Door knockers

could you call their church and ask them politely to not come to your house anymore?

I know for a fact that JW's do respect that.

You may have more than one Kindon Hall in your area, however, and should call them all.
How many ppl still get mail delivery right to their doors? Where I live they have a box on the corner. The mailman puts out mail in our own compartment which we have a key for. There is no door to door delivery.

I have a box too, but sometimes they have to deliver packages. When I had an apartment, they put it through a slot in the door, which was nice.
Me and just about everyone else I know.
Other than those living in apartment buildings, or very rural routes, just about everyone gets door-to-door service in the US.

My dad lives in an older neighbourhood and still gets it door to door.
But in all the newer subdivisions they build, they don't. When they build
the houses they build the box at the top and bottom of the street for the mail.

There are 3 large boxes at the bottom if you should get a parcel. They put the key to open that box
in your regular mailbox. If you need a signature or something or it is too big they will knock on the door.
As others suggested, I think the best thing would be to either call the church or even better - tell those people to tell others in church not to distrubt you, because you work late hours yada yada yada.

The other thing to do is to put a sign - No religious trespassing - or something to the tune.
The 'ol sacriface joke is too childish, imo, be straight up.

I enjoy talking with those people, when they approach me on the street, helps to pass the time, practice my debate skills, if they are polite, of course - mormons mostly.

My flat is behind two outer doors, and I rarely even see my neighbours, those who I know are my neighbours any way.
I liked to talk to the nice people when they came around my neighborhood. I tell them my favorite character in the Book of Mormon is Korihor, who I guess I was supposed to hate.
what the FUCK gives bloody JW the RIGHT to come and knock on my fucking door at 9:00 in the fucking morning
Wow, I have never been visited by religious solicitors at inconvenient hours. It hardly happens at all, but they always come in the late morning or the afternoon. I know that in the U.S. if you put a sign on your door saying "No religious solicitors" and they knock anyway, they will be in big trouble. They all know that and they don't knock. Perhaps the laws are different in your country? You'll have to do your own research and find out what other people do to solve the problem.

BTW, the official name of that church is "The Watchtower and Bible Tract Society." It might help if you use that name on your card.
Anyone else pissed off about these nutcases????
You all know how I feel about the Abrahamic religions. One of my major bitches is their very evangelism itself.
Me and just about everyone else I know. Other than those living in apartment buildings, or very rural routes, just about everyone gets door-to-door service in the US.
That's changing quickly. New housing tracts get communal mailboxes, about twenty to a unit. The mailman makes one stop and everybody has to walk over to the box to get their mail. I've seen this in three states already, I suspect it's the universal policy about new construction.
The mailman makes one stop and everybody has to walk over to the box to get their mail. I've seen this in three states already, I suspect it's the universal policy about new construction.

That is how it is in Canada. Only if you live in an old neighbourhood do you get mail delivered to your door. It makes sense to me. It sure makes it much faster for the mailman, not to mention less accidents. (falling on ice, dogs...etc)
our postmen are on motorbikes, they just ride along the footpath (mostly) putting letters in the letter boxes at the fence line

Quite fast and no dogs
our postmen are on motorbikes, they just ride along the footpath (mostly) putting letters in the letter boxes at the fence line

Quite fast and no dogs

That would seem so weird to me lol. Our houses don't have mailboxes set up at the end of our property like that though.
soliciters of god never bother me too much. They aren't there because they hate me, they want to 'save' me. I just tell them we already have a church but thanks for considering us. Considering there is a bible camp at the end of our street, ya kinda get used to them.
Orleander, see if you are as friendly to them after they come knocking on the door when your trying to have sex

Especially as once the dogs start barking i have to go to them to calm them down or they will keep barking for the rest of the day
I used to get them a lot when I lived in an apartment. Someone was always stupid enough to let them into the building and then they would basically go door to door in the building. Telling them you're an atheist doesn't work because they then take it upon themselves to convert you.

When we moved into our house, they came knocking every weekend. In the end I just did what my father did to get them to stop coming to their house. I invited them inside, offered them a drink and then told them I was a Satanist. When they started to try to tell me about how Satan was evil and I "must seek the correct path to God", I gave a violent twitch and told them Satan had just given me a message that I must convert them. They ran out the door so fast they left half of their pamphlets on my coffee table. They have never returned since then.:)

With the mormons, my husband just opened the door in his underpants and asked them if they were the male hookers he had just ordered. They too beat a hasty retreat and never returned.

Be imaginative without being violent or angry. Usually works.
...With the mormons, my husband just opened the door in his underpants and asked them if they were the male hookers he had just ordered. They too beat a hasty retreat and never returned.....

LMFAO!!!! :xctd::roflmao:
Bells i thought about just offering them a cookie but im not sure if they would get it:p
ARRRRRRRRRR i hate people like that. Why do you do it?????????

(and why did you admit to it in a thread bitching about it?:p)
ARRRRRRRRRR i hate people like that. Why do you do it?????????

(and why did you admit to it in a thread bitching about it?:p)

because i don't do it anymore!!

we did it becauise we thought we were doing right, but i don't even go to church anymore let alone knock on doors!!

i hate it when JW's door to door sales people knock on the door now aswell.