does the gov't know???

Yes, that is what people should be looking for the one legitimate piece of evidence, be it photo or whatever, that can't be discredited; all it takes is one real, solid piece of evidence to prove the entire thing credible. As to Government awareness of UFOs, yes they are aware of the phenomena and have been investigating such for years, that's all a matter of public record. Project Sign, Project Grudge, and Project Blue Book were all actual official USAF investigations into the UFO phenomenon albeit the latter two weren't the best efforts. To say that world Governments know the "truth" behind the subject of UFOs is a different matter. One can dismiss sightings reported by John Q. Public, but can one do the same to the sightings reported by the military pilots defending your airspace. No Government would be that foolhardy to dismiss such "credible" sightings which is why investigations such as Project Sign began back in the late '40's, and presumably why other investigations are ongoing since such "credible" sightings are still being reported by both military and civilian airline pilots. If the "truth" behind the UFO phenomenon was simply a rare form of atmospheric disturbance, one wonders why pilots aren't briefed about it and taught to ignore it or avoid it rather than have them report it as a UFO incident with all the baggage that that term brings with it. The truly strange thing about UFOs is their erractic and contradictory behavior. UFOs have been reported flying with intent of purpose (flying V formation, flying grid search pattern, flying due N,S,E,W, etc.), flying over major cities (Mexico City in the early '90's and Washington D.C. in the early '50's), and at other times flying with no clear intent of purpose (flying figure 8s, flying loop the loop, etc.) The only consistency with UFOs is their inconsistent nature. An "agreement" between world Governments to "keep a lid" on UFOs until it can be ascertained as to what the true nature is concerning UFOs, seems to be more credible than any alleged agreements between said Governments and UFO's and their presumed occupants. One can hardly believe that any such world Gov./UFO occupant accord would have a nondisclosure aspect to it and at the same time permit these UFOs to fly willynilly over major cities. The fact that UFOs fly or appear wherever they please is clearly beyond the control of any of the world Governments. One only has to look up the reports over military facilities, nuclear facilities, and yes, major cities to see that these aren't the places to fly about nonchalantly in a UFO if discretion were a matter of concern. It may be a matter of concern for the Governments in question, but clearly such flippant acts of flying by UFOs seems to preclude any alleged accords between "them" and "us." However, truth can be stranger than fiction and there just might be a method to the madness to use some popular cliches to sum up my views on the subject.
I agree... The gov probably knows some stuff, but it seems as though the problem of UFO's is outta their hands (derived from looking at the air force UFO reports). If we had communicated with them, don't you think pilots would be warned to stay out of the way?

Or maybe aliens made an agreement with the US gov saying, we can fly our UFO's anywhere and you can't tell your people about us... and in turn we will leave you alone.

But how would the aliens know who to contact? How would the know who are leader is? The could easily go to a farmer and believe he is the learder? Think about it, our culture and alien culture is probably so completely different...

This is a hard question, our gov is sneaky!


Sat down to think about my life passin by
So much i've done and have yet to try
But why am I here just waiting to die?
I can't complain about what lifes thrown my way
I'm thankful to be in this moment today
I've given nothing, for what I recieved
These days are more meaningful than I believed
tehy could find out bye abducting people, then reading there minds or something, finding out were to go, when to go and how to go, jsut like on independence day. they abduct peopel, tehn get all the information on it that they can. then they know who to go to. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages. i may be young, but i can see a hell of a lot more than you ever did.

-dexter (yahoo sn: rancid242)
Very nice tries, people. Keep the heat up.

The govn't(s) has/have been working with different species from outer space for longer than you could possibly guessed. Brazil seems to be "off the trends" of the rest cuz they let you in on all the secrets. They report it on newspaper, TV... They wouldn't "quarantine" you if you come in contact with visitors. Or all sorts of the torture things you saw on TV. The key is simple: keep us out of other species that want to take a share. Ergo, they give us technologies in exchange for all this and...
Mmm..reading this board 'as caused me to be a bit bold. Just some parallels to *wonder* about:

1. Alien abductions, and
Human rights groups fighting to keep medical doctors from using humans as guinea pigs for medical experimentation & new drugs.

2. Unidentified flying objects, and
Inventions being bought by various gov'ts (specifically US) and *stored* because these inventions would "upset the economy". Inventions like cars that run on water, helicopters with vertical take-off ability (invented 1920's - military *releases* in 1990's.), and best of all, the aircraft that can break the sound barrier and is radar-protected (invented early 1930's - military releases Stealth Bomber in 1980's).

Come now, folks...think about it. These people hold the positions of running various parts of our governments because of their intelligence, prowress in politics, and financial *friendships*. Can we really expect them NOT to used the information at their disposal to do what they believe is best for our countries without causing widespread panic by releasing the information until the *objects* or systems are perfected? They think the good of the many outweighs the plight of the few. And in their position, we would probably do the same things.

Really, the idea of UFO's, aliens, and the conspiracy stuff comes from people who stumbled upon more information than they really were able to understand. That's why the stories die so quickly...the individuals are either *educated* or moved. Or the information becomes de-classified to protect the various departments of the governments.

If you're a Christian, think of this way: the sooner they finish the systems, the groups, the experiments...the sooner we go home.

One day they will smile at us all sweetly, say they have done all these things in secret for our better good, and lead the way into that "Global Unity" they are striving for.

Just something to think about. ;)

the Lass
Does this imply that the ancient Egyptian "wheel of fire" in the sky was a government cover-up? (I see a cigarette-smoking temple priest somewhere... :))