Does Time Move At All?

I think time takes on a different form with mind. I never said the two where interdependant here, but in a sense they are. For any flow to exist, a mind must be present. But on the larger picture, time exists in fleeting flashes of stops and starts. But heh... whatever you say.
And you know special relativity... your arguement that time is not a result of how we percieve it, is in fact a theory that is observer-dependant.

I'm not clued up on this theory. So i cannot make any comment that would approve or disprove your dislike. However, he is the founder, not sure if you know, of a mathematical insert called qwiffs that determine probabilities. You should read up more of his work.

Dr Wagner
Yes... the radiative arrow of time...
We all know there is about several arrows of time, and psychological arrow is but one. We know we percieve, or recreate time in our neural networks. We sense time flow, but as i said, this is due to the way our heads work. Without us, time is found to be discontinuous.
In fact Ben... Can i ask you to consider putting this back... since i never spoke about observer-dependancies in the original post... nor did i hint at anything you might have found objectionable. So...
But the distance has nothing to do with motion. For example bellow is the animation of star sky twinkling, apparently existing in time. We can even define two time arrows here, each of different speed.


So we can experience time, but no apparent motion exists here. This effectively renders the claim "time is motion" refused.

The "Twinkle" is caused by the fact that the Star outputs various light wavelengths, and due to the distance only a small amount of that light reaches the observer. Depending on the distance also defines what spectrum of light is visible, the closer the Star the more Red spectrum (Infra-red) the further the more Violet. (Ultra-Violet) you then have ranges outside of the visual spectrum like UHF.

No matter the distance the output includes Photon's and Waves. Depending on the spectrum location defines the length of the wave, this implies a distance. A "Twinkle" occurs when there is a change in that wave length, perhaps a gravitation distortion, perhaps dust particles absorbing the light on route to the observer. However the Twinkle is for a duration of time, a measurement of the absence of light loss due to the observation and that observation is using a cognitive that utilises it's own waveforms to identify the passage of time.

Namely the light of the star isn't just a record of the lights passage but also the observer themselves contains fundamentally there own interpreted passage of time.

In essence a usual Theory applied is that if there was a completely empty vacuum (without background radiation like Zero-point) there would be no passage of time, other than that made by the observer since the observer becomes the measurement device.

What I mean is that if you existed in this empty vacuum with no measurements around you, your observations are concluded by the motion of thoughts running through your neurons, which in turn are made up of molecular composites which in turn are made up of atoms that contain moving particles.

Of course if you are interested in that, you'd probably best look into how Time is measured through the Atomic Clock.
I belive that time is not a factor.
Time is precived backwards.
Time is the past.

You can not change the past and there for you can not change time.

Everything happens in the precent, RIGHT NOW.
You can not change what you did 1 sek. ago or yesterday.

Our minds can remember and learn from the past.
And that is what we call time.

We know from past expirence that it takes an average acorn , time , to grow into a tree.
What it depence on is : (a)potential and

If a+b=1 Then

Everything is binary, either something happens or it don´t.
1 it happens, 0 it don´t.

What it depence on is; what potentials does it have and are the circumstances fulfilled. If this is so then 1.
If not fulfilled then 0.

We can speed up "time" by changing the circumstances.
If an acorn have optimale circumstances it will grow quicker, because it is easier to achive the potential.
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I just want to make my reply to the last poster public, because his views are very valid. There is a theory stating that existence is built up on nothing but binary codes of zero's and one's. One way to imagine this, is to imagine that the most fundamental of matter -- such as quarks and gluon energy as representing zero's and one's.

Also, i agree time isn't a factor, that is, unless there is a reference to cosmological time. We give that reference, so long as mind exists, a form of time exists, but it is purely imaginal, and totally ethereal, as is space... (1)

(1) - however, space vacuum is a physical and potentially physical realm, therego, if space and time are one continuum as spacetime, meaning that both play the same roles(2), then time and space are also physical.

(2) - i can qoute Minkowski in 1908 if someone wishes decairing time and space as one thing only...
We know we percieve, or recreate time in our neural networks. We sense time flow, but as i said, this is due to the way our heads work. Without us, time is found to be discontinuous.

This is not true..... if we look at the other planets in our solarsystem, then we see that there is change all round our little planet where we have the ability to precive time. time happens all the time.

Time is the distance between the past and the precent.
Yes... without us, time is discontinuous, and has no imaginary flow, or in real time, which is the same as imaginary space.
Things move, but what reference do they have, in consideration to a real passing of existence? In other words, who is there to say something is evolving, when there isn't a human? You might as well say that time doesn't exist.
Things move, but what reference do they have, in consideration to a real passing of existence? In other words, who is there to say something is evolving, when there isn't a human? You might as well say that time doesn't exist.

:bugeye: This is typical egocentric reasoning.. in other words bullshit.
Things don't suddenly vanish when there is no human around.
Well, yes, from our perspective. The universe is relative to us. If weare not here, then existence as we know it cannot exist. So some other alternative ust take its place, which can only be described as ''potential.''
Well, yes, from our perspective. The universe is relative to us. If weare not here, then existence as we know it cannot exist. So some other alternative ust take its place, which can only be described as ''potential.''

Alright.. I'll be honest, I'm starting to get irritated. It's not just this conversation though, also outside factors. It seems smart for me to quit. Sorry.
Quit if you do, but you do it a second to late of your past, and a second too far for your future. Neither can be reached.
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In other words, the present is an existence that can never be reached, since the future and the past are also somehow present.
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If living is the same as;

past + presens = life.

Past((a)potential) + present((b)circumstances = life

You can not change the past and there for you can not change time.

Everything happens in the present, RIGHT NOW.
You can not change what you did 1 sek. ago or yesterday.

Our minds can remember and learn from the past.
And that is what we call time.

We know from past expirence that it takes an average acorn , time , to grow into a tree.
What it depence on is : (a)potential and

If a+b=1 Then

Everything is binary, either something happens or it don´t.
1 it happens, 0 it don´t.

What it depence on is; what potentials does it have and are the circumstances fulfilled. If this is so then 1.
If not fulfilled then 0.

We can speed up "time" by changing the circumstances.
If an acorn have optimale circumstances it will grow quicker, because it is easier to achive the potential.

When we die, we are no longer a part of the mental part of the present, because the mind is tied to the body and the body is dead. We can not reach any of our potentials because we have no way of changing our curcumstances.
So when we die we become curcumstances for others to reach their potentials.
Our body becomes curcumstances for life on another level ex. food for worms and other forms of life.
Our mind becomes curcumstances for others in the race to reach their potential.
What we put up as a foundation, those after can build upon.
Yinyang has the right idea. Suppose the flow of time is only psychological. Then time cannot have a flow if mind is not present, then it is found to discontinuous, in fleeting flashes of existence.

As for the nature of time, we can never reach the future, and we never ever spent any time in the past. The only time we take a distance in is the present, and somehow this ''so-called'' present time ''excites'' reality to function accordingly.

If the past and future sandwich the present, then in some strange and paradoxical way, the past and future are the same as what we would call the present. But to save ourselves from insanity, we make a distinction between the two.