Does god like apple?


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What do you think?

Maybe god is an apple mania, so he want all the apples, so it is a sin to eat his apple?
lol, try pondering what god tastes like. He's perfect, so does he taste like chocolate or like cheesecake? maybe he changes flavor.
and if he's perfect, shouldn't he be a hot sexy chick instead of an old nasty guy?
and if he's perfect, shouldn't he be a hot sexy chick instead of an old nasty guy?

Now we're talking :p ... What were they thinking when they wrote the bible? Then again... I bet there'd be a lot more theists around if god was a hot chick that tasted like chocolate. :rolleyes:
LOL...then even i would go to church, just to see the portraits. .... ROFLMAO... i wonder what kind of portraits they'd have...
Hahah... think about it though, you'd want to get into heaven, but at the same time you'd have to resist temptation... all of the men would be going to hell :D
Hahah... think about it though, you'd want to get into heaven, but at the same time you'd have to resist temptation... all of the men would be going to hell

Women are hornier, they just don't show it. ;)

Soooooooooooo gaaay.

Aren't we all just "happy" people :D

you are gay

Takes one, to know one. ;) LOL...

Forgive, just blowing offsteamfromwork!

Are you talking about the Adam and Eve myth? Because the fruit involved wasn't actually an apple.
spidergoat said:
Are you talking about the Adam and Eve myth? Because the fruit involved wasn't actually an apple.

That's right, it was the fruit of knowledge, ie, sentience, awareness consciousness. I see this myth as an anology to the transformation from ape to man and it makes me think that its roots are in science and far far older than most people realise.
Yes, but even in the story, I think the kind of fruit was changed to suit European readers.
I think apple was rare, but now there're too many apples, so it is not a sin to eat apple nowadays.
you SHOULD eat apples. They're very good for you.
Maybe that's why god doesn't like apples, they keep you healthy, delay suffering and dying. lol, sadistic god.
From a biblical perspective it would be the opposite. god seemingly does not like fruit at all. Look at how he reacts to Cain when he offers him fruit. Further to that, none of the offerings he demands contain fruit. There's dead animals, dead animals and more dead animals. There's some smelly incense stuff and some more dead animals, but there's not one banana or apple in sight.

god seemingly just gets off on burning flesh. He mentions his love for burning meat 17 times in leviticus, and 18 times in numbers. In leviticus 26 he starts explaining the curses he will put on people if they disobey him. He starts off with light things like having animals rip people apart, plagues and stuff like that.. Right near the end of the list - if people continue to disobey him after all of that he says he will no longer be pleased by the aroma/will refuse to smell it.

It's safe to say god takes his burning cow flesh smell seriously.