Does the west view Islam as enemy ?

Do you view Islam as your enemy ?

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Shield of Islam
Registered Senior Member
Dear all:

I saw this cartoon in an arabic newspaper ( ) it is very powerful cartoon, the comments under the pictures says:

This is how the west view Islam and muslims ? is that true?? do you view Islam as your dangerous enemy ? if so, can you explain why ???

Who needs to explain this to you look at your own posts. You said you were proud a woman was going to be stoned to death and her daughter left an orphan. You didn't comment on or condemn the beheading of apostates. You constantly insult other forumers and other religions. You call western music (which I happen to enjoy) satanic. You are very intolerant of anything you have been told is bad by islam. And you are supposedly a MODERATE muslim.
Did I say i was proud to see a woman is going to be stoned ?? do you understand Englihs ???? I said I am proud of the LAW you retard !! go and learn how to read some english before you open your mouth !! :rolleyes:

I did not say all western music is satanic, again, you are falsifying what I said, but dont worry, people here are not stupid, they knew what i said and what I, it is the time to switch for the other nickname ( Vienna ) !!
Here you are oh amnesiatic one

Originally Posted by Bells
What you fail to realise PM is that the court sentenced her to death by stoning in the first place, which means the punishment exists, ”
To which you replied
Originally Posted by Proud Muslim
Sure, the punishment exists and we are PROUD of it !! after all, I dont want western style society in which childern dont know who is their father let alone marrying their own sisters !!!

You specifically said you are proud of the punishment retard (see now I am replying like you do) read your own words! Law was not mentioned
The west doesn't, and thats a problem because islam is a dangerous threat to western civilisation. I 'view it that way' because that is what islam openly is. I say openly because they aren't very good at hiding it. Judging by al jazeera it seems muslims by nature are very unskilled in the art of deception. Its blindingly obvious to a wiley westerner like me that islam is anti-non-islam to a violent unquenchable degree. Maybe they are trying to hide it? I can't tell. I know the religion anyway, I know it is essential that muslims hate all other religions and aim to remove them from the planet, the ultimate goal being a planet inhabitted only by peacefull muslims.
You yourself are obviously against the wests very existence. You may say you just want them out of the middle east but in making this point you will brutally and relentlessly attack every aspect of western society/christianity/judaism including aspects that having nothing to do with islam being under fire.
Its similar to if you see 2 people arguing, and the fatter one gets the upper hand, the less fat one will say 'shut up you fat bitch', showing they've always had a problem with the fatties fat body but only now feel like being vocal on it.
Thats what muslims are like, they might be quiet while nothings happening (and they're not anyway but whatever) but when the west occupies their land they suddenly go into hysterics about the western world in general rather than just complaining about the west being in their country. Its very telling.
And most have only been quiet because they fear the west. Switch islamic societies with judeo/christian societies in power(military, weaponry etc etc) and we would see a horriffic world war that would last a few weeks. In that time every non-muslim person on earth would be destroyed.
Islam is inherently a dangerous religion. Right now its a weak dangerous religion. If it ever becomes powerful it will be seriously dangerous to everyone that isn't a muslim.
I will not be generalised with 'West', or 'East' , so I'll speak for myself : in the teachings of Islam am I an enemy?

First off I'll tell you how I voted - I don't know. So I am asking from you, Shield of Islam, IYO, or any who know, for discussion's sake, whether I will be seen as an enemy. Here are my thoughts on religion.

- I believe all religion , bar none, is the vehicle with which we get not only morals which can't be too far from the greater good of man to live and/or we get to God. Whatever the reason, more importantly if we mistaken it to be the destination, we get neither morals nor God.

Religion today, to a large extent has turned on the vehicle, stepped out to listen to the engine & is marvelling at it's gloss -when there is an open plain road ahead.With no-one on it. But leading to where, we'll never know, 'cause we're still standing outside the car - marvelling.... whose is better, more popular, the original.
As such, I value religion to the extent required to be given to the instrument. A means to the end, not the end. Unfortunately , this being so the instrument may be used by he who wields it, not that makes the instrument bad, it is only interpretation. It is my belief that the interpretation is lacking, for the book is only as good as it's reader.

Going by this, my basic view; though I do not see Islam as an enemy, how does it see me?
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path said:
Here you are oh amnesiatic one
To which you replied
You specifically said you are proud of the punishment retard (see now I am replying like you do) read your own words! Law was not mentioned

Indeed retard ! I am proud of the PUNISHMENT not of a woman stoned to death !!!!! :rolleyes:
firdroirich said:
I will not be generalised with 'West', or 'East' , so I'll speak for myself : in the teachings of Islam am I an enemy?

First off I'll tell you how I voted - I don't know. So I am asking from you, Shield of Islam, IYO, or any who know, for discussion's sake, whether I will be seen as an enemy. Here are my thoughts on religion.

Ok, sure, let us start:

- I believe all religion , bar none, is the vehicle with which we get not only morals which can't be too far from the greater good of man to live and/or we get to God. Whatever the reason, more importantly if we mistaken it to be the destination, we get neither morals nor God.

This is your opinion and I respect it despite the fact I dont agree with it.

Going by this, my basic view; though I do not see Islam as an enemy, how does it see me?

You asked very important question: here is how Islam sees you:

''There is no compulsion in religion, for the right way is clearly from the wrong way. Whoever therefore rejects the forces of evil and believes in God, he has taken hold of a support most unfailing, which shall never give way, for God is All Hearing and Knowing.'' (The Noble Quran 2:256)

In Islam, there is no compulsion in religion, Allah gave you free will to choose whatever you want, he created you free and he is ALONE who will judge you, so you are not an enemy in the eyes of Islam no matter what is your belief as long as you dont fight muslims over their religion or drive them out from their homes:

''...God does not forbid you from being good to those who have not fought you over religion or driven you from your homes, or from being just towards them. God loves those who are just. God merely forbids you from taking as friends those who have fought you over religion and driven you from your homes and who supported your expulsion... ''(The Noble Quran 60: 8-9)
Proud_Muslim said:
Indeed retard ! I am proud of the PUNISHMENT not of a woman stoned to death !!!!! :rolleyes:
What kind of olympic mental gynastics does it require to reach the state you are in? I hope to god that people read your garbage to help them get a picture of what islam can do to the human mind, it is just frightening
I have many Muslim friends and acquaintances - both practicing and non practicing
they are all good people, even if we disagree about Iraq or Israel (some, not all)... but you, PM, are a fanatic

and unfortunately, there are people even more fanatic than you... they make it look like Islam is the dynamite religion.
they're the ones i'm afraid of and they're the ones i want dead
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Proud_Muslim said:
Indeed retard ! I am proud of the PUNISHMENT not of a woman stoned to death !!!!! :rolleyes:
PM, dear dear PM, the punishment was to stone a woman to death. So to be proud of the punishment would also mean that you are proud that the woman be stoned to death. Do you see the connection between the two? How can you be proud of the punishment but not proud that the woman who receives the punishment is stoned to death? If you aren't proud that a woman be stoned to death, then that means that you aren't proud of the punishment. And you call others retards? :eek:
1. Because Islam teaches people to enslave people under the rule of Islam. To make dhimmies out of non-muslims under islamic rule.

2. Because Islam teaches people to react violently to every percieved "injustice".

3. Because in #2 Islam teaches people to kill and be killed.
Islam itself is not a danger. Islamic extremists are. Extremists/Fundamentalists/whatever you call that slime are an immense danger in any religion. Unfortunately, due to political tension and other reasons, fundamentalists are rising in numbers.
And what causes violent Islamic extremism? Is it just the person? How come violent extremism is rare with buddhists, hindus, jews & christians, but common with muslims?

It is Islam.
Theocracy is the danger. Religion and politics are too powerful to mix and when a government can claim it is enacting laws that are divinely inspired then the expression of one's political will can easily be interpreted as blasphemy.

All religions have learned this lesson the hard way except for Islam, which I hope will be learning it soon.
And what causes violent Islamic extremism? Is it just the person? How come violent extremism is rare with buddhists, hindus, jews & christians, but common with muslims?

Did you forget the Crusades and Reconquista? Jews aren't violent in Israel? There have never been brutal wars in India? Wow. Shame shame.
whitewolf said:
Did you forget the Crusades and Reconquista? Jews aren't violent in Israel? There have never been brutal wars in India? Wow. Shame shame.

That was 900 years ago. In those days Christianity was in equal terms with Islam as a violent religion. But the christian religion is a changing religion and it has changed a lot since then. Now it truly deserves the title "Religion of Peace".

Islam on the otherhand would rather break than bend. Its still as violant as it was in the days of its founder mohammed.
DoctorNO said:
And what causes violent Islamic extremism? Is it just the person? How come violent extremism is rare with buddhists, hindus, jews & christians, but common with muslims?

It is Islam.
They are more common with Muslims because the media is quick to show their extremism and not so quick to show others. You can't blame a whole religion for the actions of the few. The majority of Muslims around the world aren't extremist or fanatical.

Unfortunately, the current political climate has resulted in Islam as being seen to be an enemy as it serves the politics of the West. However another question that should be asked is whether Islam and Muslims in general view the West as being an enemy? It's a never ending vicious circle. Some idiotic fanatics fly planes into buildings in the US and all of a sudden, all Muslims are looked at with suspicion and many are detained for just being Muslims (as happened in the US), and most of the time they were innocent. Such actions and behaviour will quite rightly raise the hackles of the Muslim community and view the West as an enemy as the West views them as an enemy. As I said, it's a never ending vicious circle.
Bells said:
They are more common with Muslims because the media is quick to show their extremism and not so quick to show others.
The media reports islamist extremism around the globe. My goodness even in china! I must admit the media are quick in reporting so. But what does “being quick” here means? Does it mean there are as much violent religious extremism in the other religions but the media don’t report it? If that’s what you think then you are just speculating. There are a bit of non-islamic violent religious extremism here and there but it is very rare.

Bells said:
You can't blame a whole religion for the actions of the few. The majority of Muslims around the world aren't extremist or fanatical.
But islamist violence isn’t few. And it is certainly not isolated, but widely scattered. And the majority of muslims are fundamentalists, as admitted by the muslimah Irshad Manji. And this majority is silent on the issues raised. Is that indicative of silent approval? Of tacit approval? Where is the shariah condemning such acts and condemning the perpetrators of the act?

Bells said:
However another question that should be asked is whether Islam and Muslims in general view the West as being an enemy?
I think so. Aside from media reports, historical accounts of muslims attacking the west, internet sites, PM’s behavior, there is also the fact that Islam divides the world between the world of Islam and the world of war. You are either for them or against them.
There is some hypocrisy in the West about Islam.

Islam, especially its Jihad had been exploited to fight Soviets in Afghanistan. The West called the resistance fighters as mujahideen in Afghanistan and freedom fighters in India (until recently) but called them terrorists in Palestine. This double standard is the bone of contention, particularly, to Jihadis like Osama and Jawahri et al. They reacted violently by turning into aggressors themselves whom Allah hates.

The misunderstanding of Islam by the west is the main reason. Islam is basically demanding to strive for the life after death. It says to fight with physical force, no matter what happens, against injustice and aggression. This is unique to Islam.

What is not unique to Islam is the 'hypocrites'. They pose their own interests as the fight against percieved injustice and aggression. Vulnerable muslims youths fall for that in the name of god.

Instead of exposing the vested interests and fight selectively, the west believe in using excessive military might to solve the problem - Iraq being the typical example. How much jihadis it would produce is an open question. OR thats what they want.?!