Don't Steal Bread in Iran

I looked at all the images starting with the first, after you posted, and it seemed to me its always the left hand.

The first picture the child is laying on his stomach and its his left arm under the tire. If you scroll down to the bottom of the article in spidergoat's link the last picture is showing his right arm.

It is a trick, I'm pretty sure.
I've seen similar stunts in India. The car stunt is pretty common. I've also had cars go over my toes a couple of times in heavy traffic.

And John is right, you don't feel it but thats probably because its so quick.

The first picture the child is laying on his stomach and its his left arm under the tire. If you scroll down to the bottom of the article in spidergoat's link the last picture is showing his right arm.

It is a trick, I'm pretty sure.

Ah yes, that is correct. Its actually listed on the site of the Peykan which is Irans national car. In the trick there is [usually] a pipe in the towel into which the boys arm should fit.

But in this one they did it without.

Here is the last picture:

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Its what we call the "mutilated beggar child" effect in India.

The begging industry is so profitable when associated with such scams that children will be deliberately mutilated [e.g. by putting acid in their eyes to blind them] because people give more money to disfigured children. Mothers can rent out such children to different beggars who want to augment their income.

The begging industry in Mumbai alone is worth 180 crore a year, with average daily income being Rs 100 each. Since the daily average wage of a labourer is Rs 50, its simply easier to beg. The richest beggars have assets in six figures.
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This 8 year old boy tried to steal a loaf of bread in an Iranian market, he was obviously hungry or it was for his family. The islamic law was summarily dealt to him by the locals. They crushed his arm under a car wheel, this is one of a sequence.If it does not turn gangrenous and probably kill him, he will be a cripple for life.
Is this a real story or just a made up story ?.
If it is true then it is inhuman, savage, senseless and disgusting .
1- the hand is clean cut, after disintegrating the wrist joint, then treated to stop the bleeding, not crushed, under a tire, in the street.
2-it's the left hand, not the right.
3-if one steals because of hunger, he is not punished.
4-if a child does that, he isn't accounted for it.
5-if what is stolen is worth less than a certain amount of money, almost 5 US dollars, the hand isn't cut.

i'm speechless.
some people should be banned, or should kill themselves.
Why do they have to kill themselves ?.
Stupidity is not criminal .
Lack of knowledge is not illegal .
Why do they have to kill themselves ?.
Stupidity is not criminal .
Lack of knowledge is not illegal .

the attitude man, the attitude..

what was that guy thinking when he started this thread? "i wanna learn"??

but then again, i was like him one day......point taken.

John99 said:

i wonder how snopes has determined it is a trick.

A small amount of research, it seems:

These pictures originated with the Iranian news site PeykeIran, who (along with persons who have witnessed similar scenes in other countries) confirmed that what the photographs actually depict is performers hustling money from onlookers by staging a common street act, one in which a subject seemingly allows himself to be run over by a heavy vehicle and then emerges unscathed. This is a common act, variations of which are performed by many magicians and accomplished through a variety of means, with no lasting harm done. That the subject is a small boy who grimaces his way through the stunt is all part of the act, intended to elicit sympathy and extra cash from onlookers. (Despite his contorted facial expressions, the boy is not seriously or permanently injured by the process.)


Additionally, the site notes that while it is "difficult to make any definitive statement about Sharia/Islamic law" because of regional variations in interpretation and application, Shari'a resources prescribe amputation as a maximum punishment (and not the standard), and consistently except prepubescent children. Furthermore, Shari'a prescribes that the right arm is subject to amputation, not the left.

And his the boy's right arm is clearly intact:

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1- the hand is clean cut, after disintegrating the wrist joint, then treated to stop the bleeding, not crushed, under a tire, in the street.
2-it's the left hand, not the right.
3-if one steals because of hunger, he is not punished.
4-if a child does that, he isn't accounted for it.
5-if what is stolen is worth less than a certain amount of money, almost 5 US dollars, the hand isn't cut.

i'm speechless.
some people should be banned, or should kill themselves.
You see, while it appears you think cutting off an arm of a thief a just punishment - most of us do not. Because Muslims are notorious for cutting off arms, burying their raped sisters in sand and stoning them to death, hanging homosexuals, killing girl children who dare to learn, sometimes murdering themselves out of stupidity while rioting over some toon drawing and generally acting like retarded thugs from 2000 years ago - well, it's not surprise the OP thought this was more of the same.

I'm 100% sure if this were of a Buddhist then they'd have stopped to investigate further. Because Buddhist are generally perceived as peaceful while Muslims are generally perceived as violent.

See here in case you missed the irony:

1- the hand is clean cut, after disintegrating the wrist joint, then treated to stop the bleeding, not crushed, under a tire, in the street.
2-it's the left hand, not the right.
3-if one steals because of hunger, he is not punished.
4-if a child does that, he isn't accounted for it.
5-if what is stolen is worth less than a certain amount of money, almost 5 US dollars, the hand isn't cut.

i'm speechless.
some people should be banned, or should kill themselves.
well mike 47..
you understand why i said what i said?
i mean the OP starter said what he said maybe upon impulse..
but michael here...-words fail to describe him-..has been spouting the same nonsense ever since..what is the remedy to someone like him?

michael, have you done anything yet with the list of the sahaba's names who have written the quran? you know, that list you said never existed? the one i had to go a hell of a translation to find it written repeatadly all over the internet in arabic? the one i provided with numerous references and versions? the one who you wouldn't shut up from asking to see it no matter how much i told you it was no big deal? well, you said you'll go through it afterwards when i handed it to you, but i haven't heard anything from you about it since, though i DID find you harassing other members here for pieces of information and repeatedly asking for them to provide it, wonder if they fell for you too..

if you haven't noticed, i've been avoiding you michael, you better stay off my case if you know what's better for you.