Dr. Ray Brown's Discovery of an aincient technology!

I stated my position on the paranormal bs as "I am very skeptical about the science involved".

Please don't miss quote me nor lump my post in that type of arena.

I was stationed in the area and am familiar with the activities that go on there. Assuming you are also, then you also know what a TS/SCI clearance is. The soldiers that I spoke of had no identification no patches, insignia or rank. The bunker we were taken to was odd, the whole situation was. These were NOT your normal operatives they acted more like they were on a out of country op.

All I meant by my post is that odd shit happenes there period.
Well, Mr. Flint.

First. Thank you for your service to this country.

Second. Thank you for your bravery in speaking up about this amazing event you endured.

Three. Good bye. You've talked about it in public and they have to kill you, you know.


Funny. after discharge you can talk about things as long as you leave out other things. We could have walked into a testing area for the new hovercraft but it ws odd and not within my security clearance, and it should hve been so it hit a note.
My humble apologies, Decantemix; but what's all this in dog years?

It was a joke at the crystal gaze of Swami's. Throwing around them fate lines.

Seriously, like when the library at Alexandria, Egypt burned; there was a great loss of ancient technologies. But, where I'm so inundated with what must be absolute and concrete. I can't help but jest myself.

At times, it's amusing. I'll have someone throw all over my face that there's nothing super nor paranormal. Then try to bust you for $80 at 1/2 hour increments, telling you all about what they have discerned by 'channeling' certain energies. Typically, through these here crystals.
I've looked up the research on the "Bimini Highway" because it came up on SciForums a year or two ago. It was conclusively shown to be a natural formation. The crystalline structures of the stones were all aligned to show that they were natural sedimentary formations, eroded by current to look like masonry. The technology to even discover this has only been available for a few decades. No ancient stonemason could have accidentally, much less deliberately, done such a perfect job of imitating a natural formation.

Coincidences happen all the time.

At least the Bimini Highway exists. It was merely misidentified as an artifact, by people who want desperately to believe that civilization is more than ten or twelve thousand years old. I'd like to see some respectable evidence of this pyramid.
For starters, verify the ancient sea levels. Geologists can tell you where they were, within about ten feet, at just about any point in history you're interested in.

Secondly, many of the stones are flint-hard micrite, not beach rock. The lines of closely fitted stones are straight, mutually parallel and terminite in cornerstones. Thirdly, the stone avenue does not follow the curving beach line, which follows the shape of the island, but is straight.
Perfect rectangles, right angles and rectilinear configurations are unaccoutable in a natural formation. One end swings in a curved corner before vanishing underneath the sand.

Unfortunately, scientists have been lying to the public for years, and have been covering and not looking at all the facts of the situation. It's inconsistent with natural beachrock. For one, natural beachrock doesn't organize itself into organized patterns, with hard angles.
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Hey! You know the main thought is that even if your skeptical there is a little belife behind your thoughts. And to tell you the truth you can't belive in sciance, paranormal phenomina, and be religuos all at the same time. That's much like a demicrat and a republican getting along. But what i do know is that if for one second they do a lot of good could happen. So using that thought maybe we can be a little less on the closedmindedness and a little on the open possiblilty thought. With that thought, I do agree with all of you who actually said somethig usefull.
I personnally think that, yah there should be more research on the matter and if anyone can tell us where it is at this moment that would be nice becuase we all could do our owen research. Really I can belive some of the things that go on in this world. A friend of mine went to this old abandend ghost town. The folk legend was if you took any thing what so ever from this town you would be cursed until you return what you took. Becuase of this my friend took a stone from the town. Within a week he had enough, and sent the stone back in a small box. He had nightmares, bad luck, kept having the felling like he was being watched. By the end of the week he was a completely differant person. When he finally sent it back a week later he was back to his old self. And the thing is at the time he was deeply religuos and didn't belive in that sort of thing. I told him he was paraniod but he was hell bent on the fact that he wasn't. But something spooked him so bad he won't even talk about it to this day. All I'm trying to say is be skeptical but have an open mind. Until that day my friend was always saying that god determins everything and there are on such things as ghosts. But whatever scared him shut him the HELL UP!!! Ha! Ha!
Until that day my friend was always saying that god determins everything and there are on such things as ghosts

You are saying on one hand that some God determines everything except this "thing" that "spooked" your friend. Since you don't know what it was that "spooked" your friend then how can you say that it wasn't your "God". Since I don't believe in God or religion I have always taken things like that from places "cursed" and as yet not one thing has happened to me because of taking anything or doing something from a "ghost town". I've never seen any ghosts or heard any while I visited these so called "ghost towns". Any person that does is either on drugs or has some form of mental problem that they should seek professional care about. I'd suggest that you suggest that to your friend for his own well being.
Hell I agree with you on that! All i was trying to say is sometimes it isn't so easy to say that ghosts and all that crap is real. But sometimes you just gotta give it some slack. And just to let you all know I think religion is a waste of time. You don't see god paying the electric bill. I'm pretty sure even you "cosmic" can agree with that!
dr ra brown bimini pyramid

I remember seeing a documentary in the mid 70"s that accually showed video footage of the inside of the apex of the pyramid with the hands holding the crystal. I didn't realize he had the crystal.I would love to locate the documentary.I do remember seeing it one time. I watch documentaries all the time and have never seen this one again. What happened to it?? Any info would be great!
Woah, I've never heard of that. Is it for real? It just seems really....out there, ya know? Taking the illness from a person only to give to the next unfortunate being that comes along. Weird. :)

Okay, here's the facts:

I'm not your average computer geek or science freak.

I'm not all that great in science, especially when the use of big words come into play.

I'm UNDER 18...

While in the Science Olympiad, I stank from here to high heaven.

I do enjoy Bill Nye the Science Guy.

My favorite subject is History.

I've never divulged myself in a book about Anti-Matter.

I don't do crazy chemistry experiment in the basement (basically because we don't have one, but that besid the point).

I'm an Aries.

I love science-fiction and anime.

I've actually aced several science tests.

I've never made any scientific modifications.

The best character on Star Wars Episode 1 was JAR JAAR BINKS!

maybe we should rename the thread 'things people don't wanna know about some kid'.
Ok, let's get serious about this crystal.
I saw it when it was displayed at the Clearlight Energy Conference in Santa Barbara in the late 1970's. Dr. Brown gave a lecture wherein he told the story as generally outlined at the beginning of this thread. He then displayed the crystal on a table by his booth. No one was allowed to touch the crystal. I spent about 40 minutes observing the crystal. It was a bit larger than a billiard ball. It was of glass or crystal and was transparent with a light smoky brown coloration. I observed within the crystal 3 pyramidal type structures. They were of the proportions of the Transamerica tower in San Francisco, that is, tall and skinny. These pyramidal structures seemed to be made of some kind of fine mesh. I could see through them and identify the individual "threads" of the mesh. It was kind of hard to get an exact fix on their relative proportions, but they seemed to be of similar size and construction. I was aware of the Edgar Cayce readings on the "fire crystals" of Atlantis and after hearing Ray Brown's talk, felt that this was one of those crystals, so I spent quite a while looking at the crystal. The crystal was oriented so that the 3 pyramidal structures within the crystal were pointed straight up. After some time, I went to my truck and retrieved my flashlight. When I shined the flashlight upon the crystal at various angels, there was no abnormal reaction. However, when I aimed the flashlight at the crystal from directly above, the crystal lit up like an electric light bulb. It was quite unusual.
Does anyone know what happened to Dr. Brown and his crystal?
Okay, how about some facts? please...

I am involved with a production company that is preparing to film a documentary about some strange anomolies around south Florida. The primary focus is the Coral Castle, but this is a mystery I have been trying to pin down for many years. I would love to be able to include any available FACTS about this crystal. So far, I have found NONE. Can someone help? You will get all the credit you deserve if you can shine any true "light" on this subject.....
Do you have any idea if this Dr. Brown is alive today, or how to find him. I have searched every available avenue with no leads at all. It is as if he never existed at all. Not very encouraging.....