dream death

I dream every single night, and I'd say at least 30% of my dreams involve me dying, running from impending death, or dying repeatadly, only to come back to life to try and fix whatever it was to cause me to die (and then die trying)...

Usually I wake up drenched with sweat and my throat sore.

It scares the piss out of me.

But they're my favorite dreams.
I've read your posts about your dreams and I can simpathize. I have seen the very same visions in my dream, too. I've dreamt about:

1. drowning, only to wake up gasping for breath
2. being shot
3. falling (but waking up before hitting the bottom and usually I
see my loved ones at the top of the mountain, building, or
elevator shaft as I'm falling)
4. grasping onto a rollercoaster as the car is about to make an
upside-down turn and I've noticed that the seatbelt is broken

I think a lot of these dreams were mostly my way of coping with uncontrolable situations in my waking life.
heyya all :)
I think a lot of these dreams were mostly my way of coping with uncontrolable situations in my waking life.
yay! :)
fear faliure is the biggest brainwash tool in most societies!
the frightened little chickens and rabbits run around doing a lovely dance for the saddists!

=Who is preaching the fear?
and "but everybody dreams like that all the time ... dont they?"
(tears welling...) ... (grisle) ... ("i must win at all costs!")
("angry people win!...?!?!?!?!?!?....!)
... (cant find anyone to abuse!)
"im normal!"


groove on all :)
I have died many times in dreams in many different scenario's.
I have had ones where I die abrubtly and ones where I am struggling to survive and eventually give up.

All of them are basically the same, the pain I feel is very real while I am still alive and being killed, but as soon as I die I get filled with a sense of euphoria, it feels like my brain releasing all of its ceratonin right before it shuts down, its really awesome.

I had one recently where this guy slammed a handgun into the side of my head and pumped 6 bullets into it. The collision of the gun barrel to the side of my head hurt like it really would have but as soon as a bullet entered my brain it was like it was filling it with goodness.

I fell to the ground in slow motion feeling great as my vision and hearing blurred and eased out to nothing.
It was kind of disturbing and really freaking excellent at the same time.