Dr. Atkins Diet

Originally posted by *stRgrL*
Yeah, but that doesnt mean its the healthy thing to do. Wearing corsets may force my mid-section to be thinner, but that doesnt mean the long term effects wont/cant be devasting.

LOL, research damnit.

1. Poor Long Term Weight Control
There is no metabolic magic in low-CHO diets. Those who continue to lose weight after the first week do so because they decrease calorie intake. This can occur because of decreased dietary variety. Greatly limiting the number of foods that people are allowed to eat, reduces their food and calorie intake. But a reduction in variety most often leads to boredom and cravings over the long run. One recent study showed that a high protein meal leads to a greater tendency towards binging of foods, high in sugar and fat, later in the day.

Read the damn articles, look at the DATA, data is data. Also, HOW OLD IS THIS STUFF YOU ARE QUOTING?

HOW OLD is this "research"?

As for the rest of the stuff, check up data and research, the Atkins diet isn't failing whatsoever, doctors have tried to prove him wrong and...*gasps* FAILED. Instead of finding evidence against him, they find evidence to support him.

Another thing, this diet clearly goes againts the FDA and the American Heart Institutes guidelines for a healthy body. Every guideline I have ever seen places grains, fruits and veggies at the bottom of the chart, with dairy and meat on the top. This diet is totally upside down. Yes, it works - is it safe? I doubt it.

Yea, you don't understand the biological processes that are taking place. The FDA and AHI have been very skeptical of his diet plan, but what do they have against him? :rolleyes:

Forty-one healthy, mildly obese male and female volunteers aged 18 to 65 completed the program. All were 20% to 50% above ideal body weight, had not followed another weight-loss program in the previous six months and were not taking any medication. All participants had previously tried to lose weight on other diets. Volunteers received diet instruction, nutritional supplements and group counseling. Most of the subjects followed the Induction phase of the Atkins program for the entire six-month period. They also consumed Atkins Nutritionals supplements on a daily basis, including Basic #3 Formula, Essential Oils, Dieters' Advantage and chromium picolinate. During the course of the study, blood pressure, heart rate, weight, waist size, percentage of body fat and urinary ketone level were among the measurements taken. Liver and kidney function were also monitored. Blood tests were conducted before starting the study, and again at weeks 8, 16 and 24.

All participants lost weight after 16 weeks, averaging an overall loss of approximately 1 to 3 pounds per week, leading to an average of 21 pounds lost over four months. There was also a significant 6.1% average drop in total cholesterol, a 39.9% average reduction in triglycerides, an 18.9% improvement in cholesterol/HDL ratio and a 7.2% average increase in HDL ("good" cholesterol). The study is presently being reviewed for publication.

Also, let's review some biology: Carbohydrates are your body’s primary fuel source. It is easier for your body to break down a gram of carbohydrate for energy than it is to break down a gram of fat--but fats are lipids, and fats produce twice the energy that carbohydrates are capable of producing because they have more complex structures. In order for your body to use fat as energy, you either have to be doing something aerobic for at least fifteen minutes, or be completely depleted of carbohydrates so your body has no other choice than to use stored body fat for energy. The energy content of a food is determined by how much protein, carbohydrates and fats it contains. If you don’t use these nutrients immediately after you eat them, your body will store them in the form of body fat and put them away for use between meals and overnight.

Anyone reading can already see the common sense needed to understand how this diet works. The science behind it is valid.

Humans are not designed to eat large amounts of carbohydrate. The problem is that we eat large amounts of simple carbohydrate, like sugar, white bread, etc. Processed carbohydrates are absorbed too quickly and causes blood sugar to "spike." This puts a big strain on the pancreas and isn't good for diabetics.
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Ummm...yeah, I think we've established that it works, chosen. That's not the point, anymore. We're now talking about a proper balanced diet which includes more than just digestion. Your point is now that it will make us skinny and therefore(?) healthy. In reality your weight really doesn't have much to do with your health. I've met overweight people that can out-do me in hockey, that are incredible athletes. It looks easy watchin' them but isn't. It's all a matter of how the chemicals in your body are balanced.

Sure, you can understand the digestion behind it all. You can understand why it works and what the chemicals do. But it's all part of the bigger picture. -A balanced diet. This is NOT a balanced diet, and it's certainly not a healthy one. It's all about keeping healthy and exercising and understanding the physiology of the body. You're going to need to have a healthy body in the first place - one that's used to a specific, healthy diet - before you can even expect to digest things properly. Carbohydrates are NOT bad. Anybody with a shred of common sense can see that you can't live off you're precious fat reserves, you need ATP producing glucose. Just enough to power you're body, without releasing too much insulin. Lipids aren't really meant too much for energy. They're meant for protection and insulation, and are used extensively in building all sorts of cells.

Proteins, are from big animals. You eat a lot of proteins, and you have the potential to be a big animal. Chinese don't have excessive proteins, and that's why there generally small. Come here, give 'em a slab of meat and watch them grow. That simple. So you can't use proteins on a daily basis.

One last thing is that you can never avoid carbs. There everywhere. Ever met a cow made of pure protein? Not me, he has glucose floating around in his body. Every met a vegetable that didn't have carbs? NOpe. They all have carbs. and they're broken down to sugar which naturally triggers the release of devious :bugeye: insulin. I don't even mean to be sounding rude, but it's you, my friend who doesn't understand the Atkins diet. He makes very good points that any doctor would say, such as: Do not eat Junk food, do not drink Soda, and don't eaty heavy pollysaccharides.

Anyways, my point is that you just can't live like that. It's soooo unhealthy.Balanced diet, plenty of exercise. I'll say it again. Don't forget that positive attitude and the fibre. If you don't believe me, ask the doctor to evaluate you personally a prescribe a 'way of life'.

Yup, I'm not surprised your doctor said that. Fibre is great. Had you not increased your intake so quickly, your bowels wouldn't have had such a problem. The Chinese diet is one of the healthiest, I hear. Needs a bit more protein, but still great.

Now, rectal bleeding is one of the effects. But it goes away after your tract toughens up. The real problem is GAS :eek: . You get very bloated, and it can be painful. But it's extremely healthy nonetheless.

As for Jewish food, well, there are many different kinds. You got your two mains ones, ashkenazi and sephard, and of course there are subgroups. The ashkenazi diets aren't that great. Really. In fact the modern one(ortho style, the kind you'd find in a synogogye) is terrible. Since the Sephards are more med style, it's a much healthier. I personally prefer the Medd. or East Asian diets myself. India has a good one too.

As for the restuarant... I'm barely finished grade 11, LOL:D Maybe one day.

Originally posted by Elbaz
This is NOT a balanced diet, and it's certainly not a healthy one. It's all about keeping healthy and exercising and understanding the physiology of the body. You're going to need to have a healthy body in the first place - one that's used to a specific, healthy diet - before you can even expect to digest things properly. Carbohydrates are NOT bad.

Too much of simple carbs is bad. You need to eat complex carbs, fruits, etc.

But the Atkins diet should only be used to lose that fat because that is what it is meant for, losing the fat. I, in no way, advocate staying on such a diet for the rest of your life. Once you reach the optimal weight YOU want, get off it and go back to eating your ice creams, etc.

One last thing is that you can never avoid carbs. There everywhere.

Yes, I know that, you need them for your glucose levels :)

Anyways, my point is that you just can't live like that. It's soooo unhealthy.Balanced diet, plenty of exercise. I'll say it again. Don't forget that positive attitude and the fibre. If you don't believe me, ask the doctor to evaluate you personally a prescribe a 'way of life'.

More research needs to be done and I don't think you should live off such a diet. Just use it, lose 40 pounds and get back to a carb diet.

The thing is the atkins diet is not a "weekend" thing. You need to go on it for at least 6 months to see gains in losing weight and so your body can adapt get used to burning fat for energy since it "thinks" the carb energy source has been all used up when you are just restricting carb intake as much as possible.

I don't like people dissing on the atkins diet because they probably did something wrong, then telling others not to go on it when the science behind it is valid.

America is the #1 obese country and this diet could be the cure to that obesity...Americans scare me...ever been to Philadelphia...:eek:
Ok one last time..

Again This diet is not about limiting ones food intake to protein... The fact is to jump start the body into kytosis , and slowly increase your intake of carbs over time, until you can find the medium intake of carbs for you, that your body can actually utilize daily and not store as fat... Considering that the physiological structure of the human body is different for each individual, the adkins diet is the best way to determine what your level or "medium" of carbohydrate intake should be... The above biological false logic that is displayed here in abundance is a complete straw man fallacy, as well as a philosophical negative... Again the diet is about "Finding the right amount of carb intake via increments over time".... No where in any atkins book is the claim that its a pure protein diet, and carbless.....

Also, Atkins encourages people to eat the proper types of fat and proteins found in specific kinds of meats.. It does not say eat a 6 pound bloody steak all day with 5 eggs and a jar of mayo... It encourages the intake of fish, chicken, pork.... rarely does it advocate the entire diet consisting of red meat.... In fact he recommends against just that...

empirically and scientifically the diet is sound if followed properly and by the rules... Of course there are going to be people out there that will abuse the diet and use it improperly to gain weight loss results, but in actually will be making their body more unhealthy.... However that is not a basis for refutation or antithesis to atkins ideology.. What that is called is false correlational research conducted with inductive logic.... Also fallacious because the fallacy is an "argument" in which the premises given for the conclusion do not provide the needed degree of support.

If we are going to use inductive fallacies and straw man methods of argumentation for support of an anti-atkins stance, then lets use other supported methods of similar research... What percentage of US population is over weight? What is mostly consumed by the US population? "carbs?".... How does that consumption compare with other cultures and various regions..

It is evident in my daily life, and personal experience... that all americans eat is mostly crap and complex carbs.... If you doubt this type of logic then take a look around you at your work place, school, home, ect.... and you will see it is the case , more so than not.. Of course there are always going to be exceptions to the rules where nonoverweight people can consume as much complex carbs as they can cram in their hole and not gain a pound...

This all falls under the BMR for each individual... Which happens to be the basal metabolic rate... The BMR is a basic foundation that the atkins diet is founded upon.... Which I have alread ydescribed above as the "medium", which differentiates from person to person.. Hence "fat" and "skinny" people reguardless of diet..

I see alot of cut and paste from various articles claiming all protein diets are harmful, high fat and protein is harmful, ect.... These are accurate , yet out of context.. since that is not a claim of the atkins diet... which is why it is called a "strawman" fallacy...

I am not so sure why this is hard to grasp... People are arguing a negative... since most of the reutations are strawmen...

Re: Ok one last time..

Originally posted by NaturalSelector
I see alot of cut and paste from various articles claiming all protein diets are harmful, high fat and protein is harmful, ect.... These are accurate , yet out of context.. since that is not a claim of the atkins diet... which is why it is called a "strawman" fallacy...

I am not so sure why this is hard to grasp... People are arguing a negative... since most of the reutations are strawmen...
*Emphasis mine, good post NaturalSelector

Exactly, research the crap before you talk the smack...idiot. :rolleyes:
Apologies for not responding earlier. I've really been wrapped up in school lately. Anyways...

Too much of simple carbs is bad. You need to eat complex carbs, fruits, etc.

But the Atkins diet should only be used to lose that fat because that is what it is meant for, losing the fat. I, in no way, advocate staying on such a diet for the rest of your life. Once you reach the optimal weight YOU want, get off it and go back to eating your ice creams, etc.

My mistake. I agree with you 100% on this one. The complex ones are bad.

I heard someone mention earlier, though, that the atkins diet was like something that you should do for life. Not some diet. But either way, the damaged caused in going on such a diet is usually not worth the gain in beauty you might get. Only in situations where a person is fatally obese should it be considered as an option. Of course, I'm not a doctor, and so I'm not qualified to make such statements. But it's a pretty good approximation if you ask me.

Yes, I know that, you need them for your glucose levels

Didn't mean to patronize. I guess I meant to say that you *shouldn't* avoid carbs completely. That would be fatal.

I don't like people dissing on the atkins diet because they probably did something wrong, then telling others not to go on it when the science behind it is valid.

Never been on the diet. But I can say that for most people this is not a healthy diet to ever go on. The solution to health is excercise and balanced diet. If you loose 40 pounds over a period of a few months you're really screwing around with hormones. I know swedishfish can help me in explaining this. Point is, no matter how you do it, its still unsafe.

What America could benefit from is excercise and less TV. Think of the all the positive things that would come out of such a commitment. Decreased depression, decreased substance abuse, hearth disease would become a thing of the past. And obesity would be more of an appearance concern than a health one. People worry too much about the latter.

Anyways, natural selector, I am pretty familiar with the way the diet works. I'm on the heels of an intense year in bio. A year ago, I might have agreed with you, but I learnt scared me into realizing that the atkins diet really is too good to be true. Not eating your carbs can cause loads of damage to your nervous and digestive systems. I think I mentioned this one earlier, too - it's a surefire way to get gallstones. But that's not even the biggest problem. You see, whenever you screw around with a balanced diet, you start messing around with *hormones*, and no matter what the specialists on NBC say, this is dangerous and will remain so. You screw around with hormones and you're just setting yourself up for disaster. That's what this whole diet amounts to when you come down to the benefits. Sure, you'll loose weight, but for most people it's not worth it.

Yeah - it's hard to believe that removing a single component of your diet can have such massive implications. But it does. I personally don't care if anybody goes on the diet or not. Most people engage in more damaging behaviours anyways. I just wouldn't buy lottery tickets on the atkins diet. It's a fad.

Almonds are great! A little fatty, yes, but the nutritional information barely scrapes the surface of what almonds have to offer. THat is - the benefits are invisible. All of those delicious anti-oxidants floating around...the insoluble fibre, and what else I cant remember. Cayce believed that we should eat nuts, fruits vegetables and a couple of other important things to keep healthy.

What he advised against was gluten . This one was particularly going out to the obese people. Carbs are alright (and essential as he put it), but gluten particularly should not be eaten in large quantities by anyone overweight. Maybe we can all agree on that point.