Door To Door Atheist

Never had Mormons knocking on my door, just Jehovah's Witnesses--about once a year. They always have a kid or two with them. Anyway, it was an entertaining little film.
Never had Mormons knocking on my door, just Jehovah's Witnesses--about once a year. They always have a kid or two with them. Anyway, it was an entertaining little film.

Jehovah's Witnesses don't have a neighborhood that one could go door to door. But Mormons on the other hand do, but yeah I know what you mean. I'm thinking maybe someone could make those window stickers that would let the religious door knockers know your not interested. After all they seem to ignore the little signs that say NO SOLISITERS.
Jehovah's Witnesses don't have a neighborhood that one could go door to door. But Mormons on the other hand do, but yeah I know what you mean. I'm thinking maybe someone could make those window stickers that would let the religious door knockers know your not interested. After all they seem to ignore the little signs that say NO SOLISITERS.

Funny that you should mention that, because I have a "No Solicitors" sign on my door. It doesn't seem to stop anyone--religious or business.
This clip is from part five of an eight part documentary by John Safran entitled John Safran vs God. I saw it years ago and it's quite entertaining.

John Safran is a documentary maker/comedian/religious satirist.
This clip is from part five of an eight part documentary by John Safran entitled John Safran vs God. I saw it years ago and it's quite entertaining.

John Safran is a documentary maker/comedian/religious satirist.

As a SciFi enthusiast all the newly discovered intelligent but primitive races or life forms have a belief in the one true God or Gods whatever the case may be and mostly they all have a duty to convert you or kill you as a non-believer. Well what can I say, that sounds familiar. I just hate the thought that I am part of a primitive race that thinks their God is the true real God and supports that claim with a man made bible of selected ancient stories that have a distorted picture of history and the role a fictitious God played in it. The only place God should have in our society is as a joke for our entertainment.
Funny that you should mention that, because I have a "No Solicitors" sign on my door. It doesn't seem to stop anyone--religious or business.

No Solicitors signs tells the salesman something about you is why . It says you are an easy mark cause you got a sign that tells the salesman to go away before the pitch . It is like if you have a drinking problem you don't have any beer in the house . All sales people learn this: If they have a sign that says " No Solicitors" knock on there door first . They are an easier mark
No Solicitors signs tells the salesman something about you is why . It says you are an easy mark cause you got a sign that tells the salesman to go away before the pitch . It is like if you have a drinking problem you don't have any beer in the house . All sales people learn this: If they have a sign that says " No Solicitors" knock on there door first . They are an easier mark

I think "Beware of dog" might work better...
*Looks over at cranky Atheist wife*
Heh, in our case..."Beware Of Atheist"...

Funny, nobody tries to sell us anything...could be because our house is a clear contender for "redneck yard of the month..."

So maybe rusting equipment and knee-high grass keeps salespeople out.

If that fails...pit traps...:D
No Solicitors signs tells the salesman something about you is why . It says you are an easy mark cause you got a sign that tells the salesman to go away before the pitch . It is like if you have a drinking problem you don't have any beer in the house . All sales people learn this: If they have a sign that says " No Solicitors" knock on there door first . They are an easier mark

I always thought it meant I'm not buying anything you are selling so don't bother me and don't waste your time. If I was going door to door I'd really hate stopping at needless lost causes. But if you are trying to make converts I imagine pretty much all your stops are lost causes. :D
I always thought it meant I'm not buying anything you are selling so don't bother me and don't waste your time. If I was going door to door I'd really hate stopping at needless lost causes. But if you are trying to make converts I imagine pretty much all your stops are lost causes. :D

And that's where I sit--I have never purchased anything on my doorstep. There's also the political agendas that occasionally knock on my door, and I always tell them that I'm not interested. It is a waste of everybody's time. I suppose I should post a "No Trespassing" sign on my property. That might stop them.

No Solicitors signs tells the salesman something about you is why . It says you are an easy mark cause you got a sign that tells the salesman to go away before the pitch . It is like if you have a drinking problem you don't have any beer in the house . All sales people learn this: If they have a sign that says " No Solicitors" knock on there door first . They are an easier mark

Maybe so, but that's not what it would tell me. It's rude to ignore the sign, which makes me despise those people all that much more.
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And that's where I sit--I have never purchased anything on my doorstep. There's also the political agendas that occasionally knock on my door, and I always tell them that I'm not interested. It is a waste of everybody's time. I suppose I should post a "No Trespassing" sign on my property. That might stop them.

Maybe so, but that's not what it would tell me. It's rude to ignore the sign, which makes me despise those people all that much more.

The following link/story should make your day then.

Door to door religious idiots
I think "Beware of dog" might work better...
*Looks over at cranky Atheist wife*
Heh, in our case..."Beware Of Atheist"...

And that's where I sit--I have never purchased anything on my doorstep.
i bought burritos the other day..3 packs for 10 bucks..

stupid Christians..
Love thy neighbor as you would yourself..
is this why they go into other neighbor hoods?
maybe they don't want their own neighbors to know they are christian?
why do they have to be selling something? (religion sells Christ)
ain't we supposed to be helping others who have need in their life?..
humans tend to have more needs than wants(what we want isn't necessarily what we need (and vice versa)), pick one you could help with..