Dogs and chickenbones

Yes no raisins for dogs. I forgot why and I am too lazy to google it, but you shouldn't give them. Also no chocolate...
This is documented on Snopes:

But this dog ate a lot of 'em!

Chocolate is indeed toxic to dogs, although not all dogs react as strongly. Most dogs who eat just a little chocolate don't require medical care. But some do, and a small number have died from it.

It's also toxic to cats. But that's not a big problem since cats lack the taste receptor for sweetness--poor dears! Therefore they're very unlikely to be interested in it unless they're starving. This is apparently true across the entire Felidae family, from tigers to lynxes.
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He ate a possum once, he caught it, killed it, plucked it, and ate it's entire body and later shat out teeth and claws.

Interesting. I didn't know possums had feathers.
Pretty interesting. I actually learned something. It's not like I was ever go to feed my dog a chicken bone, but I got some good takeaways in this thread. Thanks.
Bones you say,ok what about fish bones? I have seen some dogs eat whole fish or fish pieces.

Should fish be fed to dogs and in what fashion?

Pretty interesting. I actually learned something. It's not like I was ever go to feed my dog a chicken bone, but I got some good takeaways in this thread. Thanks.

Two days ago my dog devoured and aluminum tray into pieces from 1/2 inch on I looked if he had a cut in his mouth I did not see any Y checked the stool fir blood I did not find any ( lucky ) and the pouch seems fine.