Does organized religion destroy belief in the supernatural?

Does organized religion destroy belief in the supernatural?

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It is funny that religion is always trying to get more complex with certain interpretations in the comma's and wich of the 30 something evangelions can be considerd canon. It's a fact that everybody believes in some way of a other (even if it's yust the goddess that snorks besides them in bed). But the real and therefore complex religions are more of a social matter designed to propagate some political behaviour.
Yeah, thats my opinion too. Its a secret dictionary which some atheists pull up on this forum now and again, when they define communism as a religion of atheists. ;)

In my country (U.S.) it is generally theists that clam communism is the religion of atheists. That or some strange thing called "Darwinism" :rolleyes:
I think it does. A friend of who can't read recently asked me to read him Revelations(because his church doesn't read it), to which his reply was that it's fake and so religion must be fake also.
I think it does. A friend of who can't read recently asked me to read him Revelations(because his church doesn't read it), to which his reply was that it's fake and so religion must be fake also.

One can say that about every book in the bible (and I do). If your source is false how can the results be factual? Garbage in/ Garbage out.

SAM hasn't figured out what atheist means yet - hence the hundreds of threads she starts asking obscure questions about atheism.
Religion is the worship of an intangible entity
'the people'
free markets

If you are willing to kill for the abstract or intangible entity there is every chance your religion will be popular.

Religion is the worship of an intangible entity
'the people'
free markets

If you are willing to kill for the abstract or intangible entity there is every chance your religion will be popular.
No, a god does not fit in that category. All these abstract concepts have demonstrable realizations in reality. A god is not intended as an abstract notion but a real object. That is an entirely different paradigm.

The god notion is based on no more than fantasy. To kill for that is simply idiotic. To kill for an economic concept where the quality of life and survival of millions of people are at stake is arguably a noble cause

No, a god does not fit in that category. All these abstract concepts have demonstrable realizations in reality. A god is not intended as an abstract notion but a real object. That is an entirely different paradigm.

The god notion is based on no more than fantasy. To kill for that is simply idiotic. To kill for an economic concept where the quality of life and survival of millions of people are at stake is arguably a noble cause
I was being critical when I referred to God as an abstract concept. I also referred to God an an intangible entity. I think many people consider the other terms in that list to be real objects. They often see them where they are not, even if one concedes they are present elsewhere - a concession I am not willing to make.

I would assume that you would think that either large state communism or neo-con economic policies are problematic in the extreme. So to me the adverb 'arguably' means very little. In both these instances you have people talking about things that 'arguably' do not exist, believe in them entirely and that neuroimaging of the brains of believers would look rather similar when talking about their pet positive entity. (neuroimaging of people praying or meditating would likely be different, but in everyday speech, often passionate if not volitile, where these intangible and 'arguably' non-existent entities are discussed, I think we would have very similar scans).

Further the worst results of these beliefs in intangible entities are often very similar.

Atheists tend to think something magical happens to the human brain when it stops using the word God. I find absolutely no evidence of this.

I could also address the issue in terms of 'faith'.
But Buddhism is an atheist religion and they believe in supernatural reincarnation.

They also believe in gods and devas. There are many gods in Buddhism, they just do not believe in an absolute creator.
There are stories about such things, but it's not a requirement of Buddhism. It's not a tenet of faith. Reincarnation isn't necessarily supernatural, it's a way of looking at reality.
Everything in the world is a way of looking at reality. Interpretation is truth.
Religion is the worship of an intangible entity
'the people'
free markets

If you are willing to kill for the abstract or intangible entity there is every chance your religion will be popular.

Religion is the worship of some type of deity. not simply an entity. I won't argue your second point much except to say that the human animal kills for many reasons.
That is certainly the way many people use the term - though arguable Buddhism lacks a deity. However I am saying that this definition is misleading and too restrictive.

what about Gautama? Isnt Gautama a deity? I mean, yes he preached he was like everyone else...but in religion sense, he became one.
Not all of them. There are lots of atheistic Buddhists.

Lots? Where? Burma? China? Sri Lanka? Thailand? Probably a few atheists who think they are Buddhists more like. In Buddhism, the concept of god itself is different. But then atheists believe in their own version of god, so they consider as "not theism" anything that does not subscribe to it.

So everything is true ?
Isn't it? The only person you have to convince is yourself.