Door To Door Atheist

I greatly admire persons of any persuasion, who resonate with positive energy and are given to practical purpose.

Those that see no need to 'correct' what I am doing unless it seems to be on a path to imminent disaster, I appreciate even more.

Them that have no need to explain to me why whatever they are doing exceeds the hopes and expectations of all others, in addition to the above, hell, I'll even buy them a drink, of the fortified or non-fortified variety. :D

About the only door-to-door solicitations I have tolerance for are some of the kids groups that are raising funds for various travel or community projects, and they are often selling chocolate covered almonds or cookies. I'm usually a sucker for any chocolate coated offering if it's Belgian chocolate, lol....



Once again, my amorphous gender issues confuse the heck out of everybody...
I greatly admire persons of any persuasion, who resonate with positive energy and are given to practical purpose.

Those that see no need to 'correct' what I am doing unless it seems to be on a path to imminent disaster, I appreciate even more.

Them that have no need to explain to me why whatever they are doing exceeds the hopes and expectations of all others, in addition to the above, hell, I'll even buy them a drink, of the fortified or non-fortified variety. :D

About the only door-to-door solicitations I have tolerance for are some of the kids groups that are raising funds for various travel or community projects, and they are often selling chocolate covered almonds or cookies. I'm usually a sucker for any chocolate coated offering if it's Belgian chocolate, lol....

I to am usually a sucker for girl scout cookies, but I generally feel some level of outrage when I see religious people dragging children with them door to door as they try to sell you on their religion or church.

I have to say that anyone who would get up on a Saturday morning get all dressed up to go door to door has got to be some level of crazy or fanatic. Wonder how they would respond if I answered the door in the nude? :D
I think "Beware of dog" might work better...
*Looks over at cranky Atheist wife*
Heh, in our case..."Beware Of Atheist"...

Funny, nobody tries to sell us anything...could be because our house is a clear contender for "redneck yard of the month..."

So maybe rusting equipment and knee-high grass keeps salespeople out.

If that fails...pit traps...:D

Big dogs Yeah and shot guns work good too . You have nice rust colored Lawn Art Chimpkin ? That stuff goes for big bucks in New York City . New York City ? Thems Fighten words . Me wife makes Me take Me lawn art to the dump . The first name of the Band was Rusty Buckit . That would be like Fuck it Buck It . The guys thought it made them sound like old farts . I tried to tell em they are old farts and should be proud of it. Mid- Life-Crisis is the name we go by even though there are a couple other bands with that name . Bill Me drummer says if they come to town we then will be " Punch-Mid-life -Crisis "
I always thought it meant I'm not buying anything you are selling so don't bother me and don't waste your time. If I was going door to door I'd really hate stopping at needless lost causes. But if you are trying to make converts I imagine pretty much all your stops are lost causes. :D

I think it is more of a thing to help the salesman learn persistence. The way it is taught is The person is an easy sale cause they try to chase you away with the sign for fear of having to say no face to face . My dad thinks a real estate sales license gives you the right to go on anybody's property. He sold a lot of real estate in his day to back up his claim . He had a few shot guns pulled , but nobody ever pulled the trigger
Since I keep dumpster-diving holiday lights...I have threatened to put cheap plastic doll's heads over the lights and hang strings of them on the porch.

I also wanted to make portland-cement hands for fenceposts and other assorted wierdness-like a mailbox mount made out of a collection of cement hands and cemented tires...with dirt and cactus in the middle...

So little energy, so little time...Someday I hope to live in the sort of house that people drive by to gawk at.

Betcha the Christians will never darken my doorstep.
I think it is more of a thing to help the salesman learn persistence. The way it is taught is The person is an easy sale cause they try to chase you away with the sign for fear of having to say no face to face . My dad thinks a real estate sales license gives you the right to go on anybody's property. He sold a lot of real estate in his day to back up his claim . He had a few shot guns pulled , but nobody ever pulled the trigger

I would say most people that pull a gun on you really don't want to shoot you. But you might worry that you caught them on a bad day and that you might be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I guess being a repro man would be worse than a door to door guy, because they can make a case for shooting you as a car thief.
Since I keep dumpster-diving holiday lights...I have threatened to put cheap plastic doll's heads over the lights and hang strings of them on the porch.

I also wanted to make portland-cement hands for fenceposts and other assorted wierdness-like a mailbox mount made out of a collection of cement hands and cemented tires...with dirt and cactus in the middle...

So little energy, so little time...Someday I hope to live in the sort of house that people drive by to gawk at.

Betcha the Christians will never darken my doorstep.

In Tucson Az. They have a type of cactus they call jumping cactus, very nasty stuff when you get close to it, it has very long thorns with little barbs on them. So even the lightest touch and they hook into you and break off the plant to stay stuck into you. You can't just grab them and pull them off of you, or you make matters a lot worse. Anyway a house surrounded with this cactus discourages visitors that don't see an easy path in.
Well, one thing about having nothing to convince anyone of, is that if I show up on your doorstep, it's likely because I know you and enjoy your company, lol....and 'casual' attire is unlikely to shock. ;)

I can honestly say that I do not know the religious persuasion of most of my friends and acquaintances, and we are all quite comfortable with that arrangement. Though I am not aware of them being involved with the local churches (of which there are many), they are all wonderfully spiritual people in their own ways.

One of my former horse boarding tenants was of the JW persuasion and I had great respect for him because he never once in the six years he contributed to my livelihood bring up the matter of religion.
Well, one thing about having nothing to convince anyone of, is that if I show up on your doorstep, it's likely because I know you and enjoy your company, lol....and 'casual' attire is unlikely to shock. ;)

I can honestly say that I do not know the religious persuasion of most of my friends and acquaintances, and we are all quite comfortable with that arrangement. Though I am not aware of them being involved with the local churches (of which there are many), they are all wonderfully spiritual people in their own ways.

One of my former horse boarding tenants was of the JW persuasion and I had great respect for him because he never once in the six years he contributed to my livelihood bring up the matter of religion.

I know the religious persuasion of all my friends, but not so much my acquaintances and as far as I know I am the only atheist of the bunch. For the most part we don't talk religion, but we have had some very interesting discussions. I had a cousin that was converted to a JW (the things we do for love). He got electrocuted had to have one hand and both feet amputated. He held to his new belief and refused any transfusions and died as a result. He told me they were required to put a minimum number of hours in per month doing the door to door thing.

As far as casual attire or lack of. :D
One of my former horse boarding tenants was of the JW persuasion and I had great respect for him because he never once in the six years he contributed to my livelihood bring up the matter of religion.

Cool. Always embarrasses the hell out of me to be invited to church. Just because I like you doesn't mean I'm going to get up in the morning for that.
Cool. Always embarrasses the hell out of me to be invited to church. Just because I like you doesn't mean I'm going to get up in the morning for that.

funny..the guy that got me to start going to church, i did not like (till later..) he was a bug..always caught me at the mailbox..Good person though..
Cool. Always embarrasses the hell out of me to be invited to church. Just because I like you doesn't mean I'm going to get up in the morning for that.

Have you ever been volunteered to say grace at a fairly large dinner at the very last minute? Talk about embarrassing.

I think that's what they call 'building character' or some such foolishness.:mad:
I don't mind saying grace . I am an entertainer after all and anytime in the spot light is fine .

Now how about politicians knocking on the door selling you there brand of prophesies? How they going to save the community and all ?
I don't mind saying grace . I am an entertainer after all and anytime in the spot light is fine .

Now how about politicians knocking on the door selling you there brand of prophesies? How they going to save the community and all ?

Beats me, I usually just change the channel and watch something else.
Beats me, I usually just change the channel and watch something else.

No Yeah Politicians knock on your door and give you the pitch face to face in Missoula . Not to many feds but state legislature and city government . Bang Bang Bang just like a Mormon . I bums there day when I say No I am not voting for you .
No Yeah Politicians knock on your door and give you the pitch face to face in Missoula . Not to many feds but state legislature and city government . Bang Bang Bang just like a Mormon . I bums there day when I say No I am not voting for you .

Never had that experience and I usually want to vote for the guy that isn't running. So it's good they don't talk to me either.