Does Jesus feel now that he made a mistake????

Originally posted by heflores
The man was a virgin born of a virgin who always did good, I don't think that he being commanded by god to have fun for a change and surrounded by beautifull women in heaven is giving him enough time to worry and feel bad about the few living. I'm not even sure that dead prophets are seeing what we do today are have any concept of time. They're probably sheilded from it all.

on what premise do you say that Jesus is in heaven with a bunch of women fooling around? did he tell you this? i would be quite surprised? who told you that this is what heaven is like?
Originally posted by heflores
Jesus had second thougts about this whole thing before even dying. See bible verse....he cried to god..what have you forsake me to teach those idiots.

[46] And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

Jesus also said "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Jesus exemplified his mercy and grace in this passage. Many of you people here do not understand the message of salvation. In fact many of you have the concept completely misconstrued. Jesus also never called them "idiots." where do you guys get your theology?
Originally posted by Charles Fleming
Maybe. I think he may have thought of a way so that life could be lived by everyone, in peace. However this could only mean that we would all live life in a dream , the soul would never be awakened. We would all live more prosperously and productive though. the world would be a better place. We are all born in sin, as Freud has shown, and Jesus was supposed to die for these sins, only it didn't really work. What i would point out is that Jesus' crucifiction may not have been his real destiny, i.e. he was not allowed to finish his work.

My freind. How can you say that the crucifiction didnt work? Are you getting these teachings from the estranged "Jesus Seminar"? a rag-tag group of a miniscule percent of theologians that for some reason have a huge "say-so" in the theology world? Listen to me my friends. Do you know what the crucifiction accomplished?
Do you know the intent? The crucifiction was so that all mankind can be saved from his sin. Not that sin would be eliminated from the world? That would turn us into no-willed robots. A loving father does not want people to be forced into living a good life. Our loving father wants us to CHOOSE a good life. If there was no temptation, what would seperate us from the evil machinations of the world? Christians (wich means to be Christ-Like) were meant to be lights unto the world. How can you hypocrites claims that Jesus has not accomplished his purpose?! A den of vipers! How has the truth gone so astray? Have any of you sought out the truth for yourselves? Do you rely on modern day pharisees and sagusees to teach you blasphomy? Remember that the wisdom of man is foolish in the sight of God. "The fool has said in his heart that there is no God. Where is your free-will? Has it been stolen by the false-teachers of this Age? Oh, how your father would love to embrace you in his arms. But you reject the gift of his salvation!? How have you been so decieved? Please, i admonish you. Search out the truth for yourself. Do not let the bias of today's modern scholars fool you into damnation. Search out the truth.
Originally posted by KenshiSoro
Jesus also said "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." ... where do you guys get your theology?
Where do you get yours?

Your quote comes from Luke, who wrote half a century after the purported crucifixion. Luke was not a witness to the comment, nor is the comment attested to by any other source. In fact, you haven't a clue as to what, if anything, Jesus might have said. What you have is a story, replete with 2nd-hand dialogue, composed and redacted by Christian apologists.
To Kenshisoro

Originally posted by KenshiSoro
I find it very interesting that you speak for a man that you do not even know. I also find it interesting that you say he DIED to save HIMSELF. This is an apparent contradiction. Can you elaborate?

And should I conclude from your question that you do know Jesus. Does your pastor arrange for you to see him every night. I know Jesus from reading all the scriptures, the torah, bible, and Quran. All scriptures in my mind agree in classifying Jesus as a prophet of god. The bible have in some place issues with translations and interpretations that have cause many confusion among the christians....In addition, the greek methology with it's dad and son, ect....had so much impact, afterall, romans were the first to write down the bible.

There is no contradiction in one saving him/herself. This is the object of every man/woman life. I believe in a concept that you probably don't and will never understand. It's called self responsbility. I view myself as a responsible entiry infront of my god and know that if I end up screwing up and going to hell, then I have earned and noone to blame for it but myself. I don't believe in interventions between people and god, and your story about god sacrificing his son and all is just a method of intervention....I don't belive in that crap...I should say though that you are improving...Your anscestor used to go through saints and priests to reach Jesus to reach god. You guys need Jesus to reach god......Maybe your children will realize what bullshit are you doing and reach god with no interventions.

Originally posted by KenshiSoro
I do not see the logic of a man SACRAFICING himself in order to SAVE himself. I cannot understand this. How can you say that Jesus was only a messenger when Jesus is named YHWH in Hebrews Chapter 1?

Okay, Jesus didn't sacrifice himself....There was a plot by the Romans and the jews to kill him, later they felt so bad about it that they decided to make up this whole story about Jesus being a sacrifice for mankind. Don't you think that's much better than saying the Jews and Romans plotted to kill the prophet of god cold turkey.....Sense my friend...Sense please....

Originally posted by KenshiSoro
Anyways i shall explain. Jesus Died to save mankind. If he would have regretted it, he wouldnt have done it. There are a few good people in this world. He did not come here to save the righteous, but to save those few good people. You see, it is unecessary to save a righteous man. But for a good man, one might even risk his own life. Jesus came for you and i to receive salvation. You can accept it or reject it. The choice is yours.

Again, you insult god and call him a pagan. Show me one verse in the bible where Jesus says...My god will sacrifice me so that I can save all of you...Now, examine this verse from the bible. It's Jesus speaking to you in the day of the judgement.

[21] Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
[22] Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
[23] And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

You see, Jesus will say to all those that don't call straight to god, depart from me, shooo shooo.

Originally posted by KenshiSoro
Or will you discover for yourself?

So you want to teach me or I should persih...huh.....I hope that is not a threat, for last time I checked, you didn't control the keys to god's decision. GOD will decide who is fit among humanity, not your research or your pastor's speeches...I'm sorry, but they have no influence on the grand scheme of things. Now go back and restudy your bible.

Matt.7 [4] Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
nevertheless, read hebrews chapter 1. Jesus is called YHWH. there is no getting around it. heflores, also, there is no documentation for you to say that romans wrote the new testament, no proof, no nothing. It is well known, even in the secular world that Paul wrote the majority of the new-testament.
Originally posted by ConsequentAtheist
Where do you get yours?

Your quote comes from Luke, who wrote half a century after the purported crucifixion. Luke was not a witness to the comment, nor is the comment attested to by any other source. In fact, you haven't a clue as to what, if anything, Jesus might have said. What you have is a story, replete with 2nd-hand dialogue, composed and redacted by Christian apologists.

your arguement is outdated and has already been refuted by reknown christian theologians. Gimme something new.
Actually I'm prety happy with how the whole thing turned out. Bob and I (Bobs my twin brother ... How did you think we pulled off that resurrection trick?) often sit around watching cnn and laughing ourselves silly. What a bunch of rubes you earth people turned out to be :)
Originally posted by KenshiSoro
nevertheless, read hebrews chapter 1. Jesus is called YHWH. there is no getting around it.

Yes there is. Please explain to me who is being described in the following prophecy by Moses.

18] I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.
[19] And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.
[20] But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.

KenshiSoro, if you say that this prophecy is about Jesus, then please accept the fact that he was a prophet commended by his lord to deliver a message. If Jesus is not the one here being prophesized by god and revealed to Moses, then who is it..I think it's Prophet Muhammed.