Does the brain use a code? If so...

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Life is not what it seams

Warm hello;
Human brain is like engine of a car. Human body is just like a vehicle - we are beings of light. We don't think with brains - we think with spirit. Our spirit (chip) is programmed before we are born. Than God (Grays) send us to the Earth, to be born in a physical body. If we listen to our hearts (faith) everything is fine. If not humanity will pass away - Free Will. We are intelligent machines like everyone else in the Universe. Look at the moon, are we alone? Is Philadelphia experiment true and witch beings show us future? God are Grays welcome to reality.
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Qorl: I do not think that Life and intelligence do exist outside of the world of matter. Both concepts are represented by certain process. A process requires time and time requires matter.
A process requires our time but not God's.
Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate.
Who is responsible for face on the mars?
Most likely the nature. I used to be a speleologist and I have seen a way more unusual formations in caves (including some faces) - all made by nature. Nature simply couldn't avoid faces when creating so many various formations. Also note that for most of story sellers is more important to make money than to give you objective details. They know how to make things more interesting and they often have to do it in order to survive. We may be getting too far from the topic.

strategicman: Of course the brain uses a code. See for definitions of the term "code". And yes, we can manipulate it (more and more). But the brain is not the best tool for many tasks. When working on AI, we do not want to follow/use all the techniques used by brains. It's like the difference between birds and airplanes. BTW there is a chance that at one point, all the real work will be handled by machines and our "job" will be just to enjoy great feelings. Then, all we really need is just a certain part of the brain + whatever is necessary to keep it functional + a system which will stimulate the pleasure centers. We may have a choice to look like a brick or so ;-). A nation of totally happy bricks. How crazy is that? Maybe not as much as it looks like. Would you go for it? ;-)) We would switch roles witch machines. THEY would be improving OUR design (and our safety of course).

Face on Mars is made by God's. I love your theory but I am totally in higher science fiction and I know that we didn't evolve from the apes. Did you ever have out of body experiences? If you will than you will know that body is just a car. Take a time for research. Books; Holographic Universe, Secret Science Behind Miracles.
Re: G71

Originally posted by Qorl
Face on Mars is made by God's. I love your theory but I am totally in higher science fiction and I know that we didn't evolve from the apes.

That's what separates scientists and academics from people like you Qorl, they don't just say "We know x"; they say "We have y evidence that proves x is right, but that could be wrong". I don't understand how you can just KNOW we didn't evolve from apes; I think what you meant to say was "I don't believe we evolved from apes". You can't KNOW something without this little thing called proof. Oh let me guess, God told you? lol
Qorl: I'm sorry, nothing I can see is complex (or miraculous) enough to require the existence of God (=God as described in Bible). No, I do not have any real OOB experience. I have done some research (including some experiments) and I'm skeptical about that. Governments (including US gov) spent many years and lots of money researching related things and the practical result (from their point of view) was reportedly 0. The page you pointed is mentioning the remote viewing. Read this. The following official statement covers over 20 years of active experiments (by US gov.): "There was no case in which ESP had provided data used to guide intelligence operations". That's why they terminated most of the related projects in 1995. The people who lost their "cool jobs" quickly realized that they can still make lots of money.. How? By writing "cool" mind-related books for people like you. I was searching for people who can really demonstrate something. When they realized how real my experiments are, they always found a way how to stay away from it and pointed fingers on someone else who was supposed to be "more appropriate" for such experiments. After some time, I got tired of these "professionals". I gave them a chance to design a significant part of these experiments and they could have my money if the experiment was successful. But it never happened. I'm getting less and less interested in reading about these things. But I'm always ready for experiments. If you want to do some experiments (which would prove you can leave your physical body and see things somewhere else) then let me know. Also note that the purpose is not just to convince somebody about something. It's about things considered as very important by almost all the people I know.
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40 - 40 PROPHECY

From 27th August 2003 until 5th Oct. 003 the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light.
King Jehovah Jesus Christ
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Re: 40 - 40 PROPHECY

Originally posted by Qorl
From 27th August 2003 until 5th Oct. 003 the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light.
King Jehovah Jesus Christ

So when that doesn't happen will you still believe in god and the bible?
Originally posted by strategicman
Well, while we're talking about this, don't forget to take into account that you can move many muscles at the same time, including the heart. To do that, the signals being sent wouldn't be able to interfere with each other unless each muscle has a way of filtering out the other ones. Just like a radio where it sets up a frequency path, and any frequencies that dont' fit simply don't effect the rest of the cicuitry.


The body keeps the signals straight by giving each one a seperate path. Just like a telephone system. The brain is the central office, and each nerve ending is like a phone.
Re: 40 - 40 PROPHECY

Originally posted by Qorl
From 27th August 2003 until 5th Oct. 003 the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light.
King Jehovah Jesus Christ

Ummm, forgive me if i'm wrong.....
Haven't we baan able to predict astronomical movements for thousands of years now? And since we're all here, the part of Qorl's brain that makes him the way he is now is right above his left ear (the center for religous beliefs). It is enlargened, and is probaly partially overriding his frontal lobe(the part of the brain that gives us concious thought and understanding).
The truth is, I intercepted and hacked the datalink streams of these mars explorers and did a cut and paste job to put in the face as an aprils fools joke, those bible verses were another aprils fools joke by the college pranksters from the old days..
Have you ever heard about the Chinese Room argument?

The mind goes beyond the coding of inputs into outputs; understanding is involved. In fact, the actual thoughts have meaning and intention. I believe this is quite right, against the many functionalist views exposed before me. :m:
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