Does god like apple?

So could it be that he sendt his son down to earth to die because he'd gotten bored of animal sacrifices? I mean, having your place smell like burned livestock for 4000 years can do that to you.

Ibanez said:
Now we're talking :p ... What were they thinking when they wrote the bible? Then again... I bet there'd be a lot more theists around if god was a hot chick that tasted like chocolate. :rolleyes:
- I think we should pursue this line of thought further, cause I can't remember reading anything in the Bible suggesting God is not a hot chick who tastes like chocolate.
So could it be that he sendt his son down to earth to die because he'd gotten bored of animal sacrifices?

It's possible. Many christians claim that the, (albeit false), sacrifice of jesus meant the end of animal sacrifice. I like the smell of a cooked beefburger just like any other man, but must admit it would start getting to me after a few thousand years - especially the amount he demanded.

There was the - burnt offering, the sin offering, the guilt offering, the ordination offering and the fellowship offering. All of these involved killing a cow or ten.. and then there were the festivals that required a few more hundred slaughtered livestock. And let it be said that god would not accept just any cow - hell no, he demanded the best of the best cow. The ultimate prize beef on offer. You even had to check an animals testicles before setting it alight:

"Lev 22:24 You must not offer to the lord an animal whose testicles are bruised, crushed, torn or cut."

He's a fussy old bugger.
tablariddim said:
That's right, it was the fruit of knowledge, ie, sentience, awareness consciousness. I see this myth as an anology to the transformation from ape to man and it makes me think that its roots are in science and far far older than most people realise.

It wasn't the fruit of the "Tree of Knowledge".
It was the fruit of the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil".
There is a significant difference.

And no, it had nothing to do with apples at all.