i saw top of it. I ran to it. There is huge old door at the front the tower. The tower itself seem so old. Made from stones. I can't get in. The dream stop here.

I almost forgot about those dream. But suddenly after few months later. I got this dream again. Starts at the momment when i was stand up infront of the door. But now the door is opend. I get into it. It's dark, dusty. There are lots of confusing structures of alley, stairs, and rooms. Just looks like a very complex 3D labyrinth. I get lost, don't know where to go, i can't go back also. Stopped, in confusion, frightened.

The dream still continues several week later. I found myself in the labyrinth of the tower, it's still dark and dusty. But now i feel happy and familiar with this place. I run, and climb, and slide along the alleys, rooms, stairs, and obstacles, hapily. May be I was looks like a happy kid, playing freely when nobody else at home. Suddenly it feel i have to go up, to the rooms i've never enter before. I continue go up over upstairs, and somtimes climbing on the obstacles, until finaly reach the attic. Exhausted.

Another day the dream come again. I found myself lay down at the attic. I feel fresh an peace there. So quiet and peace. I saw stars thru the broken roof. And the sky slowly become brighter. Morning is coming. I stand up, walking downstairs, somtimes slide along the side of stairs. I don't know why, but i just feel so happy and peacefully. I ran outside the tower, over wide grassy prairie. Never look back. I want to go home. It's the ending... :rolleyes:

Several months after this dream, I was graduated from highschool and go to the college, out of town. I think this is the meaning of crossing the lake. It was a fairly good college in my country. Many competitors trying to subscribe. I pass it. May be it was the means of climbing huge fence. It's was hard in the middle stages in the college, meanings from get lost in the labyrinth. Finally i was graduated, it might be meaning of reach the attic, pass the last level.
And todays live is meaning of running hapily over prairie :cool:

That's it guys and girls, the most amazing dreams i've ever had... :rolleyes:
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Wonderful Ismu...

You describe your dreams very colorful. I can see it happen in my mind.:) You interprated it good too. Good insight.

Tell me something about this:
Repeated dreams for several days now. I am in a house, they are different every night, always it is a house. The first night I had this dream I came 'home' to a very light and sunny house with all the comfort a human has in his/her house now-a-days. The next night I find myself back in a building with several people living there, in rooms they have. I live in one of these rooms with a woman who in every dream seems to be my sister. The room is not sunny, it darkens. The next night I find myself back in a 'house', again with that sister (I don't have a sister in real life). She is acting angry toward me and I seem not to can get out of the 'house'. Like I am stuck in it. It is real dark now, I can't see clearly any more. Last night I was in a different 'house', again with this sister and I tried to go out of the 'house'. There was as good as nothing left of the comfort from the first dream in the 'house'. The place was pale and dark, only a chair, a table and coldness there. Trying to get out of the 'house' was hard to do. I came no further than just outside the door. My sister didn't care less about it. The exact, little details have disappeared from my mind by now. I can remember some of it vaguely, it left a kind of loneliness behind. I still feel dark and empty inside...:(

hummm... strange dream....
Sorry, i'm not a clairvoyant. But i like to help you with some ideas.

Just assuming... the 'home' is your destiny, and your 'sister' is you psychic abilty. So... why she angry with you? Did you have ever trying to get rid of your psychic skill, wich is a part of your destiny? Perhaps... if you still have 'control' of your dream, you should take control of the sitution. Be brave and cheer up, until your 'sister' agree with whatever you want to do...

Just an assumption...
Banshee's sister

I think your 'sister' may be symbolising something new in your life or something that has come to a head and your psyche is warning you to keep away. As far as what the 'thing' may be is something that you should be able to guess with your intuitive insight, but I will suggest various things for you to ponder: It could be America itself, I read somewhere that you weren't enjoying it much. Tt could be a relationship or attachment to certain people, organisation or cult that may somehow be dragging you off your own correct path. It could be something to do with your religion or beliefs, gods and godesses. It could be a friend or person that doesn't have your best interest at heart. It may be a warning of impending ill health as though your sister in the cold and gloom is your alter ego. God forbid there should be anything wrong with you! It could be that your sister is a part of your psyche that is homesick and perhaps sad, cold and gloomy. Any number of things really but only you can know. I hope my suggestions helped without implying anything about your personal life as I don't know you from Adam (or Eve).

I once had a dream, which was uncanny in it's accurateness even though everything in it was purely symbolic. To understand what I mean I have to put you in the picture. Year was 1999, the stock market had just become official in my country and was in frenzy, people were almost selling their mothers to invest in this phenomenon (1000% up in 6 months!). I'd had some shares in the market from when it was unofficial and I was suddenly looking at 200% gains on my investment so I bought some more hoping to capitalise on this thing and the new shares I bought made gains of 100% in no time. You could buy the shares over the phone but to sell you needed to have the titles in your hand. The companies were so overwhelmed by the levels of demand that most titles didn't arrive for weeks or months and technical problems even forced the stock exchange to close down on three occassions sometines for days. During that period there was a commercial running on tv for a bank, which happened to be a major player in the stock market, featuring a guy on a unicycle. There is also a saying in my country that if somebody is wasting your time or keeping you waiting unnecessarily, they are 'making your life into a bicycle'!
Ok, in the picture?

Scene 1:
In my dream I am a passenger in a car driven by an old acquaintance that I don't trust or respect, we are both lying back in our seats and I am aware that she cannot see the road to drive properly! The car is without body panels, unfinished. The road is dead straight high up over water as though it's a bridge. In the distance the road rises high into the air and begins to come back over itself!

Scene 2:
I am now in the driving seat of my own car (VW Golf) engine running but stationary along with dozens of other cars all eager to go, waiting for this guy who keeps pushing a bicycle backwards and forwards across the road aimlessly to finish whatever it is he's doing. As he steps aside we all rev our engines and shoot off at high speed but almost immediately we come up to a dangerous bend on a cliff top and I skid off the road and stop on some gravel near the cliff's edge.

I am talking with an official-looking person in uniform in a gloomy bureaucratic-looking place. I tell him my car is stuck on top of this cliff and I need to get it down. He tells me that 'they' love you to bring cars here but they don't like giving them back!

This is how I interpreted it. Scene 1:
The car without panels is the new stock exchange, unorganised and unfinished. The laid back attitude in the car symbolises the way I was making gains without trying and the driver symbolised the rest of the people buying shares and fuelling the market who were as clueless as I was. The road high up over water symbolised the rise in the index and the road curling up over itself in the distance symbolised the way the market would eventually turn.

Scene 2:
I am now in the driving seat, it symbolises the way I have suddenly paid attention to the market and have invested more money into it. We are all waiting to go, symbolises the temporary closing of the exchange and the guy with the bicycle symbolises the listed companies who can't get their shit together and send off the titles on time. The cars shoot off and come up to a bend, symbolises the first serious downturn in the market. I skid and stop on the cliff edge, symbolises caution, implores me to sell and not buy any more!

The uniformd official tells me 'they' love you to bring them but don't like giving them back, symbolises the impossible situation of wanting to sell and not being able to because you don't have the titles in your possession.

I recognised the significance of this dream almost immediately, knew it was a warning, but I couldn't act because I didn't have all my titles. About three weeks later, I happened to be driving somewhere in my VW Golf when I noticed this abandoned VW Beetle, off the road, on gravel and on a cliff edge! The day before that the market had peaked! Then began a serious slide down.

That last thing was just pure confirmation that my dream had been prophetic or that the wayI'd read the symbols made it so.
That dream is just one thing in a long list of incidences, which has made me trust my gut instincts and intuition. Unfortunately
I don't always follow my own intuitive advice and tend to get slapped in the face! I think important dreams that we are able to remember are always trying to warn us about something serious in our lives, possibly about one of the most important things in your life at any given moment.

Guess you are right. You do very good in explaning dreams. As well to me as to yourself.

I guess I am just hiding from my own dreams and don't want to know the meaning of them right now. Life has taken a big change and I am having serious troubles with my feelings.:(

Like I can't put them into place any more. It is all just so dark you know. A lost feeling it is. It will be better in time I guess. I have to work on it. Am so very tired though. Of all the crap going on in my life at the moment. Guess I don't want to know what my Intuition is telling me. Keep it locked away and don't listen. Not the best way to handle it.

The dream will not disappear or change, without me myself doing something about it...

Thank you for listening and the advice...
In order to interpret a dream, you need to know it in detail, and how it relates to the dreamer. The best person to interpret dreams is the dreamer.

Glad to be of service, but seeing as you almost know what your problem is I would implore you to pay attention to your intuition lest a disaster strikes you! Sometimes there's a reason for coincidences and the coincidence in this case is that I haven't even looked at Sci-Forums in over two months as I've been writing a novel. When i checked it out yesterday, yours was the only message I was inspired to reply to and there must be a good psychic reason for it. Please take time out and reflect deeply. Whatever doesn't 'feel' right has got to go, no regrets--simple as that!

I just know you're gonna love my new quote (see below)!
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Coincidence does not exist. It is good you came in like you did. And you are right. It is not that easy to do though, get rid of that what is causing the whirlpool in which my feelings are going round and round like crazy.

Yes, I do know what is causing it, am not quite able to make it right again at the moment. It is disturbing my Intuition terribly. Guess I am denying my Intuition, lock it away in this case. Everything seems to be out of shape. Just have the feelng I cannot get to my Deeper Self any more. Like I am disconnected from myself in some kind of way. Have never had it before and it scares the hell out of me. I feel very lonesome, am not alone though.

I hope you will be back here. It is good talking to you. I hope your novel is going well.

And I love your sig, of course...;)