does the gov't know???


Registered Senior Member
does the gov't know everything that we think they know??? about E.T'S i am sure that they know some, they could jsut know what project blue book had written in it, or earth could already have colonies on seperate worlds, we could ahve a chair in the supreem court, or anything..... does anyone have any insight???

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)
No the government does not know. Theres enough things to hate the government for without inventing shadow governments and alien conspiracies. The pentagon has enough work trying to convince us that there are "rogue states" poised to take us over.
I'm pretty convinced governments are very aware of the UFO phenomenon and know a great deal more about it than they let on.

In Britain there is good evidence to suggest that censorship of the subject has come in to play on many occasions. There is a distinct reluctance by the media to report on some of the more interesting cases. Also, if certain researchers are to be believed, there have been a number of instances recently where extremely interesting video footage was pulled at the last minute from being aired on national TV with no explanation given.

Governments know UFOs are real although they probably don't know what's behind it all.
Of course, Spadge if the people who are in charge of the papers are people like me I can very well imagine their reluctance...

You have to realise that not every one is so trilled about these phenomena and are very happy to simply throw them down the tray. Sad as it may seem to believers of course. :(

I err, therefore I exist !

The point I'm trying to make here is that it is very often the really interesting cases that aren't featured. What is the reason for this? Many other stories, which don't appear quite so credible, get into the newspapers regularly. Very often they will have a jokey spin on the story about little green men from Mars or whatever.

So why are the events that might just cause people to look at this phenonmena in a more serious light not given the same exposure?

Let me ask you one thing. In 1991 UFOs hovered over Mexico City in broad daylight causing traffic to stop and thousands of witnesses to watch them. It was, not suprisingly, featured on the front pages of all of the Mexican newspapers and given prime time on the TV news.

My question is this. Whatever the sceptics make of what these objects were, it does not alter the fact something major did actually happen. Surely this is a big news story? Why then was it not reported in many countries at all? There does not appear to be any consistency here. Could it be, dare I say it, because the event could not be explained in any conventional way an left too many awkward questions?

On the other hand stories about lights in the sky at night can be reported 'safely' because they can be explained away by some astronomer saying it was just the planet Venus or some other believable cause.
You are right of course that this seems to be the case but don't you see that the ufo's flying over mexico in great mass makes them all the more suseptible for ridicule ?

There isn't a sigle newspaper who considers itself "respectable" (whatever that word means of course) that would print something like that in its headlines. Not while the ufo business is associated with aliens coming and other weird stuff that belongs in the spectacle press or weird phenomenon press.
As I said before, we are talking about a side culture here, not a major feature of society. This implies that automatically a whole lot of press or government officials will pull their hands of things like this because they fear it would harm their credibility.

I think most of the 'conspiricies' boil down to just this : fear to be ridiculised.

I err, therefore I exist !

[This message has been edited by Plato (edited June 28, 2000).]
Spadge, I agree with you about the Mexico City UFO event in 91. In my personal opinion, it is the second best evidence I have ever seen that we are being visited by beigns from another star system. There was thousands of pedestrians in the streets that saw it, and it was also videotaped by almost a dozen different people in different parts of the city, all showing the same craft. There was around 18 or more craft hovering over one of the most populated cities in the world. The skeptics that have seen this footage and have heard all the testimonies of the witness, are even convinced that they are real objects, although they believe that they are of U.S. military orgin. My answer to that ridiculous reasoning, is why in the name of GOD would we fly 18 or more of our most top secret black project aircraft over the most populated city in the world during a solar eclipse when the military would be very aware that there would be thousands of people looking up at the sky at that very time. Yeah, that makes alot of sense. They might as well test fly them over Times Square on New Years 2000. Bottom line is that all the governments are very aware of the situation and all have agreed to NDA (Non Disclosure Agreements) The U.S. is in charge of determining when it is the right time to release the information.
Has any of this Mexico City siting stuff ever made it to a web page? The only actual sitings photographs I've ever seen looked like flying car hubcaps. My dad, who, in his quiet moments, is a very down to earth guy...beleives we are being watched. I've always thought he was nuts in that regard. I don't stake my theology on the fact that they don't exist.

I've never heard of any of this till now.

Cable Guy from Illinois, USA

what you are saying about the US military goes also for the aliens, why would they wanne parade like that and then take off without any sign what so ever that they are in there.
I mean if you go through all the trouble of exposing your ship to the masses, why not realese some message or show yourself that you are real ?

[This message has been edited by Plato (edited June 29, 2000).]

You are right about the fear of ridicule. It is very real. It certainly does not encourage scientists to study what is undoutedly a real phenomenon.

However, I still don't see how a story can be ridiculed if it can be proved beyond doubt that it really did happen.

Corp Hudson

Just a quick question. Have you seen any of the Mexico City footage? The reason I ask is because I am yet to hear one rational explanation to what was seen and filmed on that day. It's certainly one of the most compelling UFO events ever and it's noticable that the sceptics continually avoid this particular incident when trying to debunk the subject.

Let's just look at the facts shall we. Analysis of the many videos taken by members of the public undoutedly show metallic disk shaped craft which were able to hover and also seem to disturb the air around them. I want somebody to tell me what the hell these things were. So far I haven't heard one plausible explanation which is hardly surprising as it's difficult to even think of a sensible one which does not involve a non human intelligence.

Cable Man

I don't know of any web sites that feature the Mexican video footage. However, it is possible to buy at least three different videos that tell the story of this incident along with the rest of the Mexican wave.

[This message has been edited by Spadge (edited June 29, 2000).]
they must know something about an Alien race, or all the ailen races..........but you think they are going to say anything.

they are never going to go on TV and say: "yes aliens are coming to Earth, and yes they can take you from your homes at anytime and do anything THEY want.........but NO we have no way of stopping them"

i am sure we would all sleep better knowing that could be one of the main reasons why we are told nothing.............we are thought of as DUMB, so we are treadted DUMB.

plus the Goverment may not know everything........

one of the big problems we have got is the effect certain people or groups are haveing on Earth and our lives NOW: New World mention one.
Hi All, just in and out...very busy.

I believe that we are and always have been visited....just look at ancient cultures like sumaria...skull binding to imetate deities, stories of ships decending with fire coming out of their bellies....their knowledge of the stars..i.e. sumarian and other cultures tell of planets and stars which are not visible to the naked did these cultures know where they are???

We can only speculate as to why these things are being kept secret from the general public...I guess the most plausible reason is that it is believed by some that the world economy, religous structure etc would crumble if the truth were made clear....maybe we need to ease into it so the shock doesn't destroy us???? If aliens came down and told us they are the reason we exist that their genetic manipulation of animals on earth spawned humanity...religion would fall....then you'd get the extremist doomsdayers etc quote "K" from the movie "MIB":
"A person is smart...people are dumb panicky animals and you know it"....
The gov't does know. There is enough circumstantial evidence to support that. From laws that forbid any contact with Aliens, Laws that make disclosure a crime, violation of national security or something. Enough Military personel have reported them, (UFO), and finally other gov'ts are starting to let out that they are here. Even one of the Cardinal's out of the Vatican has stated that they are here. HOW COULD THEY NOT KNOW? FOIA requests have been able to flush enough out to show that gov't is most aware of whats going on. As for Why the secrecy, why do you (not YOU) tell one lie to cover another?? And people are panicky (MIB), if people KNEW before they were ready, the stock market would crash, and all the looters and crazies who are JUST WAITING for any excuse to riot would go. Some people would think that they were here to enslave us, so would start shooting anyone they thought was alien, others would think that the end of the world had come, would go to church and never come out, some would go deep into denial and party hard. Until the VAST majority are comfortable with the fact they are here. IMO
Hey Spadge...I am not denying the existence of U.F.O.'s (as in Unidentified Flying Objects) or the possibility of visitors to this world.

What I am denying is the notion of massive shadow conspiracies, considering the amazing lack of evidence.
Oh! Sorry about that Corp! It appears I misunderstood your standpoint on the UFO issue as a whole.

However, regarding your other point, I am afraid I would have to disagree. I would not go as far as saying that governments know the whole truth about UFOs. It's quite possible that they don't. What they do know is that this subject does have a reality which they tend to supress from the general public.

Military/intelligence agencies have to study UFOs. Any airborne object which has invaded a country's airspace and could potentially be a threat to national security has to be investigated. This means that whatever UFO researchers have been able to find out over the years is only the tip of the iceberg compared to the undoubted wealth of information that these agencies have collected over the years. It's a fact that the public do not have access to the best reports. The declassification of all of these files would certainly put and end to the ongoing debate with sceptics as to whether these things are real or not.

The simple fact is many goverments simply do not want the public to know about UFOs. This is indisputable. USA intelligence agencies denied for years that they studied UFOs until thousands of documents were squeezed out of them by the Freedom Of Information Act. In other words, they flat out lied. If that's not evidence of a cover up, then I don't know what is.

Here's another example. In Britain declassiifed Ministry Of Defence documents in the Public Records Office from June 1965 reveal that 'it was official MOD policy to play down the subject of UFOs and avoid attaching undue public attention or publicity to the subject.'

Other documents released from that time state:

'The press are never to be given information about unusual radar sightings...and unusual visual sightings are in no circumstances to be disclosed to the press.

The bottom line is that governments know that there is something to all this. Quite how much else they know is open to conjecture. But they certainly don't want you to know.

The real question here is why don't they want the public to know the real facts about UFOs?

[This message has been edited by Spadge (edited July 02, 2000).]
I think we all know the answer to that one Spadge. Sometimes I think it'd be the best thing if what we all suspect was proven beyond doubt to be a load of rubbish.
I believe there is a great deal of evidence supporting UFO's. Video and photographs are the best evidence you can have.

It is true that some videos can be hoaxed, but how many people do you think will accually waste their time to hoax a video or photo.

When it comes to alien obductions, then it gets into the "rediculous" range because they seriously have no evidence and it is most likely a disorder of some sort (i saw a tv show on TLC or discovery channel that some sleeping disorder can cause you to see grey figures, its true...)

So UFO's are definenly real, we have lots of evidence, however we have LITTLE evidence that suggests "aliens" are inhabiting these vehicles.

We will never know as long as our government continues to censors the issue. There is overwhelming evidence that they know way more about UFO's than they would like to share with us.

I applaud our government for censoring this issue, because if revealed it would cause massive chaos... I doubt they want that happening.

So basically the government will fall if this info isn't released into the public in a gentle manner.

They are already releasing it in a gentle way, it is easy to tell... they let us make our own opinions and judgement based on leaked info, so we simply continue to question ourselves and dismiss most evidence, and at the same time we still feel as though there may be something the gov't is hiding.

We will find out when we get to the point where we are equipped with OVERWHELMING evidence of aliens.

By this occuring that means we would have gone thru a lot of time where most people already believe in the existance of aliens, therefore the people won't be chaotic because they already believed in the existance... they will just feel better knowing the truth at that point!!!

see don't you love it!!! our government is doing the best it can, and have really smart people. They meant to give a ridulous explanation of Roswell because they knew some leaked info will spill, which will allow us to cope with the fact that aliens may exist.

so i think its really interesting, i hope to find the truth out in my lifetime

[This message has been edited by chaos1 (edited July 22, 2000).]
Chaos (Hey, we're still calling you by your "illegal" name!)-
It is true that some videos can be hoaxed, but how many people do you think will accually waste their time to hoax a video or photo.
Come on! People do this sort of stuff just for kicks! Why wouldn't these same people do it for profit as well as fun? Besides, an entire class of person makes a nice living at this. "Special Effects" people do this on a daily basis, and their craft is not a closely guarded secret. I disagree. Video and photos are not reliable evidence. I do, however, agree that for the government to suddenly open the doors to extraterrestrial visitors isn't a good idea. I'm more concerned about micro-organisms than mass panic, however.
really good point oxygen... but I doubt that 100% of all UFO video evidence is hoaxed...

if one video isn't a hoax and it can't be explained, that is really good evidence...

Who owns the words I do!