Does God pick his nose?

Quantum Quack

Life's a tease...
Valued Senior Member
Along time ago when I looked at the issue of "God" I descided that for "God" to be real then he has to be "Real"

So I asked the question "Does God pick his nose?"

"Does God enjoy a good meal of fish?"
"Does God go to the toilet"?

And you know I found the answer to all these mundane questions as being yes!

For humanity is God and what you see of humanity you see of God.

So how does the suffering equate with the ideal of God?

How can God love somone such as Adolf Hitler? For surely most of humanity can not love Adolf Hitler.( but some one did - Eva Braun????)

I asked If I can love the worst of humanity, persons such as Adolf Hitler then I have started to love as God loves. And To love as God does is to become "God". To think as God does is to become God.

When we look up at the stars in the sky we look up at the beauty and it is true we love what we see, The universe in all it's spendour and all it's immensity and yes in all it's suffering. We know of suffering and yet we can love the existance of it in our universe. And this gives insight into the loving as "God" does.

To love thy enemy, to do unto others as you would have done to yourself, To love with out condition and to forgive the ones that require no forgiveness, for their folly is all but an act of God.

To love as God loves is to be able to forgive God. To forgive God is to understand God, To understand God one only needs to understand oneself. To understand oneself means to understand others. To forgive others is to forgive God.

The logic of relective awareness and action is never ending in it's application for truely I am a reflection of you as you are a reflection of me. You are in the image of me and I in the image of you.

So....Does God pick his nose?
For humanity is God and what you see of humanity you see of God.

You took the words out of my fingers! From that definition of God, stems my following idea. Many times I have asked myself, how come I adore humans in spite of all stupidity that they possess. I'm sure God asks himself the same thing, much more often. I guess Hitler's mother loved him too, and that is the kind of love that God has for people.

Well, I'm not quite sure of parental love. May be a parent could contribute to this thought.
Perhaps you should define God. If I define a God that picks his nose, then you damn right he picks his nose; else, he does not.

Following your premise and argument:

Along time ago when I looked at the issue of "God" I descided that for "God" to be real then he has to be "Real"

Does a dog pick his nose? How about a fish? A box perhaps?
Originally posted by Quantum Quack
Along time ago when I looked at the issue of "God" I descided that for "God" to be real then he has to be "Real"

So I asked the question "Does God pick his nose?"

"Does God enjoy a good meal of fish?"
"Does God go to the toilet"?

And you know I found the answer to all these mundane questions as being yes!

For humanity is God and what you see of humanity you see of God.

So how does the suffering equate with the ideal of God?

How can God love somone such as Adolf Hitler? For surely most of humanity can not love Adolf Hitler.( but some one did - Eva Braun????)

I asked If I can love the worst of humanity, persons such as Adolf Hitler then I have started to love as God loves. And To love as God does is to become "God". To think as God does is to become God.

When we look up at the stars in the sky we look up at the beauty and it is true we love what we see, The universe in all it's spendour and all it's immensity and yes in all it's suffering. We know of suffering and yet we can love the existance of it in our universe. And this gives insight into the loving as "God" does.

To love thy enemy, to do unto others as you would have done to yourself, To love with out condition and to forgive the ones that require no forgiveness, for their folly is all but an act of God.

To love as God loves is to be able to forgive God. To forgive God is to understand God, To understand God one only needs to understand oneself. To understand oneself means to understand others. To forgive others is to forgive God.

The logic of relective awareness and action is never ending in it's application for truely I am a reflection of you as you are a reflection of me. You are in the image of me and I in the image of you.

So....Does God pick his nose?
M*W: How beautiful! We are on the same frequency! "For humanity is God and what you see of humanity you see of God." I like to think that the human race is the face of God on Earth.

To answer your questions:

Yes, God picks her nose, but not in public. That's not God-like.

Yes, God enjoys a good meal of fish, but shellfish give her indigestion.

Yes, God goes to the toilet, too, but she says she's going to "powder her nose."

And one more thing... In order to be God, it requires a blood sacrifice, and only women bleed.
Does God have a nose?
How else could he smell his creation?

Does God have taste?
Why make something sweet or sour if you can't taste it?

Does God have ears?
Does his creation make a sound?

Does God have eyes?
Is there any other way to see?

Does God touch you?
Have you ever been untouched?

Ha .......The logic.......ahhh the logic.

Is God logical?.....hmmmm yes and no.
and he has to have something in his nose to pick....or should we go down that path.....(chuckle)
Well, God does have nasal passages, and he breathes through them; so dust gets collected there. Consequently he would want to pick his nose once in a while; and whipe his ass; and do other human things. What else is new?

Really, Quantum, if you define God as humanity you assign all humane and human qualities, actions, and characteristics to him.
Before WWII, Adolf Hitler wasn't the most despised person in the US of A. It was only after 1939 that he and the NSDAP became the only analogy for Evil that any American can think of.
I suppose what I am really about with tis thread is to explore our sometimes somewhat nebulous ideas of God.

As with our notions of heaven and what heaven is.

I get the impression from persons that God is some sort of illdefined, non physical, blissfull entity sitting in the clouds somewhere. Like a Ghost with out legs arms or head.

And my post was designed to challenge the unreality of God.

and to suggest that he/she /it is very physical, and very real.

I would use the same question to help "ground" our notions of heaven (if you have them). When and if you go to heaven will you pick your nose once you are there?

Or is nose picking not needed?

The above word is the reason why, we attribute to god having a nose to pick, and having fingers to pick with, and having something to pick at! Holy buger. LOL

The old claim that god created us in his own image, should give the laymen the understanding that this entity god, is man himself.

The words (I am), can only be attributed to some human beign.

I am, was the birth of consciousness.

i thought for sure this was going to have to do with heavenly rhinoplasty... really..

but here's another question.
when you are little your parents scold you for picking your nose, becuase it is offensive.. and your fingers are dirty.. and im not sure why else..
so is it ok for god to pick his nose, or is it still wrong and offenive?
and if it is still wrong and he does it anyway, does this mean that god is disobeying gods wishes, and then will god go to hell for picking his nose?:bugeye: :m:
another question which is a little puzzling.
Why is picking ones nose considered offensive I wonder?
another question which is a little puzzling. [etc]

Your nose gets stuffed with dust from the air. That substance, unfortunately, hardens and makes it hard for you to breathe or sneeze it out all the time. So you must pick your nose, and I pray you do! Well, every day in the bathroom but not in public. We also don't walk around naked; and supposedly do not do our make-up in public....
Originally posted by Quantum Quack
another question which is a little puzzling.
Why is picking ones nose considered offensive I wonder?

Sticking any body part into any orifice of one's body or another persons body is considered offensive if done publicly or by religion. Society is quite anal about that...well the Western society anyway, i am not sure of other civilizations and their norms.

( and supposedly do not do our make-up in public)

Na!! women here in Houston put on their make up while driving 70 mph, on the freeway!.

but why do we consider it offensive?

Because it's another one of those things that reminds us (human race) that we are all essentially the same, with the same needs and functions. And also because sometimes it is vomit-inducing.