Does life on other planets exists???


Valued Senior Member
i was just wondering,

(by islam)there's humans on earth, also, other beeing called "djin" wich they life in a parallel dimention of our world, there's also the angles, as all the relegiouses beleive in it.

Moslems believe that Earth is not a unique planet but rather God created several planets like Earth throughout the universe
In Islam, Earth is not a unique planet. Other planets like Earth do exist throughout the universe. Actually the Quran says that other planets also have land animals:
So according to the Quran, the heavens have land animals like our Earth (not just angels). Actually the Quran says that some of those extraterrestrial creatures will invade Earth one day: There is a wormhole right here on Earth that connects Earth with another planet. One day the creatures on that planet will use this wormhole to invade Earth:

Allah gave a method of transportation to his angels throughout the universe. The Quran calls them ‘Ma'arej معارج’ (Quran 70.3) and describes how angels use them for long distance travel. Today Moslems know that these ‘Ma'arej’ is what scientists call wormholes.

Moslems also believe that wormholes are not strictly for the use of angels. Their prophet used a wormhole once in the ‘Israa & Me'raj’ (Me'raj معراج is singular of Ma'arej) (Quran 17.1). In another incident the Quran describes a clan of ‘Yagog and Magog’ using a Me'raj (wormhole):

This clan (who didn’t understand human speech) were wreaking havoc on Earth. They came from BEYOND the two dams that a human called ‘Thu Al-Karnein’ built. He built two iron dams; one at each end of a Me'raj. The ends of this Me'raj look like two shells (exactly like modern science describes the doorways of a wormhole):

The wormhole is completely transparent however it carves its shape in whatever matter it is in. In this incident, it is in a mountain so it carved its shape, a shell, in the mountain; One shell at each end of this Me'raj. The two shells in this verse are the two entrances of the Me'raj. (See how Wormholes work, and Time Dilation experienced by angels inside a wormhole)

Thu Al-Karnein brought iron blocks and split them equally between the two ends of this Me'raj. He melted the iron into two dams, one dam at each end. Once this Me'raj became inaccessible to that clan they could no longer wreak havoc on Earth. One day this dam will break and Yagog and Magog will wreak havoc on Earth again.
The word "saddain" in Arabic means "two dams" however it was mistranslated to other languages as "two mountains". Another word "sadafain" in Arabic means "two shells" however it was also mistranslated to "two mountains". The common mistranslation of the Quran presents wrong stories in other languages. Please refer to Arabic Quran.

The clan of Yagog and Magog are trapped beyond the two dams (ma dunihima) and not between them (ma baynihima). So if they are 'beyond them' how then could they be trapped?

They can only be trapped if the second dam is not on Earth. The second end of this Me'raj can be on Earth, but it can also be anywhere else in the universe. In this particular case it has to be on another planet. So Yagog and Magog are trapped beyond the two dams but not on Earth; they are trapped on another planet. Someday these dams will break and Yagog and Magog will invade Earth from that planet.
Life in Islam is not bound to Earth. Other planets have life like Earth.

i'm goign to seem craizy, or an extremist relegious guy in your point of view, actually, i had that question in minde, i decided to make a search on internet, i found some many distracted evidence of old life on other planets, such as mars, finally, i decided to see what do the relegious say about it, i decided to search by islam, cause it have so many facts about the creation, space, univerce and stuff... well, what's wrong to take a look,

some of this talking seems unrisenebal, but if you beleived in the aliens and the other sci-fiction stuff, such as UFO, Egypt,Pyramids, Stonghadge or something like that, atlantis...
well i'm sure u'll find this interresting

this topic, is meniond in some ancient storys, and civilisations,
i don't know about bibal, and the jews book, but i'm sure if u were one of those maybe you'll have an idea,

i'm interrested in any question,
after all, here we'll discuss
Do I believe aliens might exist?

1. The requirements for life exist throughout the universe. Here is a list of molecules identified in deep space. Many of those are organic molecules. Obviously, there are more types of molecules, and in far greater abundance, on the many planets out there.

2. We've only had the capacity to search for other planets for a short time, and already we've located 358 of them outside our own star system. That website, by the way, is supported by NASA and the National Science Foundation.

3. Life occurs when organic molecules (1) are gathered in great abundance (2), and subjected to stimuli over a long time. On planets, those stimuli include: radiation, pressure changes, temperature changes, chemical interactions, and more. On Earth, as on other planets, countless organic molecules were subjected to those interactions countless times. On Earth, it took about a billion years for all those "experiments", or interactions, to produce life.

4. The universe is thought to be around 15 billion years old according to the currently popular model of cosmology. In our galaxy alone, there are something like 90,000 stars like ours, although those are not the only types of stars capable of supporting life. This diagram (1, 2) shows the human-habitable zones for various types of stars. Note that this isn't even including the habitable zones for different forms of life, some very weird ones of which we have found on Earth. All stars form in spinning accretion discs, meaning the likelihood of other stars having planets is pretty good. Heck, it was recently determined that even brown dwarf stars might support habitable planets. In short, the opportunities for life-bearing planets to exist out there are enormous.

5. The only difference between simple organic molecules and cells is time. The only difference between cells and animals is time. The only difference between animals and intelligent life is time. And the universe has been throwing it all together on countless worlds for 15 billion years.

6. Up to this point, it's all showing that there is a good probability of life existing elsewhere. But what if it does? We're still stuck with two obstacles: 1) the Fermi Paradox; 2) the lightspeed barrier. Now, the Fermi Paradox isn't really a problem. The real problem is, if there are aliens out there, how could they possibly scoot around the universe if they can't go faster than light? There are three basic answers: 1) they live a hell of a long time, or reproduce on the journey, so don't really care about slow voyages; 2) C isn't the barrier we think it is, and they know things we don't; 3) wormholes, teleportation, or other such methods, all of which we ourselves are well on the way to developing.

7. However, given all of the above, there is one thing standing in the way of accepting that alien visitors exist: evidence. I think it is not only possible, but probable, that life exists elsewhere. However, I personally won't say "Yes, we have alien visitors" until I have evidence confirming it.

yeah, that's right, the only difference is time, i mean, life could exist on planets that don't oxygene too, maybe another kind of life, that need co2, or that need other gases, there's some forms of life here on earth don't produce or need oxygene, the water bear for example, he can even live on another planet, also, some microbes in antartica, so this life, could evolve on other planets without needing oxygene, or water, for example using other liquides,
and i don't beleive in the UFOs, i mean, the tme sence the start of the univerce, isnt ennuf to produce an intelligente life, but i beleive in the other parallele dimentions, also it's already mentioned in my relegious,
the green or the gray aliens with big eyes big heads, and UFOs, i think they are just a sci-fic stuff, and maybe a lie made by goverments to hide their secrets, and who knows what are those secrets, don't you also notice, that in the countries that people don't beleive in the UFOs you don't find UFOs, life africa, parts of asia, north africa(that where am i :p Tunisia) here in north africa, we're not poor or oil countires, but we are heading to be industrual countires, we're not zeros, so why you onlyfind this story in the places that this story came from originaly

Answering to your question, this belongs to relegion, cause i used relegion stuff, wich here i used the quran, i little search on google

My point here is not relegion, like i already said, it's just a thoght out of the topic, you don't have to answer it, i just was wondering about life on other planets, and i saw it in relegions ,so i used it as an argument, just an argument that's all, after all, this life mater, is mantioned in many relegions, sc-fic, phelesophy, ...
also i used relegion for some arguments, cause there's no scientific evidences,
there is but not proven evidences,
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Why is is irrelevant? This is the religion forum.

I am not so sure i believe the theory. Do you believe it?
Why is is irrelevant? This is the religion forum.

I am not so sure i believe the theory. Do you believe it?

Totally irrelevant.

First, look at the thread title. Nothing religious whatsoever indicated.
Second, read through the OP. There are, for some bizarre reason, some scriptural references, but beyond that oddity, it's clear that the topic at hand is exactly that which is indicated by the thread title.

As it stands, this thread shouldn't be here. Unless, of course, the OP would like to rephrase and clarify the focus of the OP.

here, i posted the relegion arguments,

Moslems believe that Earth is not a unique planet but rather God created several planets like Earth throughout the universe:

(Quran 65.12) Allah is the one who created seven heavens and from Earth like them (of corresponding type); [Allah’s] command descends among them (heavens and earths) so that you may know that Allah is capable of anything and that Allah knows everything.

In Islam, Earth is not a unique planet. Other planets like Earth do exist throughout the universe. Actually the Quran says that other planets also have land animals:

(Quran 42.29) And from His signs He created the heavens and the Earth; and the land animals that He scattered in BOTH of them (heavens and Earth); And He is capable of gathering them (in one place) if He wishes.

So according to the Quran, the heavens have land animals like our Earth (not just angels). Actually the Quran says that some of those extraterrestrial creatures will invade Earth one day: There is a wormhole right here on Earth that connects Earth with another planet. One day the creatures on that planet will use this wormhole to invade Earth:

Allah gave a method of transportation to his angels throughout the universe. The Quran calls them ‘Ma'arej معارج’ (Quran 70.3) and describes how angels use them for long distance travel. Today Moslems know that these ‘Ma'arej’ is what scientists call wormholes.

Moslems also believe that wormholes are not strictly for the use of angels. Their prophet used a wormhole once in the ‘Israa & Me'raj’ (Me'raj معراج is singular of Ma'arej) (Quran 17.1). In another incident the Quran describes a clan of ‘Yagog and Magog’ using a Me'raj (wormhole):

This clan (who didn’t understand human speech) were wreaking havoc on Earth. They came from BEYOND the two dams that a human called ‘Thu Al-Karnein’ built. He built two iron dams; one at each end of a Me'raj. The ends of this Me'raj look like two shells (exactly like modern science describes the doorways of a wormhole):

The wormhole is completely transparent however it carves its shape in whatever matter it is in. In this incident, it is in a mountain so it carved its shape, a shell, in the mountain; One shell at each end of this Me'raj. The two shells in this verse are the two entrances of the Me'raj. (See how Wormholes work, and Time Dilation experienced by angels inside a wormhole)

Thu Al-Karnein brought iron blocks and split them equally between the two ends of this Me'raj. He melted the iron into two dams, one dam at each end. Once this Me'raj became inaccessible to that clan they could no longer wreak havoc on Earth. One day this dam will break and Yagog and Magog will wreak havoc on Earth again.

(Quran 18.92-99) Then he (Thu Al-Karnein) followed a direction 93 When he reached between the two dams (inside the Me'raj) he found BEYOND them (ma dunihima in Arabic) a clan that cannot understand speech. 94 (The local humans) Said: 'O Thu Al-Karnein! Yagog and Magog are spoiling Earth. Shall we pay you tribute and in return you build between us and them a barrier?' 95 (Thu Al-Karnein) said 'What my Lord endowed me with is better (than your tribute), so supply me with manpower to build between you and them a sediment. 96 Bring me blocks of iron'. When he (Thu Al-Karnein) split the iron equally between the two shells (the two doorways of the Me'raj). He said: 'Blow (on the fire)' until it became ablaze. He said: 'Bring me (the molten iron) to pour it'. 97 So (Yagog and Magog) could no longer access (the shell on their side) nor pierce through (their iron dam). 98 (Thu Al-Karnein) said 'This is a mercy from my Lord: but when the promise of my Lord is due, He will make it into waste; and the promise of my Lord is true.' 99 On that day (when that dam becomes waste) We [Allah] shall leave them (Humans and clan of Yagog & Magog) to flow like waves one into the other; (Then) the trumpet will be blown, and We will gather them together.

The wormhole is completely transparent however it carves its shape in whatever matter it is in. In this incident, it is in a mountain so it carved its shape, a shell, in the mountain; One shell at each end of this Me'raj. The two shells in this verse are the two entrances of the Me'raj. (See how Wormholes work, and Time Dilation experienced by angels inside a wormhole)

Thu Al-Karnein brought iron blocks and split them equally between the two ends of this Me'raj. He melted the iron into two dams, one dam at each end. Once this Me'raj became inaccessible to that clan they could no longer wreak havoc on Earth. One day this dam will break and Yagog and Magog will wreak havoc on Earth again.

(Quran 18.92-99) Then he (Thu Al-Karnein) followed a direction 93 When he reached between the two dams (inside the Me'raj) he found BEYOND them (ma dunihima in Arabic) a clan that cannot understand speech. 94 (The local humans) Said: 'O Thu Al-Karnein! Yagog and Magog are spoiling Earth. Shall we pay you tribute and in return you build between us and them a barrier?' 95 (Thu Al-Karnein) said 'What my Lord endowed me with is better (than your tribute), so supply me with manpower to build between you and them a sediment. 96 Bring me blocks of iron'. When he (Thu Al-Karnein) split the iron equally between the two shells (the two doorways of the Me'raj). He said: 'Blow (on the fire)' until it became ablaze. He said: 'Bring me (the molten iron) to pour it'. 97 So (Yagog and Magog) could no longer access (the shell on their side) nor pierce through (their iron dam). 98 (Thu Al-Karnein) said 'This is a mercy from my Lord: but when the promise of my Lord is due, He will make it into waste; and the promise of my Lord is true.' 99 On that day (when that dam becomes waste) We [Allah] shall leave them (Humans and clan of Yagog & Magog) to flow like waves one into the other; (Then) the trumpet will be blown, and We will gather them together.

The word "saddain" in Arabic means "two dams" however it was mistranslated to other languages as "two mountains". Another word "sadafain" in Arabic means "two shells" however it was also mistranslated to "two mountains". The common mistranslation of the Quran presents wrong stories in other languages. Please refer to Arabic Quran.

The clan of Yagog and Magog are trapped beyond the two dams (ma dunihima) and not between them (ma baynihima). So if they are 'beyond them' how then could they be trapped?

They can only be trapped if the second dam is not on Earth. The second end of this Me'raj can be on Earth, but it can also be anywhere else in the universe. In this particular case it has to be on another planet. So Yagog and Magog are trapped beyond the two dams but not on Earth; they are trapped on another planet. Someday these dams will break and Yagog and Magog will invade Earth from that planet.

Life in Islam is not bound to Earth. Other planets have life like Earth. And all living things and non-living things glorify Allah:

(Quran 17.44} The seven heavens and the Earth and everyone in them glorify Him [Allah]; and there is nothing that doesn't glorify HIM thankfully; but you (humans) do not understand their glorification. He is Compassionate, Merciful.

(Quran 16.49-50) And to Allah kneels what's in the heavens and what's on Earth, of land animals and angels, and they act with no arrogance; 50 They fear their Lord above them and they do what they are ordered.
Fair enough.
However, don't you think that scripture possibly represents the weakest source of possible argument for extraterrestrial life??
you must concentrate on those quran paragaphs, cause it's hard to understand, even in english, i cant even undertsnad it well in arabic, i think this one here in english is simplified to be understood
oh, okay then, :) you may find it a weak relegion argument, but, do you know a better one?
i really would like to know it, :p
oh, okay then, :) you may find it a weak relegion argument, but, do you know a better one?
i really would like to know it, :p

Ah, but you see, it's not supposed to be a "religion argument" is it????
The topic here requires an argument for extraterrestrial life.
Considering even just how much water there is in our own solar system, I wouldn't be surprised if we found life in our own solar system!