Does Your 'God' Have A Sense Of Humour??

So, this one guy gets to Heaven and asks God:
-God, ¿how much time is a thousand years for you?
-My son, for Me that's like a second.
So the guy asks Him:
-And, ¿How much would a million dollars be for You?
-That would be like one cent.
-God ¿Why don't you give me a cent?
-Yeah, in a second.
This just in:
"It is my well-researched opinion that the Mark of the Beast, as related in scripture, is absolutely literal. Soon, all people on earth will be coerced into accepting a Mark in their right hand or forehead.

This is actually true: I looked at the original Greek, and the mark of the beast is in fact literally, "Mark of the Beast". It scares me to think what 'accepting Mark in their right hand' might mean. Or on their forehead. This could explain more about pornography than we want to know.

If a guy named 'Mark' wants to follow you home, grab a cab and shake him off (not literally).
Heaven is Reality. It is Perfect, Untouchable, Complete And Content .. why would Heaven need a god to dilute its perfection, except for a joke.

So Heaven has a sense of humor because it has a god for its joke…. and it also has all sorts of egos that think they are so much more real than this joke called god... so they call themselves atheists.

And if gods make life into a Comedy that Heaven needs for his humor then the likes of atheists make this comedy Supreme.
Well, if I commit a murder, and (if there is a heaven and hell and god) I am sent to hell, while at the same time a person who also believes in god commits same crime, so what will be the difference in our judgements. This is why you dont need to believe in god, even if there is a god. If he/she/it is a perfect being then as long as you do "good" things you should be fine. and wont have to face the lake of fire.
Who do you think created comedians or should I said, the whole earth?