Does islamic, christianity, or jeudism justify war?

Medicine Woman said:
AgentGenev said:
Islam urges people into war and Jews believe that they should fight for their "promised land".

Christniaty is not a war mongering religion.
M*W: Bullshit.

If you look at the scripture of each religion, that ascertion is quite reasonable. However, there is a certain verse in the Koran that says murdering a single person is comparable to murdering the entire Human race in terms of the gravity of the sin. But than you also have to look at how the Koran defines "murder". So than the argument deteriorates into an argument over semantics. After which point both parties have learned nothing except further discontent of each other. It's a vicious cycle, and that's why we should all just end organized religion and become Deists! That's my idea of a perfect word. :m:
But, religion is probably the most genious thing ever brought to us.

Help's enforce law's forcertain culture's

Give's a stndard of living

provide's a place you go when you are dead

without some of those reason's people wouldn't care about law's or dying and we would most likely live in anarchy with constant battle's and war. Then you would be praying for somthing to keep order.
Cultures with strong religious view may have less of certain types of crime, but they make up for it in other ways. For instance, you might be less likely to get robbed in a muslim slum, but they are more likely to commit ideological violence against people of other religions.
Ricky Houy said:
without some of those reason's people wouldn't care about law's or dying and we would most likely live in anarchy with constant battle's and war. Then you would be praying for somthing to keep order.

You do realize that you have described our world today, right? Constant battles and wars - check. People who don't care about following the law - check. People who don't care about dying (suicide bombers) - check. Anarchy is the only thing we don't have, yet. I'm sure that will come later. Religion has changed nothing. I'm not denying it has done a lot of good, because it has. But to say our world would be anarchy and choas without religion is being ignorant of our current state, which is controlled choas thanks to democracy, not necessarily religion.

Oh, and secular democracies have a more stable and moral society than religious governments, as proven by Israel and the Muslim countries.
compare that percent to the percent who dont do any of that and im sure you would see it is considerably less
Ricky Houy said:
compare that percent to the percent who dont do any of that and im sure you would see it is considerably less

What's your point? Because my point is that those atrocities are still present in our a world today, a world that is majorly religious.
QuarkMoon said:
What's your point? Because my point is that those atrocities are still present in our a world today, a world that is majorly religious.

that is only some poeple

some people using religion as an excuse to go to war
Ricky Houy said:
people using religion as an excuse to go to war

And the fact that people can use religion to go to war (and that supposed "small group of people" have caused millions of deaths) is reason enough to abolish it. I believe in God, but I will not conform to any religion because that leads to ignorance, bigotry, closed-mindedness, and violence.
So... if politics is used as a reason to go to war, abolish politics? If money/economics is used as a reason to go to war, abolish money/economics? If the name of Justice is used as a reason to go to war, abolish Justice? If the sake of freedom is used as a reason to go to war, abolish freedom? Have I missed something?
beyondtimeandspace said:
So... if politics is used as a reason to go to war, abolish politics? If money/economics is used as a reason to go to war, abolish money/economics? If the name of Justice is used as a reason to go to war, abolish Justice? If the sake of freedom is used as a reason to go to war, abolish freedom? Have I missed something?

No, because war over politics is justified in comparison to war over religion. All war is pointless, but if a country is fighting another country to gain economic power to better the lives of it's citizens or to oust a harsh regime, that war is more justified than fighting another country because they don't agree with your messiah.