Does The Universe Quantum Leap? - The Observer Effect

An oscillator can be found through the equation:


Which inexorably leads to the solution that the Planck Consant is:


Deviated of course, from:

E=hf - (from normal phase and group velocities)

They also have a matrix result of >

n=1, 2, 3

***Oscillators move back and forth the vacua it is allowed to propagate through, so for an AW configuration, would need to HAVE waves that travel in much the same way. In other words, ‘’undulations.’’

A wave, could tunnel under space as it is distorted by small, but calculatable gravitational effects as it MUST interact. This has been proved mathematically through unifying the gravity found in real matter, with the ZPE field. This means that perhaps, and I am only speculating here, that the ZPE field is cancelled out by a dual hypothesis> Not only is the Aether dragging matter, but matter is dragging the Aether.

****Oscillators are constitutional math to describe a superpositioning in space, existing in one space and then another into infinity.

An elastic Aether could be predicting also, that it is being stretched, because the distribution of matter is in fact causing a stress tensor, as found in Einsteins relativistic equations. It wouldn’t make sense to say the Aether dragged matter, unless both are simultaneous in operation. This might be a solution unto its own, as it could cause an inertial effect. Treating one of these theories alone, leads to errors, but unifying the two, solves the paradox.
only is the Aether dragging matter, but matter is dragging the Aether..
Yep, this can be an usefull point, especially at the case of dense matter, like this one near of black hole. We can say, the dense vacuum is going seamlessly into matter near the black hole horizon. So the matter motion will affect the Aether motion, definitelly.


We can say, the event horizon is just the place of Aether, where the mass density gradient is so sharp, so that the so called total reflection occurs. It's not equivalent to the physical surface of black hole. The AWT even predicts the existence of many other event horizons bellow it. These horizons will get more and more dense gradually, until they'll transform into new generation of Aether foam inside of BH. We can say, the event horizon is the largest, outer brane of the generation of Aether foam, which gradually gets more dense inside of BH.
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because the distribution of matter is in fact causing a stress tensor, as found in Einsteins relativistic equations.
The problem of classical model of GR is quite trivial, in fact. The Einstein's field equation is describing the dependence of space-time curvature to energy density. It basically says, the energy density of space-time is proportional to it's curvature.


But the E=mc^2 equation always remain valid! It means, the curvature of space has an energy density, which can be expressed as an aditional (calibration) mass density. And this additional mass density corresponds the additional curvature of space. If we analyze the submission of space-time curvature, we can see, it occurs mostly near the surface of massive object, so it's compensating slightly the space-time curvature, caused by mass of object itself. From this result, when the massive object becomes sufficiently dense, it's surface energy density will become larger, then the energy density inside it. Such object cannot collapse anymore.

By such way, the Einstein's GR is the infinitelly recursive theory, in fact and the classical field equation is just a simplest extrapolation of it. Many other theories (the Heim's, Yilmaz's and so called double relativity) are taking account into higher derivatives of stress tensor in Einstein's field equations, but they're not generally accepted, as the general conceptual look is still missing here.
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''We can say, the event horizon is just the place of Aether,''

A black hole itself, is it is able to stop a packet down to zero space and time, and ironically being a zero-time particle itself, it must drag the Aether Field around with it, at the speed of light, since black holes rotate at this speed. However, there is one snag. The outser-coundary must have a singularity, and this must not be forgotten. So then, i acnnot see the outer boundary as being the Aether itself.
It stresses such a tensor, because matter is but only crinkles, or folds of spacetime that are compactified.
...The outser-coundary must have a singularity..

In general, the AWT does not prohibit the formation of singularities. By AWT the black hole is behaving like dense undulating blob of vacuum, which is trying to collapse, but the negative curvature formed during such collapse will result into strong repulsive force. This keeps the whole black hole conditionally stable. But at the certain moment, the space-time can crush its own surface and it can create a daughter black hole(s) inside of former black hole. Such moment will become the "Big-Bang" event for the inner universe generation. Because the Universe is collapsing gradually, such event is more and more probable.

You can use the system of mercury droplets for explanation of the critical space-time curvature concept. The pile of tiny mercury droplets will not condense immediatelly, because the droplets are repelled mutually due their strong surface tension. This is because the occasional merging of two dropplets into single one is followed by temporal formation of thin "neck" with strong negative curvature, which is followed by repulsive force (the energy is trying to spread along as stright path, as possible). This keeps the system of mercury droplets conditionally stable.

But at the moment, when the pile of mercury dropplets will become a sufficiently heavy, the surface of dropplets at the center of pile will merge and whole pile will collapse like the nest full of eggs. At the case of black hole collapse we can say, the daughter Universe phase transform (Big Bang event, followed by inflation) has occured right now.

Whole process is driven just bycurvature of space, so we can say, the AWT is sort of geometrodynamical theory. The behavior of Universe is the consequence of the diffusive character of inertial energy spreading. The diffusion always occurs perpendiculary to the density gradient, i.e. along as straight path, as possible (principle of least action). At the case of curved surface of droplet (the "particle" in general..) this principle leads to the apparent paradox: the smaller is the droplet diameter, the shorter is the surface gradient path, but the more curved is the resulting energy path. This results in dynamic, metastable Universe behavior.
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''By AWT the black hole is behaving like dense undulating blob of vacuum, which is trying to collapse.''

Not at all, because if the aether waves where subjected to the singularity, they would be blown to unimaginable proportional frequencies. It would defy all sense, since there is already a Hawking Radiation.
''but the negative curvature formed during such collapse will result into strong repulsive force. This keeps the whole black hole conditionally stable/''

But you can't say this either, because if it was a system as you say, there is no reason why energy cannot tunnel into black holes... such as the antiphotons, and positrons that are inexorably forced back. This would create stability, however, we should also expect rogue matter falling into its wrath, increasing its material volume, making it increase in size.
It would defy all sense, since there is already a Hawking Radiation..

I've nothing to say to such "argumentation".. Of course, here's already a Hawking Radiation, Olbers Paradox, Aharamov-Bohm effect and many other phenomena. How it can affect the subject of discussion?