I greatly admire persons of any persuasion, who resonate with positive energy and are given to practical purpose.
Those that see no need to 'correct' what I am doing unless it seems to be on a path to imminent disaster, I appreciate even more.
Them that have no need to explain to me why whatever they are doing exceeds the hopes and expectations of all others, in addition to the above, hell, I'll even buy them a drink, of the fortified or non-fortified variety.
About the only door-to-door solicitations I have tolerance for are some of the kids groups that are raising funds for various travel or community projects, and they are often selling chocolate covered almonds or cookies. I'm usually a sucker for any chocolate coated offering if it's Belgian chocolate, lol....
Those that see no need to 'correct' what I am doing unless it seems to be on a path to imminent disaster, I appreciate even more.
Them that have no need to explain to me why whatever they are doing exceeds the hopes and expectations of all others, in addition to the above, hell, I'll even buy them a drink, of the fortified or non-fortified variety.
About the only door-to-door solicitations I have tolerance for are some of the kids groups that are raising funds for various travel or community projects, and they are often selling chocolate covered almonds or cookies. I'm usually a sucker for any chocolate coated offering if it's Belgian chocolate, lol....