Dogs fed cats

The taboo of killing pet animals is entirely a cultural phenomenon, and nothing else. Cats have no more special rights than pigs or cows or chickens based on their inherent nature; they're all inherently worthless. But people ascribe cats much greater value because they cuddle them and stuff.


Somewhere on Alpha Centauri planet,

The taboo of killing human creatures from planet Earth, is entirely a cultural phenomenon, and nothing else. Earth humans have no more special rights than pigs or cows or chickens based on their inherent nature; they're all inherently worthless. But some of us ascribe Earth human creatures much greater value because our children cuddle them and stuff.
yeah, rats can bite like hell and they are not stupid. I'd rather catch a mouse than a rat if I were a snake.

Of course I have to make the comment here, that the inbred lines of mice are usually rather docile; I have no experience with wild mice.

I do have experience with wild voles (sibling vole) and they prefer hanging from your fingers securely attached by their incisors instead of patiently waiting to be gassed.
This is why I don't have any types of "pets". To many problems feeding them and they are always hungry. I go away from time to time and who would take care of the critters?
The taboo of killing pet animals is entirely a cultural phenomenon, and nothing else. Cats have no more special rights than pigs or cows or chickens based on their inherent nature; they're all inherently worthless. But people ascribe cats much greater value because they cuddle them and stuff.

So, are you saying we shouldn't kill any animals?
How about if I kill your snake and eat it?
Yeah, I agree with Roman. Why can't strays be eaten in soup kitchens instead of just incinerated?
Yeah, I agree with Roman. Why can't strays be eaten in soup kitchens instead of just incinerated?

Because a few people would be upset ....and the object of any action by any government officials is the attempt to please everyone all the time. If not, then he's "free meat" for the sharks of the news media and protest marchers.

Nope, gotta' please everyone all the time with every action.

Baron Max
and which action were they pleasing you with?? Cuz I think you got skipped.

No, you're right, they always skip me 'cause politicians and government officials all know by now that I hate anything and everything that humans do or say. :D

Baron Max
A dog taught to eat cats is a danger to the neighborhood's pets, as well as the sensibilities of its children.

Kind of anti-social. I wouldn't trust a guy who did that to a dog that had to live with people.

But around here they have banned butchering horses for food - there are a hell of a lot of people who think squeamishness is a moral virtue, and these people will run your life if you let them.
The guy violated a social taboo. That's all. My outdoor cat catches and eats mice and baby bunnies all of the time. If I caught mice or little bunnies, and bashed their heads, to feed to my cat, no one would have anything to say about it.

Dogs and cats have been elevated to miniature citizens in most wertern cultures. Can't have people bashing one miniature citizen to feed to another miniature citizen.
What if they fed the dwarf to a crocodile?

Okay, okay ... but Superluminal does have a point. Dogs and cats hold special places in our society. Following back from the present, the path of cultural development most affecting me has a long positive relationship with cats and dogs. Not so with mice.

As to the dwarf and the crocodile, what if it was children? I mean, if a crocodile comes and snatches a child, it's a terrible thing for the family and the community, but hey, it is natural. To the other, if I abducted someone's kids and fed them to a pet croc?

Okay, okay ... right. I know.
The shock soon passes if the child isn't part of your immediate social group. And like panting gazelle on the prairie I think there's a strong element of 'there but for the grace of God..'.
The guy violated a social taboo. That's all.

My outdoor cat catches and eats mice and baby bunnies all of the time.
That's natural behavior for cats, however the presence of the huge amount of cats isn't. Still we can't blame the cats.

If I caught mice or little bunnies, and bashed their heads, to feed to my cat, no one would have anything to say about it.
I would. That's not natural, cats are perfectly able to catch their own food. And there is such a thing as cat food in the supermarket, which makes it unnecessary for you to go kill wild animals for your cat.

Dogs and cats have been elevated to miniature citizens in most wertern cultures.
Well yeah, so what ?

Can't have people bashing one miniature citizen to feed to another miniature citizen.
Uhm.. that's what I was saying ;)
The guy violated a social taboo. That's all.
Depending on the taboo, that's a lot.

I don't want the neighbors crippliong cats and training their dogs to eat them. I don't trust such neighbors - they appear to have no consideration whatsoever for possible consequences, and no sense of priorities, and a questionable attraction to crippling animals. If they can't afford dog food, they'll jsut have to give up their dogs - which they are rapidly turning into a public hazard, as thing are.

Aside from the cruelty issue, which is a serious one, I would have some similar objections to having the neighbor dress bags of dog food up in clothes resembling local children's, and teaching their dog to attack them.