Does the award for the greatest evil go to Satan or God?

That does not follow without further argument. Just because a thing, evil, cannot be demonstrated to originate from an entity does not mean that entity is non existent. That is very much like saying rabbits are mythical because they do not build cars. It is completely non sequitur.

If you cannot prove an entity exists, then you cannot prove that it created anything.
And since that entity is described as supernatural, that puts it in the realm of fantasy and myth.

Hypocrisy may be a needless add-on but if the result is still good, how can you say that hypocrisy is evil?

x = good
x + hypocrisy = good​

Evil isn't in the equation at all. Even if hypocrisy = evil, you still have:

x + evil = good​

Hypocrisy is irrelevant to good.

Then push hypocrisy.
My initial answer and rebuttal stand.

My initial answer and rebuttal stand.
You didn't rebut anything. You're just clinging to the idea that hypocrisy is evil desite beng shown that it doesn't have to be. I'll ask again: what standard are you using to determine what is good and what is evil?
I judge evil on how it serves morality.
I'm not going to debate with a blog. In your own words, how does evil "serve morality" and how do you distinguish good from evil? So far, you've said that hypocrisy isn't absolutely evil but you haven't shown how you know it's evil when it has no evil effects. Please elaborate.
I'm not going to debate with a blog. In your own words, how does evil "serve morality" and how do you distinguish good from evil? So far, you've said that hypocrisy isn't absolutely evil but you haven't shown how you know it's evil when it has no evil effects. Please elaborate.

It shows poor character unless you think lying is good.

As judged by the moral principles of that clip that you refuse to watch.

It shows poor character unless you think lying is good.
Like hypocrisy, lying can be good if it produces good results. If your mother is ugly, do you thnk it's "good" to tell her so?

As judged by the moral principles of that clip that you refuse to watch.
I don't refuse to watch it. I refuse to debate it. If you have a point, make it yourself.
Did that.
If you've already made the point that was in the video, why do you want us to watch the video?

You seem to be avoiding the issue. If you're going to compare the greater evil with the lesser evil, you need to have some standard to measure with. We've already seen that so-called "evil" deeds can have neutral or even good consequences. If the standard isn't evil consequences, what is it?
If you cannot prove an entity exists, then you cannot prove that it created anything.
And since that entity is described as supernatural, that puts it in the realm of fantasy and myth.

This statement completely justifies me saying that the OP was wholly preposterous. If you do not believe that such a god exists then it cannot be "greater evil".