Does God Have Free Will?


its not evident that you are born with nothing and die with nothing?

How does that equate to anyone not owning anything? It means the don't own anything 'eternally' because they die lol but that's not an argument to say they don't own anything, it is indeed simple idiocy.
if I can take away anything or everything of yours at any moment and there is nothing you can do to prevent me, it indicates that you don't own it - similarly time and tide wait for no man

then put aside your ad homs for just a moment and explain how one can arrive at the point of evidence bereft of foundations of theory and practice

You can call it whatever you want but it doesn't detract from the fact that every single time I have asked you try everything and anything possible to avoid answering a very simple question.
"Can I have a box of matches to light cold fires?" is also a simple question - it is also an absurd one, much like the demand for evidence bereft of a foundation of theory
A prime example features in this very quote of yours: "how one can arrive at the point of evidence bereft of foundations..." It's irrelevant to the question.

its very relevant to the question - if you agree that evidence is a derivative of knowledge, why do you insist on evidence bereft of knowledge?
Here it is yet again: Do you have direct perception of god? The answer requires nothing more than a yes or no. It doesn't require foundations and theories and practices on my part, just a simple yes or no on your part.

Here is where you'll attempt some more cowardice and say "how will you know I'm lying". Of course we've already been through that a few times and I have answered it.

Saying you're being a coward is not a personal insult or worthless remark attempting to hurt your character, it's an observed undeniable reality. Yes or no lg.
deja vu?

as opposed to the 24 hr meditation of the gross materialist on hankering for things that he hasn't got or lamenting for things they already have?

So in other words "as opposed to living in a material existence and using/enjoying that which exists".

Sorry no contest.
a knowledgeable theist also utilizes everything in this world - because they do it in the service of god however they get the same 'material' facility minus the burning grief of attachment/aversion, thus the higher grade of happiness

it certainly is about conceiving things - you conceive that the way to give up material desire is to simply die - theists have a different conception of how to give up material desire
and if you want to talk about imagination, its your imagination that such a process to give up material desire is successful
you do realize "Its in your imagination - see I just proved you were wrong because I said it is in your imagination" is not a coherent rebuttal of a claim, unless you accept that everyone in the world is completely deluded except for you and a few of your friends as your epistemological foundation
You're being silly. When you're dead you don't have desire for material things, because you're dead.
There might be claims as to other methods, but you're really in no position to argue that death doesn't stop one from having material desires. Oh wait, this is where you impress me with your make believe in afterlives, second lives and dog lives right?
so your position is "there is no life after death" simply because you don't perceive it?

the data collected by who exactly? empiricists?

As opposed to?
persons with knowledge beyond empiricism

the problem is that one chapter of unbridled material existence leads to another chapter of material existence - and the issue is that this is neither pleasant nor necessary

And what evidence to you have to show this to be the case?
the evidence that it is not pleasant is that we are born screaming and on the most part, die screaming, with frequent opportunities for screaming in between

the evidence that it is not necessary is determined and compiled by persons familiar with a knowledge base outside empiricism (ie persons who can actually see the self as context, as opposed to the conceptualized self, or body, which is not a steady thing at all, changing at every moment)

your statement is invalidated by NDE's and other persons who have returned from such states as brain death

Not in the slightest, (NDE's were explained). As for 'other persons who have returned from brain death'.. like who?
I haven't read all 547 on google

given your current level of knowledge (the whole theory->practice->values thing) what would you require as evidence?

Oh here we go with the pointless attempts at insulting my intelligence. C'mon lg, surely even you can come up with something better. As for the question, gimme whatever you got.
actually I am serious - you are constantly whining about evidence, so what do you have in mind, given your knowledge base?

determining the distinction between the body and the self is quite elementary and discernible even in this self same existence

Ok, so "perfected theists" are just those that realised they have a brain?
even famous empiricists have realized they are not the brain - other famous empiricists are wracking their brains to evidence how we are the brain - no matter which way you look at it, there is no empirical evidence that we are the brain, so what a perfected theist distinguishes is the difference between the body (which includes the brain) and the self

clinically/empirically/scientifically they were dead

Clinically yes. Not brain dead.

"A near-death experience (NDE) is a distinct subjective experience that people sometimes report after a near-death episode. In a near-death episode, a person is either clinically dead, near death, or in a situation where death is likely or expected."

People Have NDEs While Brain Dead

None of these cases involves people that are actually dead. Clinically dead yes..

"Clinical death is now seen as a medical condition that precedes death rather than actually being dead."

Hence the term "near death..".

and what is the distinction you are raising between "actually" and "clinically" dead Mr. Empiricist?
Is it possible to be partially dead?
If it is, is it also possible to be partially pregnant?
What test do they apply to determine these things?

given your opening rant about evidence, I am surprised you mention the word here, particularly with the accompanying tentative claims that follow

So you concur that leprechauns the fsm etc are as valid in discussions such as these because of the common traits they share? Your above quote didn't actually provide a response to that. Do you now detract your statement that they are used by atheists to pretend to be stupid, (a bizarre remark in itself)?
I concur that a great mystery surrounds the body of work that you are calling on to make this statement

What is evidenced is that man creates these idiocies in a last ditch effort to explain the things around him, to somehow bring reason to chaos.

Where is it evidenced and by whom, and how is this obviously the case with with theistic claims?

you realize that your abridged version of the history of humanity is not supported by anything that resembles evidence or even a coherent argument

Are you telling me that because you've checked or.. just because you think so?
I certainly did check your abridged version of humanity and yes, it is quite obviously incoherent, since "some people got it wrong therefore everyone got it wrong" is not a coherent argument

(the argument "some people got it wrong therefore everyone got it wrong" is not coherent)

O..k, that wasn't the argument. The argument was that none of the examples cited, (saluting magpies etc), has nothing to actually support it as being real.
these are the "some people" - when you try to tie that it with all theistic claims it becomes the "all people" - thus using the qualities of "some people" to finalize conclusions about "all people" is not coherent - eg - some physicists made mistakes therefore all physicists made mistakes
Maybe I should draw pictures, you clearly have a problem with reading.
it doesn't matter what way you try to communicate it, the foundation it rests on is not rational - if you can't see that, its because you are irrational.

therefore its not a general normative quality of saintly persons to request people to salute magpies

O...k. Out of interest name me a saintly person.
Bhaktisiddhantha Sarasvati Thakur

it is however a word used in the discussion of scriptural texts and we do happen to be having a discussion (although sometimes i wonder) on the subject

Yes it is a word, a word with a specific meaning. If some text decides to corrupt that meaning it is of no value,
are we not discussing such "some texts"?

your approach to the pursuit of happiness will certainly land you in despair since the central vehicle to your happiness is the material body, which has a predictable course

Yeah I'll die.
probably not before you get older and thus more frequently sick as the material body winds down

So that's reason to not enjoy things now?
No, but its a good reason not to seek material enjoyment, since material and spiritual enjoyment are mutually exclusive

Don't be foolish.
if one made the decision to seek enjoyment followed by more enjoyment rather than enjoyment followed by getting beaten with shoes, a rational person would say they had made an intelligent decision
if I can take away anything or everything of yours at any moment and there is nothing you can do to prevent me, it indicates that you don't own it

So because there's a possibility that someone might steal what you own.. you don't own it? Lol.

"Can I have a box of matches to light cold fires?" is also a simple question - it is also an absurd one, much like the demand for evidence bereft of a foundation of theory

More cowardice. I am not demanding evidence from you I am asking you if you have direct perception of god. Answer the question lg.

its very relevant to the question

No.. it isn't. Q) Do I have direct perception of gods? A) No, I don't. How hard was that? Your turn: Q) Do you have direct perception of gods? A) ?

There is clearly a big difference here. When you said certainly and I asked you to explain what actual knowledge/experience you had you simply brought it all down to 'the material world exists' which is not experience of gods. This is why the direct perception is vastly more important. So, yes or no.

Of course the reason the question was originally asked was because you claimed 'knowledge' about him could be gathered, but it certainly seems to be 'personal guesswork' as opposed to knowledge if you have no actual direct perception or actual experience.

The thing is you always mention other people, saintly persons etc but never put yourself in there with them. You say they have direct experience and better lives and blah de blah but it does certainly seem to indicate that you don't. If you don't, I can only assert than anything you say is inherently meaningless.

you do realize "Its in your imagination - see I just proved you were wrong because I said it is in your imagination" is not a coherent rebuttal of a claim

Strange, considering I never said anything 'proved you wrong' on the basis that it comes from your imagination. You tend to do this quite a lot, either through ignorance or more likely through deceptive tendencies.

Imagination: the faculty of imagining, or of forming mental images or concepts of what is not actually present to the senses.

Do you have direct perception of god, yes or no? If the answer is no then it is your imagination, whether you want it to be or not. That does not ultimately mean there can't be or isn't a god or leprechauns or whatever else your imagination can conjure up, but you need to be honest and realise that until you do have direct perception of these things, a claim to their existence is your imagination at work. So, LG, do you have direct perception of god? It is not that hard to answer. The thing is, if you did you would have said so straight away. You claim you can just lie and that makes it worthless, but I don't think you could lie given your god beliefs. If you lied and stated you did have direct perception of this being but you didn't, it probably wouldn't be too happy about it.

Yes or no?

so your position is "there is no life after death" simply because you don't perceive it?

1) Any claim made concerning the existence of realms we go and live in once we're dead would be imagination.

2) My position is not "there is no.." but that "there is no evidence to suggest there is". There's a vast difference but theists in general seem to have real hardship understanding that.

3) As it currently stands, what is witnessed is that everyone dies and rots. Any claim that there's this wispy soul inside of us that floats off to another realm is imagination.

persons with knowledge beyond empiricism

Like who?

the evidence that it is not pleasant is that we are born screaming and on the most part, die screaming, with frequent opportunities for screaming in between

the evidence that it is not necessary is determined and compiled by persons familiar with a knowledge base outside empiricism

Alas, as I'm sure you were aware, this isn't what I was asking for. I was asking what evidence there is to suggest that once we leave this material existence we go to another one. What do you have other than imagination to show that people reincarnate?

I haven't read all 547 on google

Well that's quite the number to read. Purely out of interest I entered 'people that have seen leprechauns' into google and ended up with 520,000. There's even a leprechaun hunt underway in Alabama..

But anyway, I decided to have a poke through them, (as there was such a meagre amount). Ignoring those that clearly argue against NDE's supporting souls/afterlives etc doesn't leave all that many but it was interesting enough. One thing I would ask is how long does an NDE experience take? If one were to ask how long does it take to have a dream the answer might certainly be 8 hours.. the dreams I have had involve long and complex storylines that take place in a 5 minute nap. The same is apparently true of tragic instances where a person is about to get squished by a bus and "sees his life flash before his eyes". A massive amount of imagery in the space of a few nanoseconds.

I find this a pertinent question - especially with any claims that the person was brain dead as opposed to clinically dead. So, if someone is to claim that the patient was completely brain dead but then was brought back to life and that person then says they had an NDE, we would need to work out how long that experience lasted for and at what stage it occurred. Was it during the time of brain activity, was it remaining electrical impulse like a headless chicken still running, or a corpse wiggling it's feet, or was it an indication that there is an afterlife etc?

There is an abundant lack of evidence to suggest that brain dead people have NDE's - generally because they're put in boxes and buried six feet underground. In fact, given my earlier statements, there's 519,453 more instances of people having seen leprechauns.

actually I am serious - you are constantly whining about evidence, so what do you have in mind, given your knowledge base?

Whining? Not exactly - but what are you espousing here? That I should be comfortable believing in things without evidence? That I should ignore my very nature and just accept everything for the mere sake of it? On someone's say so? They have a word for that, it's called gullibility, and it's not something you should seemingly be so proud of or encourage others to be content with.

Now, you have no indication as to what my 'knowledge base' is and so the most pertinent thing to do is to provide anything and everything you have. You might personally feel it more pertinent to just attempt another one of your worthless insults, but I would ask that you forego it, they bore me.

even famous empiricists have realized they are not the brain

Kindly cite some names and sources. I personally know of nobody in science that asserts that everything we regard as the 'self' does not originate from the brain but instead from some unevidenced 'soul'.

no matter which way you look at it, there is no empirical evidence that we are the brain, so what a perfected theist distinguishes is the difference between the body (which includes the brain) and the self

And the difference between the brain and the self is what and what empirical evidence supports it?

You should tell that to the International Association for Near Death Studies ( which is where the statement was taken from. I'm not sure how well it will go down given your 'knowledge base' in the subject. Still, Lg knows better than them.. right?

and what is the distinction you are raising between "actually" and "clinically" dead Mr. Empiricist? is probably a reasonable place to start.

Is it possible to be partially dead?

Certainly, (see anencephaly etc)

What test do they apply to determine these things?

Many, including ones listed on that link.

I concur that a great mystery surrounds the body of work that you are calling on to make this statement

Eh? So you think there is a mystery surrounding me saying that leprechauns etc are not used so atheists can pretend to be stupid but because of the commonalities between them? Bizarre.. To return the comment.. I think that a great mystery surrounds the body of work that you are calling on to make your statement, (atheists are pretending to be stupid). What "body of work" determined that?

Where is it evidenced and by whom, and how is this obviously the case with with theistic claims?

There is much literature on many related subjects - from superstitions and their origins, mythology/beliefs and their origins etc. There is also much to be seen simply by looking at humanity right now.

As for your second question.. Which theistic claims are we talking about? The claims of those theists that believed in Odin and Apollo? Just those that believe what you do? Which? We need to settle that before I can answer it properly.

I certainly did check your abridged version of humanity and yes, it is quite obviously incoherent, since "some people got it wrong therefore everyone got it wrong" is not a coherent argument

Then clearly you're lying and never did check considering I never said such a thing.

these are the "some people" - when you try to tie that it with all theistic claims it becomes the "all people" - thus using the qualities of "some people" to finalize conclusions about "all people" is not coherent - eg - some physicists made mistakes therefore all physicists made mistakes

Obviously your brain is wired differently but that's simple verbal horse manure. The statement was that none of the examples cited actually have evidence to support them. It doesn't mean they're wrong, it doesn't mean that some are and so all are and I respectfully request that you figure that out before continuing.

it doesn't matter what way you try to communicate it, the foundation it rests on is not rational

I see. So the foundation that all of these things lack evidence to support them as being real is not rational? Lol.

Bhaktisiddhantha Sarasvati Thakur

How do you know? I mean.. he died in 1937 so I will assume you don't actually have any knowledge of whether he was or wasn't, (unless you're over 70 years old).

So.. while I am not saying you're wrong, I would like to ask.. "how do you know?"

are we not discussing such "some texts"?

Certainly, so you now assert that if that text said clouds were made of marshmallows, I should accept that clouds are made of marshmallows. Interesting.

No, but its a good reason not to seek material enjoyment, since material and spiritual enjoyment are mutually exclusive

So why is that not a good reason to seek material enjoyment? Of course this is where you come up with something that you know you can in no way support. It might be an ultimate mistake on my part - much as it might be an ultimate mistake to not wear pirate regalia as told by the fsm, but I'm sorry, it's just not sufficient and you cannot reasonably expect me to just accept it and ignore "what is", for what one "thinks it is".
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God has no Free Will

There are three proofs that God has no "free will" using two properties of a white light God, and the fact it is said to be an ultimate Creator:

* Omniscience (all-knowing): An omniscient being does not have free will.
* Benevolence: An all-good God has no free will.
* God exists outside of time... where there is no free will
* Conclusion: God is not moral

* An omniscient being does not have free will

If you are all-knowing, you know your future actions, what choices you will make, and you cannot change them otherwise your knowledge would be wrong, and you wouldn't be all-knowing. An omniscient being has no free will to choose actions; all it's actions are predetermined.

"There is a lightswitch on the wall; God may either turn it on, or leave it off; but, since God already knows the future, God knows that he will turn it on. That is part of his knowledge. But what if God exercises freewill, and chooses not to turn it on. Is this possible?"

You are reading this webpage, which means that at some point you made a choice to start reading it. You feel you "chose" to read it. You also know that you do not have free will to go back and change that choice. It is impossible, even if you want to: you can't. If you knew a choice you was going to make in the future... what would it mean? You would have no free will to change that choice. No option, no choices... based on the fact that you know it's going to happen, it is predestined and no amount of strong will can change it.

As soon as an omniscient being comes into existence it already knows every action it will make. In effect God is an observer. An omniscient being has no free will - it's entire future is set out and it has no choice but to follow it's predestined path. God knows your prayers before you make them, it already knows what sacrifices are going to made to him and who is devoted enough to make them. We have nothing to prove to an omniscient god, and none of our actions will "change it's mind":

It already knows what our actions will be, therefore it's mind is already set. We present no new knowledge so cannot change it's mind. Knowing it's own future, too, it can never change it's own mind so has no free will

* An all-good God has no free will

Out of the possible options in a situation God always makes the best choice because it is perfectly benevolent. It cannot do something that is less moral or "good" than something else, because that would not be perfectly good, but merely second-best good. So in every situation, God only has one choice: The most moral/good one. It is easy to see that God itself does not have free will. It can make no choices, every moment in time for an omniscient-benevolent God only allows one action. In order to give God it's free will, we would have to take away it's omniscience - it's all-knowing nature - or take away it's benevolence.

* God exists outside of time... where there is no free will

Free will is the making of choices according to our own deliberation. Deliberation requires thought, and thought requires change over time. If time was frozen and nothing changed, no-one would have free will. Free will is a concept that only exists inside the timeline. If God is, as is required, a creator of Time and Space, then God exists outside of time. It is senseless to talk of "before" the big bang, "before" the creation of time because there was no "before", no passage of time before then.

In this "void" where nothing changes, God has no free will. It's thoughts can't change and flow because time does not change for anything that extends outside of 4D. Taking the hypercube as an example, it may *appear* to us to change over time as we view it in a series of 3D slices, but in reality the hypercube is completely unchanging from it's own point of view. From God's own point of view there is no "thinking", no change in states of mind over time. All choices were instantly made according to what is most "perfect" (if God is a perfect creator), there were never any choices or willpower involved. By it's very nature, if God is perfect and created Time, God has had no free will to either engage, change or affect any free will on it's own part.

* Conclusion: God is not moral

God is triply denied free will, the following three contradict the existence of a being with Free Will:

An omniscient being cannot have free will
A perfectly benevolent God cannot have free will
The creator of time cannot have free will


Why cant it be that God just is above and always will be above all our understanding, we constantly choose to describe him using our limited knowledge, simple words and definitions. We can assume God created everything including freewill and choice, all these restrictions are just placed on us. The whole point I'm trying to make is we cannot understand God because we cannot understand something that has no restrictions, since we have not experience it first hand. God created logic, and maybe he design us without the knowledge to comprehend how he exist. Which will leave us as humans with just faith
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fuck reading all that

M*W: I agree. However, I just read SnakeLord's responses even if I don't know what he's responding to. It doesn't really matter, because SnakeLord is to the point and always right, whereas Lightgigantic is boringly long-winded and irrational.
M*W: I agree. However, I just read SnakeLord's responses even if I don't know what he's responding to. It doesn't really matter, because SnakeLord is to the point and always right, whereas Lightgigantic is boringly long-winded and irrational.

Is this concise enough for you?

x - "how do you know they were hallucinating?"
mw - " although we don't know for sure it is a reasonable guess"
x - "then how do you know that they didn't see something of god's nature"
mw - "because god is a fictional personality created by some person"
x - "How do you know that god is fictional"
mw - "because there is no proof"
x - "do you have proof that god doesn't exist"
mw - "no - just like there is no proof that that the FSM/IPU/celestial teapot doesn't exist
x - "but those things are clearly created by the imaginations of yourself or persons like yourself"
mw - "and god is too"
x - "you have no evidence for that?"
not in the sense that you are probably thinking,
OMG!!! LG, you just said God can not learn something in the sense that I am thinking! Wow... this is a huge step you are taking! Saying God can not do something that I can do. I ... well .. I just never knew.
“ Snakelord

if I can take away anything or everything of yours at any moment and there is nothing you can do to prevent me, it indicates that you don't own it ”
So because there's a possibility that someone might steal what you own.. you don't own it? Lol.
theft by the time factor is not a certainty?

There is clearly a big difference here. When you said certainly and I asked you to explain what actual knowledge/experience you had you simply brought it all down to 'the material world exists' which is not experience of gods. This is why the direct perception is vastly more important. So, yes or no.
Experience of the material world in relation to god is the primary step to developing an experience of god – to begin to explain god through any other agency is like selling someone a box of matches to light cold fires. In other words if you can not trace the qualities (heat) with the object (matches) you have no scope for understanding much of anything – similarly if determining the relationship between god and his qualities somehow disqualifies one from having direct perception of god, how on earth do you propose that claims of god’s existence be validated?

The thing is you always mention other people, saintly persons etc but never put yourself in there with them.
For the same reason it would be more productive to talk to the high school drop out in third person “Physicists have established......” as opposed to “I have established .....”, since part of the problem is that the opposing party thinks it is all subjectively contrived.
you do realize "Its in your imagination - see I just proved you were wrong because I said it is in your imagination" is not a coherent rebuttal of a claim ”
Strange, considering I never said anything 'proved you wrong'
“.....and if you want to talk about imagination, its your imagination that such a process to give up material desire is successful....”

I guess I just assumed you wrote it in the mood of establishing your position

so your position is "there is no life after death" simply because you don't perceive it? ”
1) Any claim made concerning the existence of realms we go and live in once we're dead would be imagination.
According to who? Persons who share the same knowledge base as yourself?

2) My position is not "there is no.." but that "there is no evidence to suggest there is".
Scripture confirms your position

BG15.9 The foolish cannot understand how a living entity can quit his body, nor can they understand what sort of body he enjoys under the spell of the modes of nature. But one whose eyes are trained in knowledge can see all this.

There's a vast difference but theists in general seem to have real hardship understanding that.

Since there are obviously persons who do make claims about the nature of life after death, and since its also equally obvious that they make claims of prerequisites to attain such a state of perception (free from the influence of lust, anger, etc), and since you obviously transgress such prerequisites, it’s not apparent what the value of your opinions or persons like yourself are

3) As it currently stands, what is witnessed is that everyone dies and rots. Any claim that there's this wispy soul inside of us that floats off to another realm is imagination.
As it also stands at the moment, there is no clear empirical indication what it actually is that animates a body and prevents it from rotting either
persons with knowledge beyond empiricism ”
Like who?
Saintly persons (persons who are free from the artificial pushings of material desire
BG 6.7 For one who has conquered the mind, the Supersoul is already reached, for he has attained tranquillity.

“ I haven't read all 547 on google ”
Well that's quite the number to read. Purely out of interest I entered 'people that have seen leprechauns' into google and ended up with 520,000. There's even a leprechaun hunt underway in Alabama..
Even a cursory examination of the 547 hits reveals that there documented incidents of persons who have entered into a state of brain death, and then come out of it, so the similarity between leprechauns appears nebulous.

But anyway, I decided to have a poke through them, (as there was such a meagre amount). Ignoring those that clearly argue against NDE's supporting souls/afterlives etc doesn't leave all that many but it was interesting enough. One thing I would ask is how long does an NDE experience take?
What does it matter? – You were stating that the brain is the ultimate last word in the distinction between death and life, but NDE’s show otherwise

If one were to ask how long does it take to have a dream the answer might certainly be 8 hours.. the dreams I have had involve long and complex storylines that take place in a 5 minute nap. The same is apparently true of tragic instances where a person is about to get squished by a bus and "sees his life flash before his eyes". A massive amount of imagery in the space of a few nanoseconds.

I find this a pertinent question - especially with any claims that the person was brain dead as opposed to clinically dead. So, if someone is to claim that the patient was completely brain dead but then was brought back to life and that person then says they had an NDE, we would need to work out how long that experience lasted for and at what stage it occurred. Was it during the time of brain activity, was it remaining electrical impulse like a headless chicken still running, or a corpse wiggling it's feet, or was it an indication that there is an afterlife etc?

There is an abundant lack of evidence to suggest that brain dead people have NDE's - generally because they're put in boxes and buried six feet underground. In fact, given my earlier statements, there's 519,453 more instances of people having seen leprechauns.
Not sure where you are going – originally you stated that there is no evidence that people who are clinically registered as “brain dead” come back – if you are using the words “brain dead” in a fashion different than what it is empirically understood to be, maybe now is the time to clarify it.
actually I am serious - you are constantly whining about evidence, so what do you have in mind, given your knowledge base? ”
Whining? Not exactly - but what are you espousing here? That I should be comfortable believing in things without evidence? That I should ignore my very nature and just accept everything for the mere sake of it? On someone's say so? They have a word for that, it's called gullibility, and it's not something you should seemingly be so proud of or encourage others to be content with.
Nothing like that – what would you require to peruse/understand/perceive in the name of evidence?

Now, you have no indication as to what my 'knowledge base' is and so the most pertinent thing to do is to provide anything and everything you have.
Its crystal clear what your knowledge base is – empiricism with the occasional brief excursion into rationalism
even famous empiricists have realized they are not the brain ”
Kindly cite some names and sources. I personally know of nobody in science that asserts that everything we regard as the 'self' does not originate from the brain but instead from some unevidenced 'soul'.
You claim that we are the brain on the strength of empiricism – there are others in the field (empiricists too) who are not satisfied with this definition (notice how I didn’t say that they accepted the soul, after all, the reality of the soul lies beyond classical empiricism) – in otherwords there is no conclusive evidence that we are the brain
“ no matter which way you look at it, there is no empirical evidence that we are the brain, so what a perfected theist distinguishes is the difference between the body (which includes the brain) and the self ”
And the difference between the brain and the self is what and what empirical evidence supports it?
The difference between the seer and the field of action that the seer perceives (aka – the body, including the grey matter) - since the foundation of empiricism is the gross senses (and the senses are part of the body, and the objects of the senses, touch, taste, sight etc, are equally material) one wouldn’t reasonably expect that the claim be validated empirically – in fact one wouldn’t reasonably expect that all truths be validated empirically
SB4.7.31 Lord Brahmä said: My dear Lord, Your personality and eternal form cannot be understood by any person who is trying to know You through the different processes of acquiring knowledge. Your position is always transcendental to the material creation, whereas the empiric attempt to understand You is material, as are its objectives and instruments.
– there is however a variety of evidences in schools of rationalism, (such as “I think therefore I am”), which is of course the home turf of philosophy
wrong ”
You should tell that to the International Association for Near Death Studies ( which is where the statement was taken from. I'm not sure how well it will go down given your 'knowledge base' in the subject. Still, Lg knows better than them.. right?
“ and what is the distinction you are raising between "actually" and "clinically" dead Mr. Empiricist? ” is probably a reasonable place to start.
what was wrong is your statement that people who have NDE’s do not enter a state of being brain dead – the only way you can be right is if you are using a definition of brain death that is unconventional, that is outside of the definition provided in your link – which gets back to the old snakelordy semantics thing (you can’t have a foot in both boats – which definition are you riding with? The one in your link or your own personal one that you haven’t properly qualified yet?)
“ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Is it possible to be partially dead? ”
Certainly, (see anencephaly etc) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
What test do they apply to determine these things? ”
Many, including ones listed on that link.
And if people had registered full marks on such empirical brain death tests and returned, what then?
I concur that a great mystery surrounds the body of work that you are calling on to make this statement ”
Eh? So you think there is a mystery surrounding me saying that leprechauns etc are not used so atheists can pretend to be stupid but because of the commonalities between them? Bizarre.. To return the comment.. I think that a great mystery surrounds the body of work that you are calling on to make your statement, (atheists are pretending to be stupid). What "body of work" determined that?
But there is clear evidence for that – one can even draw a historical continuum from Bertrand russel, who is certainly appreciated for his atheistic critiques – there is however no clear evidence that all theistic claims are falsely constructed to accommodate some short coming – its just your tentative claims based on a few social myths as examples that you are trying to stretch over the entire range of theistic presentations
“ ”
There is much literature on many related subjects - from superstitions and their origins, mythology/beliefs and their origins etc. There is also much to be seen simply by looking at humanity right now.
So once again, your crutch is “some people get it wrong therefore everyone gets it wrong” – there is also much evidence and literature how many claims in the field of science were false – are you prepared to throw that baby out with the baby water as well?

As for your second question.. Which theistic claims are we talking about? The claims of those theists that believed in Odin and Apollo? Just those that believe what you do? Which? We need to settle that before I can answer it properly.
If you are making a blanket statement about all theistic claims, there is no need for specifics, but it should be obvious that I am discussing from the standpoint of the Vedas in particular?
I certainly did check your abridged version of humanity and yes, it is quite obviously incoherent, since "some people got it wrong therefore everyone got it wrong" is not a coherent argument ”
Then clearly you're lying and never did check considering I never said such a thing.
Well that’s the essence of your ‘saluting magpie/sneezing bubonic plague = claims of god are false’ thing. – if not, venture something else
these are the "some people" - when you try to tie that it with all theistic claims it becomes the "all people" - thus using the qualities of "some people" to finalize conclusions about "all people" is not coherent - eg - some physicists made mistakes therefore all physicists made mistakes ”
Obviously your brain is wired differently but that's simple verbal horse manure. The statement was that none of the examples cited actually have evidence to support them. It doesn't mean they're wrong, it doesn't mean that some are and so all are and I respectfully request that you figure that out before continuing.
Well what purpose do you have in showing how sometimes people get it wrong (ie salute magpies) as sufficient to determine that all people get it wrong (all claims of god’s existence are socially constructed/imaginative)?
Would it be sufficient to illustrate one or ten or a thousand instances of persons getting something wrong in some field of knowledge as sufficient to say that all persons in that field of knowledge are getting it wrong?
it doesn't matter what way you try to communicate it, the foundation it rests on is not rational ”
I see. So the foundation that all of these things lack evidence to support them as being real is not rational? Lol.
sometimes people assert things that have no apparent cause to you (eg salute magpies) – therefore all persons who assert things that have no apparent cause are in the same category – the foundation is your knowledge base (if something is evidenced beyond your knowledge base, what then?)
“ Bhaktisiddhantha Sarasvati Thakur ”
How do you know? I mean.. he died in 1937 so I will assume you don't actually have any knowledge of whether he was or wasn't, (unless you're over 70 years old).

So.. while I am not saying you're wrong, I would like to ask.. "how do you know?"
The same way that I know Einstein was a great scientist (in other words, his achievements, works, and influence on the field of knowledge)
are we not discussing such "some texts"? ”
Certainly, so you now assert that if that text said clouds were made of marshmallows, I should accept that clouds are made of marshmallows. Interesting.
For the purposes of keeping track of the discussion, you might want to keep it in mind, particularly if we were at the point of discussing marshmallows
No, but its a good reason not to seek material enjoyment, since material and spiritual enjoyment are mutually exclusive ”
So why is that not a good reason to seek material enjoyment?
It has undeniable concomitant factors of suffering (of course you can argue it’s the only option you got – but hey, that’s material consciousness for you)

Of course this is where you come up with something that you know you can in no way support.
Since you only have experience of material delights, it should be obvious that I don’t expect you to be in a position to verify it

It might be an ultimate mistake on my part - much as it might be an ultimate mistake to not wear pirate regalia as told by the fsm, but I'm sorry, it's just not sufficient and you cannot reasonably expect me to just accept it and ignore "what is", for what one "thinks it is".
It was actually a rebuttal of your whole “spiritual happiness loses out compared to the definite victories of material happiness” – material happiness is happiness followed by suffering and spiritual happiness is happiness followed by more happiness (and neither involve purposely burning down one’s house and the like) – if you don’t have the knowledge base to make the intelligent decision, that is your problem, not mine.
theft by the time factor is not a certainty?

Certainly not - one can sell, hand down etc etc but it's irrelevant either way. The theft of something does not indicate that it isn't your property, (well to my knowledge thieves get imprisoned).


*missed answer alert!*

I notice here that you've *accidentally* skipped a part - in fact two parts both asking the same thing. Unfortunately they were the parts asking you if you had direct perception. If I didn't know it was an accident on your part I could be forgiven for thinking you've once again done everything you can to avoid answering such a simple question. I suppose however this is a much better tactic than your previous ones. Saying nothing at least saves me having to read the nonsensical irrelevant crap that you usually use as an avoidance tactic. As it was an accident I shall restate it now:

" Q) Do I have direct perception of gods? A) No, I don't. How hard was that? Your turn: Q) Do you have direct perception of gods? A) ?"


Experience of the material world in relation to god is the primary step to developing an experience of god

I didn't ask about steps to get to having experience of god, I asked if you had actual experience of god. Your claim that you do because 'the material world exists' is pointless and fallacious.

For the same reason it would be more productive to talk to the high school drop out in third person

Sorry but I beg to differ. The only reason I can tell that you even make such a statement is because you know I'll call you once again on your lack of direct perception, or - if you want to argue that you never said you didn't - your complete inability to even face up to the question, (i.e plain cowardice).


“.....and if you want to talk about imagination, its your imagination that such a process to give up material desire is successful....”

I guess I just assumed you wrote it in the mood of establishing your position

Uhh... Your guesses and assumptions are without value because.. well... you wrote that line lol, (post 37).


According to who? Persons who share the same knowledge base as yourself?

Anyone who is currently alive and has not had direct perception of this supposed other realm. Now, this is where once again you try to impress me with those that claim to have had NDE's, but even this is not sufficient grounds with which to turn around and say it must be an afterlife. The theist of course will ignore that and profess in a loud voice that heaven exists and as a result of that his particular brand of god exists. All this without them understanding the brain, knowing the particulars of the case etc etc. It didn't take you long and all you did was enter it in google and then tell me you didn't even read them - but here, this shows heaven does exist. What complete and utter horse poopie. You now, (later on in your post), go on to say that you gave them a 'cursory examination'. Let me ask: out of the ones you did 'examine' how much time was spent looking at arguments against? (Be honest).

Scripture confirms your position

No it doesn't.

Since there are obviously persons who do make claims about the nature of life after death, and since its also equally obvious that they make claims of prerequisites to attain such a state of perception (free from the influence of lust, anger, etc), and since you obviously transgress such prerequisites, it’s not apparent what the value of your opinions or persons like yourself are

So somehow my statement that I do not say "there is no.." but "there is no evidence to suggest there is.." is somehow valueless? If I made a claim that worshipping a banana will get you £1 million as long as you truly love that banana, you'd undoubtedly be here telling me that your own opinions are meaningless because you lack the prerequisites, (true love for the banana). Your whole argument is silly.

Of course we could go on from there and state that you yourself told me that nobody is free from lust, (other thread). In saying, nobody satisfies the prerequisites and thus nobody is going to say anything of value - given your own arguments. You'll probably go on to say that you said "influence of lust", which would get back to my statements on the other thread.. that lust in itself isn't a sin by any means because having lust doesn't mean you're influenced by it. You argued adamantly against this and even dared me to find one person that had lust that wasn't accordingly influenced by it.

Furthermore, as you yourself lack those prerequisites, (unless you claim you're free from lust/anger etc), then anything you say is of no value. So why did you bother telling me it?

As it also stands at the moment, there is no clear empirical indication what it actually is that animates a body and prevents it from rotting either

There are many clear indications, but it is a work in progress. However, this is neither here nor there.. "Any claim that there's this wispy soul inside of us that floats off to another realm is imagination"

Saintly persons

Name names.

Even a cursory examination of the 547 hits reveals that there documented incidents of persons who have entered into a state of brain death, and then come out of it, so the similarity between leprechauns appears nebulous

Even a cursory examination of the 520 thousand hits reveals that there are documented incidents of persons seeing leprechauns. Let me ask.. do you honestly believe that even one of those people has actually seen a leprechaun? If not, why not?

What does it matter? – You were stating that the brain is the ultimate last word in the distinction between death and life, but NDE’s show otherwise

What does it matter heh... :bugeye:

See how you instantly ascribe NDE's as coming from somewhere other than the brain without the prerequisites to be able to do so - and then when it is questioned, you say "what does it matter? (I'm happy with my answer so the rest can be ignored)". Needless to say it matters a great deal. If the NDE lasts for .2 of a second and occurs while there is brain activity then you simply have no place to say "NDE's show otherwise". There is so much left to investigate that it is not quite time to assume and believe that there are realms out there in the cosmos that one goes to for life part II when they kick the bucket. From what we've gathered though, you don't care.. "What does it matter?" Great.

The brain is known, (depending upon damage caused to it etc), to induce hallucinations etc etc. To then claim that these are signs of other realms, aliens or whatever else the 'brain' can conjure up are simply imagination.

Not sure where you are going

Want me to write slower?

I was expressing the importance of figuring out how long an NDE lasts for and at what particular stage in the process of death. Nevermind.

The thing is, these people are eventually alive and kicking. They sit there and then relate a story: They remember events. This in itself is quite important. If the brain didn't have activity - was truly dead, it wouldn't remember the events that happened and thus the person wouldn't be telling anyone of those events. The way round this now for you is to now add more and more to your imaginations: i.e say that the 'soul' provides the brain with the information, but this is nothing more than imagination.

The amusing thing is that against all the data and evidence will dismiss the brain and say "well there's nothing empirical you can't say that", while happily espousing something that has nothing to support it as being the case. It's simply ludicrous.

These people 'remember' the events. This shows that the brain (hippocampus) was active. Without that being the case they wouldn't remember.

Nothing like that – what would you require to peruse/understand/perceive in the name of evidence?

That depends purely on the instance. With regards to whether my tea is hot I would require evidence in the form of steam, the feel of the cup, a sip on my tongue. These evidences would tell me the tea is hot. I could take the religious option and just throw it down my throat with the belief that it isn't. This does nobody any good. But as requested before, just give me anything and everything you have. It's a good place to start.

there are others in the field (empiricists too) who are not satisfied with this definition

Names and sources please.

The difference between the seer and the field of action that the seer perceives

This isn't an answer to what was asked from you. What is the difference between the 'brain' and the 'self' and what empirical evidence supports it? Can I mention that quoting the bg isn't really sufficient.

– there is however a variety of evidences in schools of rationalism, (such as “I think therefore I am”)

How does that support a statement that the brain and self are not the same thing?

what was wrong is your statement that people who have NDE’s do not enter a state of being brain dead

Clearly not, otherwise as stated they wouldn't remember the events. The hippocampus has an essential role in the formation of new memories. Without it working.. well.. there'd be nothing to write to paranormal websites about.

And if people had registered full marks on such empirical brain death tests and returned, what then?

Several options:

1) At the moment of death aliens recreate the person, (unobservable to others on earth), and then tractor beams them, (white light), on to their spaceship, does some research on the person and then if they're not 'good enough' for the aliens needs they are then thrown back out the light, the duplicate is 'killed' and the original person comes back to life.

2) The person was glimpsing a form of afterlife

3) Measurments taken by doctors were insufficient, (not their fault just a lack of technology). To their level of knowledge and ability the person was dead, but they were wrong, we just need to wait until tests can improve.

etc etc and so on.

You dismiss plausible scientific explanations, you shrug your shoulders uncaringly at the notion of researching the phenomena, you instantly dismiss any of the other countless possibilities, (such as alien intervention), for no apparent reason other than they sound silly but then espouse that I should believe that people have a soul, the soul floats up a tunnel, decides it can't be bothered, floats back down, downloads the information into the brain and then rejoins this mortal existence when there is absolutely nothing to support the claim. And somehow you think that's sane? Do me a lemon.

But there is clear evidence for that – one can even draw a historical continuum from Bertrand russel, who is certainly appreciated for his atheistic critiques

So Bertran Russel was pretending to be stupid? That's your evidence? You claim that one guy was pretending to be stupid, (support it), and then espouse that by dint of that everyone else is also pretending to be stupid?

So once again, your crutch is “some people get it wrong therefore everyone gets it wrong”

No, I am stating that human nature shows that people do imagine and create these things and that considering it possible that your god is also one of these human creations is certainly more feasible than to take your stance which is that everyone else created these things but your god, no.. that one is real. It's simply ludicrous to try and argue me down while being in the position you are.

Odin: human creation, Zeus, Apollo, Tiamat, Marduk, santa claus, the tooth fairy, leprechauns, werewolves, vampires, saluting magpies yada yada.. all false. My god? That's real.

Can you not see the inherent idiocy in that?

I'd give some consideration and respect if at the very least you claimed to have direct perception of this entity, but you don't. That leaves you with nothing except a piece of old paper and a personal desire.

there is also much evidence and literature how many claims in the field of science were false – are you prepared to throw that baby out with the baby water as well?

Science can and does get things wrong. That's what it's all about. I'd like, infact demand that if there's evidence against that it be considered and tested. If you find fault then yes, throw it out, (or amend). That is science. Someone makes a claim and everyone gets busy showing it to be wrong.

You don't even care ("what does it matter?"), you just believe it's true and done with it.

Well that’s the essence of your ‘saluting magpie/sneezing bubonic plague = claims of god are false’ thing. – if not, venture something else

Human nature is really quite apparent and is used in many different areas, (such as modus operandi - it helps police catch the bad guys). What I must object to is you saying "this one is true" out of billions for no good reason, (you don't have direct perception), given no consideration to it being a human creation while happily accepting that billions of others are and go out of your way to espouse to others that it is real but when it comes to the crunch have absolutely nothing to distinguish it to all the other claims that you would happily consider man made. It's perverse and yet you think it's valid. "Leprechauns? ahahaha.. they weren't written about 2000 years ago" :bugeye:

Well what purpose do you have in showing how sometimes people get it wrong (ie salute magpies) as sufficient to determine that all people get it wrong (all claims of god’s existence are socially constructed/imaginative)?

As explained in the last post, (which your quote is actually responding to), that was not the purpose. I respectfully asked that you figure that out to which you now ask why I am saying that which I have already told you I wasn't saying. It's quite bizarre really.

The same way that I know Einstein was a great scientist

There is a difference. You claim this guy as a "saintly person" which, given your stated prerequisites means he must have been totally free from the effects of lust/anger and whatnot. To know this you must have access to all his inner emotions, everything he thought and felt. With Einstein all you need is his paperwork. Now, of course you can get an impression by their actions - much like the community have observed that the priest is a real saintly person that helps the needy, talks to god to save them blah de blah but in secret actually thinks about bonking schoolboys. Sayings like "ooh, he seemed like such a nice person" are commonplace. Now tell me, because I donate to animal charities would that instantly preclude me from being a racist?

Admittedly I couldn't gain that much information considering his name in google only gave 4 sites but by now you'll hopefully realise that knowing someone was a good scientist and knowing the inner mind of someone else are largely different issues.

For the purposes of keeping track of the discussion, you might want to keep it in mind, particularly if we were at the point of discussing marshmallows

Right so it's kept in mind. In either case if you told me that text stated marshmallows were used to make clouds I would have to inform you that the text is wrong. That's all there is to it. The text is wrong.

It has undeniable concomitant factors of suffering

But there is the problem and the point. I have not witnessed one person that was focused on the spiritual that didn't actually suffer just as much as someone focused on the material. In saying, you can't use it as an argument.

material happiness is happiness followed by suffering and spiritual happiness is happiness followed by more happiness

Again there is the problem. You cannot support your claim, and the evidence shows that everyone dies and suffers absolutely bloody regardless to whether they follow material or spiritual happiness. Your statement fails.

“ theft by the time factor is not a certainty? ”
Certainly not - one can sell,
One can sell for some other object which is susceptible to being stolen by time - whoopee!!

hand down
hand down to someone else what will be stolen by time
etc etc but it's irrelevant either way. The theft of something does not indicate that it isn't your property, (well to my knowledge thieves get imprisoned).
if it gets stolen from everyone all the time in all cases with 100% certainty it tends to appear quit similar to repossession.


*missed answer alert!*

I notice here that you've *accidentally* skipped a part - in fact two parts both asking the same thing. Unfortunately they were the parts asking you if you had direct perception.
Better check the batteries on that missed question alarm of yours.
I think you also missed numerous cautions about trying to determine the truth or fallacy of claims of direct perception beyond one’s knowledge base because the moment I stated my perception was the moment you told me that it was not the right answer, which followed another array of missed questions on your part, namely how do you expect god to be evidenced according to your knowledge base ....

Experience of the material world in relation to god is the primary step to developing an experience of god ”
I didn't ask about steps to get to having experience of god, I asked if you had actual experience of god.
If you can’t hear an explanation of experiencing a potency in relation to an object (like for instance the experience of heat in relation to a match), then it doesn’t appear that you are seriously interested in hearing about the object

Your claim that you do because 'the material world exists' is pointless and fallacious.
Separated from god, most certainly – having the perception of it in relation to god is a different story

“ For the same reason it would be more productive to talk to the high school drop out in third person ”
Sorry but I beg to differ.

“ Really?

“.....and if you want to talk about imagination, its your imagination that such a process to give up material desire is successful....”

I guess I just assumed you wrote it in the mood of establishing your position ”
Uhh... Your guesses and assumptions are without value because.. well... you wrote that line lol, (post 37).


I edited the reply offline
“ According to who? Persons who share the same knowledge base as yourself? ”
Anyone who is currently alive and has not had direct perception of this supposed other realm. Now, this is where once again you try to impress me with those that claim to have had NDE's, but even this is not sufficient grounds with which to turn around and say it must be an afterlife.
So you are asserting that there is no one alive who has perception of spiritual truths? How do you know (obviously there are persons alive who asser t these things – what methodology do you apply to determine whether they are lying or not? -Now would be a good opportunity to check the batteries on your missed question alarm .....)

The theist of course will ignore that and profess in a loud voice that heaven exists and as a result of that his particular brand of god exists. All this without them understanding the brain, knowing the particulars of the case etc etc.
And what of theists that have thoroughly investigated the nature of the brain, like nobel prize winning neurosurgeons, and determined that the conclusion that we are the brain is based on a poor fund of knowledge?

It didn't take you long and all you did was enter it in google and then tell me you didn't even read them - but here, this shows heaven does exist. What complete and utter horse poopie. You now, (later on in your post), go on to say that you gave them a 'cursory examination'. Let me ask: out of the ones you did 'examine' how much time was spent looking at arguments against? (Be honest).
I think you let your delight in ad hom get in the way of your concentration – You said that NDE’s don’t approach the state of brain death – I posted a google list that gave quite a few eg’s backed up by medical reports (yes they were “brain dead” and no they didn’t die), and even URL’d one – seems like the batteries on your missed question alarm copped out again ....

“ Scripture confirms your position ”
No it doesn't.
Well you seem to be getting full marks for descriptions of “conditioned souls” and it also gives very good reasons why seriously conditioned souls cannot approach the point of understanding these things .... but, yeah, call it whatever you want ....
“ Since there are obviously persons who do make claims about the nature of life after death, and since its also equally obvious that they make claims of prerequisites to attain such a state of perception (free from the influence of lust, anger, etc), and since you obviously transgress such prerequisites, it’s not apparent what the value of your opinions or persons like yourself are ”
So somehow my statement that I do not say "there is no.." but "there is no evidence to suggest there is.." is somehow valueless?
Certainly, just like the statement of a highschool drop out who certainly transgresses the prerequisites for directly perceiving atoms is valueless

If I made a claim that worshipping a banana will get you £1 million as long as you truly love that banana, you'd undoubtedly be here telling me that your own opinions are meaningless because you lack the prerequisites, (true love for the banana). Your whole argument is silly.
Then it would remain to be seen whether you get a million or not – this issue, in relation to god, draws back to why you are reluctant or somehow perceive it irrelevant to discuss the material in relation to god, since that is obviously all that you are capable of entertaining – kind of like saying “OK if you worship a banana you get a million pounds, but if you get a million pounds from worshipping a banana you can’t use it as evidence for your claim.”

Of course we could go on from there and state that you yourself told me that nobody is free from lust, (other thread).
You mean the statement I made in relation that a conditioned soul is not free from lust, or something else you felt it was beneath you to clarify ?

In saying, nobody satisfies the prerequisites and thus nobody is going to say anything of value - given your own arguments.
This whole “nobody’ and “nothing’ argument is yours

You'll probably go on to say that you said "influence of lust", which would get back to my statements on the other thread.. that lust in itself isn't a sin by any means because having lust doesn't mean you're influenced by it.
Oh I think I remember, the thread with the statement that relied on a vague, abstract use of the word “lust”

You argued adamantly against this and even dared me to find one person that had lust that wasn't accordingly influenced by it.
And I think you answered Jesus, which gets back to the how saintly persons/unconditioned souls have this unique quality, and all others, despite their wealth, mundane knowledge and prestige, fail miserably

Furthermore, as you yourself lack those prerequisites, (unless you claim you're free from lust/anger etc), then anything you say is of no value. So why did you bother telling me it?
To try and keep the subject in relation to the claims by saintly persons, since they are the authorities in the subject (much like a discussion on sciforums that dealt exclusively with people’s direct perception of atoms, isolated from all references to terms, discoveries and bodies of work of others established in the field, would not be particularly invigorating ....)
“ As it also stands at the moment, there is no clear empirical indication what it actually is that animates a body and prevents it from rotting either ”
There are many clear indications, but it is a work in progress. However, this is neither here nor there.. "Any claim that there's this wispy soul inside of us that floats off to another realm is imagination"
So how is it that you can make an absolute statement when you have no direct perception that the brain is the cause of self and also when you transgress the prerequisites for perceiving the reality of the soul ? An honest person in that state would not budge from the locus of agnosticism.

“ Saintly persons ”
Name names.
You can’t think of the names of any saintly people?

Even a cursory examination of the 547 hits reveals that there documented incidents of persons who have entered into a state of brain death, and then come out of it, so the similarity between leprechauns appears nebulous ”
Even a cursory examination of the 520 thousand hits reveals that there are documented incidents of persons seeing leprechauns. Let me ask.. do you honestly believe that even one of those people has actually seen a leprechaun? If not, why not?
So if I provided you a link to a person who was (empirically) determined to brain dead by qualified medical staff and came back to life some time later, you would be satisfied?

What does it matter? – You were stating that the brain is the ultimate last word in the distinction between death and life, but NDE’s show otherwise ”
What does it matter heh...

See how you instantly ascribe NDE's as coming from somewhere other than the brain without the prerequisites to be able to do so - and then when it is questioned, you say "what does it matter? (I'm happy with my answer so the rest can be ignored)". Needless to say it matters a great deal. If the NDE lasts for .2 of a second and occurs while there is brain activity then you simply have no place to say "NDE's show otherwise". There is so much left to investigate that it is not quite time to assume and believe that there are realms out there in the cosmos that one goes to for life part II when they kick the bucket. From what we've gathered though, you don't care.. "What does it matter?" Great.
Do you wish to go further with your statement that NDE’s and brain death are mutually exclusive or move on to some other related topic?

The brain is known, (depending upon damage caused to it etc), to induce hallucinations etc etc. To then claim that these are signs of other realms, aliens or whatever else the 'brain' can conjure up are simply imagination.
The only reason I brought up NDE’s was because you said no one goes past the point of brain death – Even if a persons has no recollection of what occurred during their period of brain death, the fact they returned to live invalidates your claim – I never once said their recollection of events during the NDE has any significance
-What the hell are you doing? You are not even slapping a strawman manufactured from my words???
“ Not sure where you are going ”
Want me to write slower?
If it means that you will stick to topics that you originally raise, or stick to examinations of things I raise, please be my guest
“ Nothing like that – what would you require to peruse/understand/perceive in the name of evidence? ”
That depends purely on the instance. With regards to whether my tea is hot I would require evidence in the form of steam, the feel of the cup, a sip on my tongue. These evidences would tell me the tea is hot. I could take the religious option and just throw it down my throat with the belief that it isn't. This does nobody any good. But as requested before, just give me anything and everything you have. It's a good place to start.
So why are discussions of god in relation to the material energy not valid?
“ there are others in the field (empiricists too) who are not satisfied with this definition ”
Names and sources please.
“ "Brain research has shown that systems occupying the posterior convexity of the cerebral hemisphere are involved in organizing Brentano's duality. When the parietal lobe systems are injured, the patient may no longer feel the arm on th e side opposite the brain injury to be his own. One of my students who suffered such an injury dubbed her arm "Alice" and stated "Alice doesn't live here any more". Despite the loss of belongingness, the arm routinely performs many tasks , such as bringing a cup of coffee to the person's mouth, much to the surprise of the person when she realizes what has happened. Damage further back in the convexity produces "blind sight". Here again the person can perform many routine tasks that demand an optical input from the blind side, but the patient is unaware of, is blind to, the input. With an intact brain , we are aware of ourselves as "seers" and of what is being seen.

In these and similar instances, awareness of one's bodily self and the environment is impaired. "Alice" isn't any longer part of me; this blind-sighted optically guided behaviors isn't "mine". From such observations one can infer that ordinarily these brain systems operate to allow awareness of a corporeal "me" to occur. When impairment takes place, the distinction in awareness between perceiver and perceived no longer exists - much as a colorblind person cannot differentiate between red and green. In the absence of difference between perceiver and perceived (hand and cup; eye and color) neither of them exists.

My main idea is to show where the different viewpoints come from, and then to have not only just an ontological monism, but also an epistemological pluralism. And the ontological monism comes essentially from one's experience" ”
-Karl H Pribram
“ The difference between the seer and the field of action that the seer perceives ”
This isn't an answer to what was asked from you. What is the difference between the 'brain' and the 'self' and what empirical evidence supports it? Can I mention that quoting the bg isn't really sufficient.
Ok – if you examine the brain, you will just find that it is made up of proteins and a few organic compounds that are composed in a highly ordered and complex fashion – the self however involves quite an array of things such as thinking, feeling and willing – until such time as empirical science can take some proteins and a few organic compounds to produce a sense of self, the “brain” and the “self” will remain separated not only etymologically but also phenomenally

“ – there is however a variety of evidences in schools of rationalism, (such as “I think therefore I am”) ”
How does that support a statement that the brain and self are not the same thing?
Because it wasn’t rational for Descartes to say “I am a few proteins and organic compounds therefore I am”
“ what was wrong is your statement that people who have NDE’s do not enter a state of being brain dead ”
Clearly not, otherwise as stated they wouldn't remember the events. The hippocampus has an essential role in the formation of new memories. Without it working.. well.. there'd be nothing to write to paranormal websites about.
Are you brain dead?
what is wrong is your statement that people who have NDE’s do not enter a state of being brain dead (the evidence is that they are alive, after having entered a state of brain death, regardless of what they do and do not remember)
And if people had registered full marks on such empirical brain death tests and returned, what then? ”
Several options:

1) At the moment of death aliens recreate the person, (unobservable to others on earth), and then tractor beams them, (white light), on to their spaceship, does some research on the person and then if they're not 'good enough' for the aliens needs they are then thrown back out the light, the duplicate is 'killed' and the original person comes back to life.

2) The person was glimpsing a form of afterlife

3) Measurments taken by doctors were insufficient, (not their fault just a lack of technology). To their level of knowledge and ability the person was dead, but they were wrong, we just need to wait until tests can improve.

etc etc and so on.
Since we are only talking about whether brain death is the final last word in being alive, that leaves us with 3) (the doctors made a mistake because it violates snakelord’s claims)
Before you claim a type 1 error you might want to check whether you are in the maws of a type 2 error

You dismiss plausible scientific explanations, you shrug your shoulders uncaringly at the notion of researching the phenomena, you instantly dismiss any of the other countless possibilities, (such as alien intervention), for no apparent reason other than they sound silly but then espouse that I should believe that people have a soul, the soul floats up a tunnel, decides it can't be bothered, floats back down, downloads the information into the brain and then rejoins this mortal existence when there is absolutely nothing to support the claim. And somehow you think that's sane? Do me a lemon.
Excellent rebuttal.
Now you just have to apply it to statements I am supporting
“ But there is clear evidence for that – one can even draw a historical continuum from Bertrand russel, who is certainly appreciated for his atheistic critiques ”
So Bertran Russel was pretending to be stupid? That's your evidence?
Betrand Russel is famous for seriously believing there was a celestial teapot in space or pretending there was one for the sake of his hypothesis?
You claim that one guy was pretending to be stupid, (support it), and then espouse that by dint of that everyone else is also pretending to be stupid?
I can’t support it – I was curious to hear how you support it however since you are the one drawing a connection between a few atheists pretending to be stupid and the entire history of theistic claims
“ So once again, your crutch is “some people get it wrong therefore everyone gets it wrong” ”
No, I am stating that human nature shows that people do imagine and create these things
Before we continue, does human nature show that ALL people imagine and create ALL things, or is the case really some of the people all of the time or all of the people some of the time?
there is also much evidence and literature how many claims in the field of science were false – are you prepared to throw that baby out with the baby water as well? ”
Science can and does get things wrong.
So why do you think pounding a strawman full of false claims is sufficient to disregard the entire field of knowledge?

You don't even care ("what does it matter?"), you just believe it's true and done with it.
Lol – you can’t even quote me in context - what does it matter means what does it matter how long a person is brain dead - if you say brain death is the final last word of life, you've just made a false statement if a person is brain dead for 10 seconds and lives
“ Well that’s the essence of your ‘saluting magpie/sneezing bubonic plague = claims of god are false’ thing. – if not, venture something else ”
Human nature is really quite apparent and is used in many different areas, (such as modus operandi - it helps police catch the bad guys). What I must object to is you saying "this one is true" out of billions for no good reason, (you don't have direct perception), given no consideration to it being a human creation while happily accepting that billions of others are and go out of your way to espouse to others that it is real but when it comes to the crunch have absolutely nothing to distinguish it to all the other claims that you would happily consider man made. It's perverse and yet you think it's valid.
Since you didn’t venture anything new, does this mean you admit that your foundation is “Because some of the people get it wrong, all of the people get it wrong”?
"Leprechauns? ahahaha.. they weren't written about 2000 years ago"
If leprechauns had a 2000 year old continuum of practices that result in their direct perception, perhaps you wouldn’t have a strawman

The same way that I know Einstein was a great scientist ”
There is a difference. You claim this guy as a "saintly person" which, given your stated prerequisites means he must have been totally free from the effects of lust/anger and whatnot. To know this you must have access to all his inner emotions, everything he thought and felt. With Einstein all you need is his paperwork. Now, of course you can get an impression by their actions - much like the community have observed that the priest is a real saintly person that helps the needy, talks to god to save them blah de blah but in secret actually thinks about bonking schoolboys.
Lol - You really like this “some people get it wrong therefore all people get it wrong” philosophy, don’t you?

Sayings like "ooh, he seemed like such a nice person" are commonplace. Now tell me, because I donate to animal charities would that instantly preclude me from being a racist?

Admittedly I couldn't gain that much information considering his name in google only gave 4 sites but by now you'll hopefully realise that knowing someone was a good scientist and knowing the inner mind of someone else are largely different issues.
The topic of how to recognize a saintly person is an elaborate topic in scripture – BTW freedom from lust is not characterized by acts of charity, penance, etc – anyway, you asked how I know he was a saintly person, and I gave an analogous answer – to the trained person it is sufficient to examine a persons works, words and achievements to determine their mettle – if you think an analogy should represent all things in an answer, the is a problem you have with the nature of analogous answers, outside of issues of religiousity etc.
“ For the purposes of keeping track of the discussion, you might want to keep it in mind, particularly if we were at the point of discussing marshmallows ”
Right so it's kept in mind. In either case if you told me that text stated marshmallows were used to make clouds I would have to inform you that the text is wrong. That's all there is to it. The text is wrong.
That’s because you have faith in persons who have direct perception of how clouds are formed – since you cannot name yourself or other persons as being in the position of having direct perception of god’s non existence or how life animates the body, its not clear what your point is.
“ It has undeniable concomitant factors of suffering ”
But there is the problem and the point. I have not witnessed one person that was focused on the spiritual that didn't actually suffer just as much as someone focused on the material. In saying, you can't use it as an argument.
Then you haven’t properly witnessed a spiritually focused person (its not uncommon for people to attend religious ceremonies to be interested more in their material pursuits – I wouldn’t classify them as spiritually focused however)
material happiness is happiness followed by suffering and spiritual happiness is happiness followed by more happiness ”
Again there is the problem. You cannot support your claim, and the evidence shows that everyone dies and suffers absolutely bloody regardless to whether they follow material or spiritual happiness. Your statement fails.
Probably a good reason why the theist doesn’t identify with the body (The argument is not that the theist destroys everything in connection with the body nor is the argument that the theist becomes richer, more prestigious etc – the argument is that the body has a predictable course and that one who identifies with it is a materialist and one who can actually determine themselves as something different from it is a theist – thus the prerequisites for such a perception obviously hinge on not cultivating material desires or adding to the illusion that enables one to think they are their body
One can sell for some other object which is susceptible to being stolen by time - whoopee!!

No disrespect meant, but your argument is really silly. You claim nobody owns anything on the basis that it can be stolen or that you die. Luckily the law disagrees otherwise it would be a pointless free for all. Let's let this point go, it's so daft I see little value in continuing.

if it gets stolen from everyone all the time in all cases with 100% certainty it tends to appear quit similar to repossession.

What gets stolen 100% in all cases? What a bizarre and completely ludicrous claim.

I think you also missed numerous cautions about trying to determine the truth or fallacy of claims of direct perception beyond one’s knowledge base because the moment I stated my perception was the moment you told me that it was not the right answer, which followed another array of missed questions on your part, namely how do you expect god to be evidenced according to your knowledge base ....

Please, I beg of you, if you're going to keep avoiding the question just ignore it like you did the last few times. It saves me having to read this nonsensical crap. A yes or no lg, I am not asking you to donate a kidney. My knowledge base is utterly and entirely irrelevant to a yes or no answer. You either do or you don't regardless to my knowledge concerning gods. If you think your direct perception or lack thereof depends upon my understanding of gods then you're a complete smegging imbecile.

If you can’t hear an explanation of experiencing a potency in relation to an object (like for instance the experience of heat in relation to a match), then it doesn’t appear that you are seriously interested in hearing about the object

Let's be frank here. You indicate that your 'experience of god' is that 'the material world exists'. In comparison my experience of leprechauns is that shamrocks exist. It is without question completely and utterly foolish. No disrespect but my girls could do better - and one of them is only 7 months old. To use your analogy.. heat exists so a match must exist. It's absolute foolishness - needless to say, experience of heat does not indicate the existence of matches, (unless one has direct perception of matches). So.. do you have direct perception... yes or no????????? No more games, it's time for you to get serious.

I edited the reply offline

You're forgiven. Humans make mistakes, it's the way it is.. The only thing that actually gets to me is when people purposely avoid answering very simple questions. At the end of the day fine, you might 'lose' an argument, (although I don't perceive discussions in a win/lose manner), but your beliefs and world is not going to change because of that. In saying, c'mon.. it wont hurt. I promise.

So you are asserting that there is no one alive who has perception of spiritual truths? How do you know (obviously there are persons alive who asser t these things

Forgive me, but if we are to take a look at my statement, and actually pay attention to it, you'll see I mentioned that nobody who is alive and who doesn't have direct perception of this supposed other realm. You for instance do not have direct perception of either god or other realms and as such anything you say on the matter is pure imagination or pure trust in the claims of others that you can't substantiate.

In future before responding please take the time to read and absorb the actual statements made to avoid making such errors.

what methodology do you apply to determine whether they are lying or not?

This is a valuable and interesting question. Of course I am of a non-belief position, I do not state that they are wrong. You on the other hand assert that they are telling the truth and thus I think it more pertinent that you answer. So lg.. what do you apply to determine that they are telling the truth?

And what of theists that have thoroughly investigated the nature of the brain

Such as? Name names.

I think you let your delight in ad hom get in the way of your concentration

Kindly point out the ad hom. I think you do it as a last ditch measure to avoid the question. Once again: How many arguments against did you research, (honestly)?

Well you seem to be getting full marks for descriptions of “conditioned souls” and it also gives very good reasons why seriously conditioned souls cannot approach the point of understanding these things

Conditioned souls, (i.e everyone living a material existence), cannot approach the point of understanding these things. Interesting. Why am I listening to you?

Certainly, just like the statement of a highschool drop out who certainly transgresses the prerequisites for directly perceiving atoms is valueless

So you hereby confirm that your lack of direct perception of spiritual realms and of god means anything you say is valueless. I am glad we have got that settled.

Then it would remain to be seen whether you get a million or not

Certainly, and as a result it would remain to be seen whether there's a spritual realm or not. Alas nobody can see it until they're a corpse which kinda negates the value in the claim. Glad we got that settled.

This whole “nobody’ and “nothing’ argument is yours

Perhaps, but let it be said you have done an asbolutely piss poor job of showing anything else. If you go back and read through the posts from the start you'll see you've added and changed and modified consistently as I point out the inherent flaws of your claims. When I get you in a corner you change subject, ignore the questions or incorporate a host of other tactics to take you out of harms way. So let's stop with the horse poo and get down to it.

1) There's a spiritual realm where we all start off.

2) We are full of knowledge, full of bliss, and liberated

3) Some of us choose a material existence even though we are number 2.

4) Upon joining this material existence we become 'conditioned' as opposed to unconditioned souls. We are faulty.

5) Against written scripture you actually assert that this is our choice, we weren't illusioned by the gods.

6) You do not trust yourself as a full of knowledge, full of bliss, liberated being but trust yourself more as a faulty "stinky mucus bag" human.

7) You desperately desire to be back in the place that you once, full of knowledge, decided to leave.

8) You have nothing to substantiate any of this. You have no direct perception to support anything you yourself claim. You are indeed imagining, or guessing, based upon what you read, what you desire to be true. Although asked you absolutely refuse to deny this.

9) Every conditioned soul, (everyone in a material existence), has lust. You claim that the theists suffer less but fail to show this and know it to be false. - regardless to how saintly you might consider them.

Need I continue? Your entire argument is corrupt. You don't even have a coherent, consistent argument to make.

And I think you answered Jesus, which gets back to the how saintly persons/unconditioned souls have this unique quality, and all others, despite their wealth, mundane knowledge and prestige, fail miserably

I used jesus under the pretext that he is, (according to christians), god and therefore does not have the disadvantage of man. That is not a substantiated "quality", and you have provided nothing of any value to suggest that anyone does.

To try and keep the subject in relation to the claims by saintly persons, since they are the authorities in the subject

Woah, slow down!. Are you free from lust and anger? If not you lack the prerequisites and as such anything you say is a complete waste of time. That is your argument. No wonder you changed subject. So now tell me the prerequisites you have gained to establish that 'saintly persons' are the authorities? Justify their validity from your position of high school dropout. Please.. impress me.

So how is it that you can make an absolute statement when you have no direct perception that the brain is the cause of self and also when you transgress the prerequisites for perceiving the reality of the soul ?

Do note: The evidence suggests. Evidence is not a 'guess' it's not an 'assumption' from complete lack of knowledge. What do you and your cohorts provide in return? Nothing.. absolutely nothing. Please tell me why your claims, (especially as you lack all the prerequisites you stated), should be considered?

It will take me some time to go through all of this. Purely out of interest, is there any saintly person that isn't Indian/Hindu?

So if I provided you a link to a person who was (empirically) determined to brain dead by qualified medical staff and came back to life some time later, you would be satisfied?

It is dependant upon case. Would you be satisfied if I provided a link to a person who had video tapes of leprechauns? However, I will now say ok, I will be satisfied that doctors had determined that this person was brain dead. Now you just need to establish that the things he/she saw occurred during that brain death wasn't the actions of aliens, or for that matter leprechauns, and so on. Can you ascertain with 100% certainty that NDE cases aren't caused by leprechauns? Of course not.

Do you wish to go further with your statement that NDE’s and brain death are mutually exclusive or move on to some other related topic?

Is there something in my statement you actually disagree with or are you happy to just continue avoiding the point and being silly? You honestly think every other reader of this thread can't see what you're upto? While sure it will have no lasting impact on your life.. I just.. well, I just couldn't live with myself knowing I was full of such cowardice.

The only reason I brought up NDE’s was because you said no one goes past the point of brain death

No I didn't. I stated that "near death" in it's very meaning does not imply death, but "near" death.

– Even if a persons has no recollection of what occurred during their period of brain death, the fact they returned to live invalidates your claim

Invalidates what claim? Not to mention I have already established that the simple fact they remember the event shows that the hippocampus is operating.

So why are discussions of god in relation to the material energy not valid?

How is the existence of tea leaves valid to the question of whether my cup of tea is hot or not?

-Karl H Pribram

Not at all. I am familiar with his work and he doesn't assert that the self comes from anywhere other than the brain. Try again.

if you examine the brain, you will just find that it is made up of proteins and a few organic compounds that are composed in a highly ordered and complex fashion – the self however involves quite an array of things such as thinking, feeling and willing – until such time as empirical science can take some proteins and a few organic compounds to produce a sense of self, the “brain”

All dues respect lg but that's.. well.. a tad naive, a tad narrow minded.

Because it wasn’t rational for Descartes to say “I am a few proteins and organic compounds therefore I am”

Ultimately because he wasn't quite as narrow minded and naive as you are. What was your point?

what is wrong is your statement that people who have NDE’s do not enter a state of being brain dead

And yet the hippocampus remains intact and functioning. Hey, argue it.

Since we are only talking about whether brain death is the final last word in being alive, that leaves us with 3) (the doctors made a mistake because it violates snakelord’s claims)

So you yourself now clearly espouse that 2 is not an option, (that they glimpsed an afterlife). I wish you could have just argued against your own claims earlier and thus saved all this time.

Betrand Russel is famous for seriously believing there was a celestial teapot in space or pretending there was one for the sake of his hypothesis?

And... what he did therefore means everyone else is as well? However, to answer the question, there's no reason to state he was being anything else but serious.

I was curious to hear how you support it however since you are the one drawing a connection between a few atheists pretending to be stupid and the entire history of theistic claims

Your mouth is leaking faeces. YOU made the claim that all atheists are "pretending to be stupid" by mentioning leprechauns/fsm etc. The claim was made by you, I disagree on the basis that A) I am an atheist, (you fail to fulfill the prerequisites and thus according to your own argument have no say in the matter), B) When I make leprechaun etc statements it isn't pretending to be stupid but that the commonality between subjects is fitting and C) my knowledge of why other atheists use such arguments.

Before we continue, does human nature show that ALL people imagine and create ALL things, or is the case really some of the people all of the time or all of the people some of the time?

Human nature shows that all humans do imagine and create things. Not all things no, but when dealing with say 1 million gods and you claim them all as false except for yours, you will look kinda stupid.

Lol – you can’t even quote me in context

Yeah, blame everyone else. It wasn't you that clearly stated it didn't matter.

what does it matter means what does it matter how long a person is brain dead

Well then I can only point at your blatant inability to read. The subject was that it is important to note how long the NDE lasted for and at what stage. You know this, you're specifically and purposely being an ass to try and escape from being caught out on something you stated - knowing full well what you were stating it to. I don't mind the bullshit, I don't mind the irrelevancies. What I do mind is your complete and undeniable cowardice. Frankly I find it sickening.

if you say brain death is the final last word of life, you've just made a false statement if a person is brain dead for 10 seconds and lives

And yet rememberance of the event indicates that a part of the brain was functioning perfectly.

Since you didn’t venture anything new, does this mean you admit that your foundation is “Because some of the people get it wrong, all of the people get it wrong”?

Another example of your abject cowardice. Try again. I gave a 100 word statement concerning human nature and this is your response? This is the best you can muster. Pfft.

Lol - You really like this “some people get it wrong therefore all people get it wrong” philosophy, don’t you?

Hmm.. we were talking about the difference between Einstein and your claim of saintly persons. You really don't have a clue do you?

Then you haven’t properly witnessed a spiritually focused person

Ok so name me one that hasn't died/got disease or suffered. Well? No excuses lg, just a name.

the argument is that the body has a predictable course and that one who identifies with it is a materialist and one who can actually determine themselves as something different from it is a theist – thus the prerequisites for such a perception obviously hinge on not cultivating material desires or adding to the illusion that enables one to think they are their body

Once more, do you assert that either of those people doesn't die, get disease or suffer?
Last edited:
“ Snakelord

One can sell for some other object which is susceptible to being stolen by time - whoopee!! ”
No disrespect meant, but your argument is really silly. You claim nobody owns anything on the basis that it can be stolen or that you die. Luckily the law disagrees otherwise it would be a pointless free for all. Let's let this point go, it's so daft I see little value in continuing.
How can the claim for ownership be valid if there is not a single example of anyone ultimately owning anything? (if the statistics were 100%, the phenomena would tend to indicate “false ownership”)

I think you also missed numerous cautions about trying to determine the truth or fallacy of claims of direct perception beyond one’s knowledge base because the moment I stated my perception was the moment you told me that it was not the right answer, which followed another array of missed questions on your part, namely how do you expect god to be evidenced according to your knowledge base .... ”
Please, I beg of you, if you're going to keep avoiding the question just ignore it like you did the last few times. It saves me having to read this nonsensical crap. A yes or no lg, I am not asking you to donate a kidney. My knowledge base is utterly and entirely irrelevant to a yes or no answer. You either do or you don't regardless to my knowledge concerning gods. If you think your direct perception or lack thereof depends upon my understanding of gods then you're a complete smegging imbecile.
Lets be concise then

Snakelord – Do you have perception of God?
LG – you realize that you don’t have the knowledge base to determine whether I am lying or not?
Snakelord – Yes yes – whatever, just answer the question
LG – Ok – yes I have perception of god
Snakelord – Tell me about it
LG – to begin with one has perception of the material in relation to god
Snakelord – that is not the answer according to my knowledge base
LG – Okay (shrug) – well what would be sufficient evidence for your knowledge base, since you discredit the material (which seems to be the only thing you hold as valid)?
Snakelord – Don’t be an imbecile and just answer the question if you actually have perception of god you coward!!

what the hell do you expect? -
If you can’t hear an explanation of experiencing a potency in relation to an object (like for instance the experience of heat in relation to a match), then it doesn’t appear that you are seriously interested in hearing about the object ”
Let's be frank here. You indicate that your 'experience of god' is that 'the material world exists'.
Erm – I mentioned that the material exists “in relation to god” – which was the purpose the whole analogy of heat in relation to the match
needless to say, experience of heat does not indicate the existence of matches, (unless one has direct perception of matches). So.. do you have direct perception... yes or no????????? No more games, it's time for you to get serious.
Yes there are a range of potencies one can attribute to a match, but the primary one (in terms of relationship/function) would be heat – unless you have examples of matches that one cannot start fires with
So you are asserting that there is no one alive who has perception of spiritual truths? How do you know (obviously there are persons alive who asser t these things ”
Forgive me, but if we are to take a look at my statement, and actually pay attention to it, you'll see I mentioned that nobody who is alive and who doesn't have direct perception of this supposed other realm. You for instance do not have direct perception of either god or other realms and as such anything you say on the matter is pure imagination or pure trust in the claims of others that you can't substantiate.
It has never been an argument of mine that the nature of spiritual truths can be substantiated to a person bereft of the knowledge prerequisites – that was the whole point of the high school drop out analogy – if you think that claims can be substantiated bereft of a knowledge base (namely applied theory), please explain how.
what methodology do you apply to determine whether they are lying or not? ”
This is a valuable and interesting question. Of course I am of a non-belief position, I do not state that they are wrong.
You on the other hand assert that they are telling the truth and thus I think it more pertinent that you answer. So lg.. what do you apply to determine that they are telling the truth?
The same as any other field of knowledge – application of theory – if you disagree, please provide examples (in any field of knowledge you care to mention)
I think you let your delight in ad hom get in the way of your concentration ”
Kindly point out the ad hom.
Sorry – should have read “I think you let your delight in straw man slapping get in the way of your concentration”
I think you do it as a last ditch measure to avoid the question. Once again: How many arguments against did you research, (honestly)?
I think you are trying to get me to defend an argument I never made – the moment I mentioned “NDE’s” you went off on some tangent about how they don’t prove the nature of a spiritual realm (which was something I never said)– I honestly don’t know if you are trying to get me to take the wallops of your straw man by ‘forcing’ me to accept the pro of that argument, or if for some reason you didn’t perceive the merit of the rest of the post you edited out (which I thought would have clarified my stand on the issue)
“You said that NDE’s don’t approach the state of brain death – I posted a google list that gave quite a few eg’s backed up by medical reports (yes they were “brain dead” and no they didn’t die), and even URL’d one – seems like the batteries on your missed question alarm copped out again .... “[/QUOTE]
Certainly, just like the statement of a highschool drop out who certainly transgresses the prerequisites for directly perceiving atoms is valueless ”
So you hereby confirm that your lack of direct perception of spiritual realms and of god means anything you say is valueless. I am glad we have got that settled.
A science teacher may not have direct perception of atoms – does that make their teachings on the subject valueless (the disqualification of the high school drop out is not so much his lack of direct perception, but the animosity he harbors towards persons/authorities established in the field – or more specifically, his inability to recognize established personalities in the field – which gets back to the whole baby and baby water thing)
Then it would remain to be seen whether you get a million or not ”
Certainly, and as a result it would remain to be seen whether there's a spritual realm or not. Alas nobody can see it until they're a corpse which kinda negates the value in the claim. Glad we got that settled.
Which is why there are other indications given in scripture of one’s relative advancement (gradual release from the pushings of lust, wrath, envy, etc and gradual attraction to the name, form, qualities and paraphernalia of god/god’s representative)
This whole “nobody’ and “nothing’ argument is yours ”
Perhaps, but let it be said you have done an asbolutely piss poor job of showing anything else. If you go back and read through the posts from the start you'll see you've added and changed and modified consistently as I point out the inherent flaws of your claims.
If you go through the posts and determine the ratio of clarifications that you seek, as opposed to elaborate speculations on edited segments of my posts (also including flaming of attempts at clarifications I give in anticipation of difficult subjects. Eg analogies) perhaps you would view things differently – the list you compiled below is a good cross section

When I get you in a corner you change subject, ignore the questions or incorporate a host of other tactics to take you out of harms way. So let's stop with the horse poo and get down to it.

1) There's a spiritual realm where we all start off.

2) We are full of knowledge, full of bliss, and liberated
Should I repeat the difference between “full of knowledge” and “complete knowledge”

3) Some of us choose a material existence even though we are number 2.
You don’t have problems with “full of knowledge” do you?

4) Upon joining this material existence we become 'conditioned' as opposed to unconditioned souls. We are faulty.

5) Against written scripture you actually assert that this is our choice, we weren't illusioned by the gods.
Given that the quote was from a living entity that had already made the decision to enter the sphere of illusion, it’s not clear how this goes against scripture

6) You do not trust yourself as a full of knowledge, full of bliss, liberated being but trust yourself more as a faulty "stinky mucus bag" human.
If want to interpret “full of knowledge’ as “complete knowledge” you can, but you should understand that I don’t and certainly the Vedas does not either

7) You desperately desire to be back in the place that you once, full of knowledge, decided to leave.
Ok here, lets try again
“full of knowledge” – a form not composed of ignorance like material existence – eg – to know how many bones are in our arm we have to see a doctor or study medical science to deal with our constitutional position of ignorance

“complete knowledge” – omniscience, knowing the cause and results of all things in all time places and circumstances

8) You have nothing to substantiate any of this. You have no direct perception to support anything you yourself claim. You are indeed imagining, or guessing, based upon what you read, what you desire to be true. Although asked you absolutely refuse to deny this.
You are imagining/guessing that you have the knowledge base to invalidate the claim (“I don’t see it so it’s not there”)

9) Every conditioned soul, (everyone in a material existence), has lust. You claim that the theists suffer less but fail to show this and know it to be false. - regardless to how saintly you might consider them.
Given that you cannot even see the inextricable link between lust and suffering, and quite strangely determine that one can ogle women’s genitals and not be lusty, its hardly surprising you find the whole subject tough going

Need I continue? Your entire argument is corrupt. You don't even have a coherent, consistent argument to make.
Fabricating the significance of the oppositions words (coupled by flaming attempts to clarify issues that one is probably not familiar with) on 7 out of every 9 points, as opposed to seeking a clarification, tends to indicate what?
So how is it that you can make an absolute statement when you have no direct perception that the brain is the cause of self and also when you transgress the prerequisites for perceiving the reality of the soul ? ”
Do note: The evidence suggests. Evidence is not a 'guess' it's not an 'assumption' from complete lack of knowledge. What do you and your cohorts provide in return? Nothing.. absolutely nothing.
There is theory, and if one follows through with practice, direct perception is revealed

Please tell me why your claims, (especially as you lack all the prerequisites you stated), should be considered?
Is it my theory?

It will take me some time to go through all of this. Purely out of interest, is there any saintly person that isn't Indian/Hindu?
- a saintly person is qualified as follows
NOI1 A sober person who can tolerate the urge to speak, the mind's demands, the actions of anger and the urges of the tongue, belly and genitals is qualified to make disciples all over the world.
Do you wish to go further with your statement that NDE’s and brain death are mutually exclusive or move on to some other related topic? ”
Is there something in my statement you actually disagree with or are you happy to just continue avoiding the point and being silly?
Lets get it straight
I said the brain is not the ultimate designation of the self
You said that Is not the case since a person who enters a state of brain death never returns
I said that statement is invalidated by some persons who have NDE’s – not because they see themselves dancing in a ballerina suit with George Bush during the experience - but because the doctors and their machines register them as brain dead – I even provided a URL (BTW – they weren’t dancing with George Bush)
I never said that the experiences of the person having the NDE invalidates your claim of brain death being the final last word on self– I said that the experience of the doctors registering a patient as brain dead invalidates your claim that brain death is the final last word on self

You honestly think every other reader of this thread can't see what you're upto?
Lol - I honestly don’t think that anyone aside from me and yourself is reading this (and even then – you only read half of it, since I spend most of my time making clarifications that you don’t respond to)
[/QUOTE]While sure it will have no lasting impact on your life.. I just.. well, I just couldn't live with myself knowing I was full of such cowardice. [/QUOTE]
More straw man violence?

The only reason I brought up NDE’s was because you said no one goes past the point of brain death ”
No I didn't. I stated that "near death" in it's very meaning does not imply death, but "near" death.
Then why do you assert that death is characterized by brain death?
– Even if a persons has no recollection of what occurred during their period of brain death, the fact they returned to live invalidates your claim ”
Invalidates what claim? Not to mention I have already established that the simple fact they remember the event shows that the hippocampus is operating.
And if a person has an experience (with or without the recollection of George Bush in a tutu as a dancing companion) where they pass in and out of a state of brain death during their NDE (and the medical professionals registering the occurrence had never publically disagreed with you on sciforums?)
So why are discussions of god in relation to the material energy not valid? ”
How is the existence of tea leaves valid to the question of whether my cup of tea is hot or not?
To begin with, if there was no teas leaves, you wouldn’t have a cup of tea
-Karl H Pribram
Satisfied? ”
Not at all. I am familiar with his work and he doesn't assert that the self comes from anywhere other than the brain. Try again.
Obviously not as familiar as you think – he is very outspoken that the ultimate nature of the self is metaphysical – he even gave a lecture on in Kolkatta about 7 or so years ago – the quote by Pribram that I supplied indicates this

if you examine the brain, you will just find that it is made up of proteins and a few organic compounds that are composed in a highly ordered and complex fashion – the self however involves quite an array of things such as thinking, feeling and willing – until such time as empirical science can take some proteins and a few organic compounds to produce a sense of self, the “brain” ”
All dues respect lg but that's.. well.. a tad naive, a tad narrow minded.
You have some other body of work that draws inextricable links between the physicality of the brain and the self as context?

“ Since we are only talking about whether brain death is the final last word in being alive, that leaves us with 3) (the doctors made a mistake because it violates snakelord’s claims) ”
So you yourself now clearly espouse that 2 is not an option, (that they glimpsed an afterlife). I wish you could have just argued against your own claims earlier and thus saved all this time.
My claims?
I was curious to hear how you support it however since you are the one drawing a connection between a few atheists pretending to be stupid and the entire history of theistic claims ”
Your mouth is leaking faeces. YOU made the claim that all atheists are "pretending to be stupid" by mentioning leprechauns/fsm etc. The claim was made by you, I disagree on the basis that A) I am an atheist, (you fail to fulfill the prerequisites and thus according to your own argument have no say in the matter), B) When I make leprechaun etc statements it isn't pretending to be stupid but that the commonality between subjects is fitting and C) my knowledge of why other atheists use such arguments.
I don’t doubt that you are an atheist – as for the commonality between subjects, why don’t you support it? – you (or betrand Russell or anyone else on the FSM/IPU trip) are obviously pretending to be stupid when they advocate a belief in such things – If want to draw a connection between subjects (“Look at me – I am stupid because I believe in a celestial teapot just like you are stupid for believing in god”) then be my guest – How do you draw a connection (preferably not a tentative one, since I have wiped those type of responses from dribbling down the side of your face on more than one occasion) between a handful of atheists pretending to be stupid and the entire history of theistic claims?
Before we continue, does human nature show that ALL people imagine and create ALL things, or is the case really some of the people all of the time or all of the people some of the time? ”
Human nature shows that all humans do imagine and create things. Not all things no, but when dealing with say 1 million gods and you claim them all as false except for yours, you will look kinda stupid.
Therefore I didn’t say it – that straw man sitting next to you did however
Lol – you can’t even quote me in context ”
Yeah, blame everyone else. It wasn't you that clearly stated it didn't matter.
The difference between stating something and clearly stating something is not an issue of correct context? (BTW – you would make a good journalist)
what does it matter means what does it matter how long a person is brain dead ”
Well then I can only point at your blatant inability to read. The subject was that it is important to note how long the NDE lasted for and at what stage. You know this, you're specifically and purposely being an ass to try and escape from being caught out on something you stated - knowing full well what you were stating it to. I don't mind the bullshit, I don't mind the irrelevancies. What I do mind is your complete and undeniable cowardice. Frankly I find it sickening.
More straw man violence
if you say brain death is the final last word of life, you've just made a false statement if a person is brain dead for 10 seconds and lives ”
And yet rememberance of the event indicates that a part of the brain was functioning perfectly.
So you want to give brain death a metaphysical status that can not be empirically determined?
Since you didn’t venture anything new, does this mean you admit that your foundation is “Because some of the people get it wrong, all of the people get it wrong”? ”
Another example of your abject cowardice. Try again. I gave a 100 word statement concerning human nature and this is your response? This is the best you can muster. Pfft.
Basically your post approached three topics
“I am right out of billions’ – something I didn’t say
“I have no perception of god – something I didn’t say
“Some people are guilty/wrong, therefore all people are guilty/wrong” – something you said previously
Quantity ....yes – quality
Lol - You really like this “some people get it wrong therefore all people get it wrong” philosophy, don’t you? ”
Hmm.. we were talking about the difference between Einstein and your claim of saintly persons. You really don't have a clue do you?
Since you didn’t respond to the paragraph after this one that dealt with the issue, I guess you decided to drop the topic
Then you haven’t properly witnessed a spiritually focused person ”
Ok so name me one that hasn't died/got disease or suffered. Well? No excuses lg, just a name.
“ the argument is that the body has a predictable course and that one who identifies with it is a materialist and one who can actually determine themselves as something different from it is a theist – thus the prerequisites for such a perception obviously hinge on not cultivating material desires or adding to the illusion that enables one to think they are their body ”
Once more, do you assert that either of those people doesn't die, get disease or suffer?
In case you haven’t picked it up yet, I am arguing from what is commonly termed in philosophy as dualism – namely the distinction between the body (which is stinky) and the soul/self (which makes the body slightly less stinky, due to keeping the insides in) – before we go any further, do you require a clarification (I wouldn’t want to be accused of remodeling my argument because you composed a 10 page rebuttal due to a misunderstanding that you call upon on practically every single line)
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If he does then He should also be as incomprehensible as He intends.

For instance, some atheists claim that some theists are much too retarded and useless to be loved by a God of any kind. But that would be assuming God makes only rational choices.

Perhaps God embraces only those who believe in Him and leaves to their own devices those who turn their backs on Him.
God is capable of regretting punishment and thus could be said to have 'free will'.

Remember though, as high as the sky is above the ground, as high is Gods plans over human plans, and Gods thoughts over human thoughts.
Alright, here's what I believe: God loves us all as His children because God is love. He can't hate. so that would have to mean that in terms of love, God lacks free will. He is a perfect God. He cannot hate.
How can the claim for ownership be valid if there is not a single example of anyone ultimately owning anything?

This is why I said we should drop it. "Ultimately"? By that I assume you mean.. for all eternity? So basically nobody owns anything unless they live forever and because nobody lives forever nobody owns anything? It's ridiculous.

Snakelord – Do you have perception of God?
LG – you realize that you don’t have the knowledge base to determine whether I am lying or not?
Snakelord – Yes yes – whatever, just answer the question
LG – Ok – yes I have perception of god
Snakelord – Tell me about it
LG – to begin with one has perception of the material in relation to god
Snakelord – that is not the answer according to my knowledge base
LG – Okay (shrug) – well what would be sufficient evidence for your knowledge base, since you discredit the material (which seems to be the only thing you hold as valid)?
Snakelord – Don’t be an imbecile and just answer the question if you actually have perception of god you coward!!

Well.. you, I and anyone else reading this is now aware of your lying tactics.

For starters the question in this thread was whether you had experience, which - when you stated you did - I asked you to explain. All you merely did was tell me that your "experience of god" is that the material world exists. It is akin to me telling you I have experience of leprechauns because shamrocks exist.

Now, if we are talking 'direct perception', then even someone like you should understand and appreciate that 'direct perception' is not the perception of other things. (Witnessing the existence of the material world is not the same as witnessing the existence of a sky being). If you think otherwise then you're not ready for these kind of discussions. I however do not believe that you really think the existence of the material world is classifiable as 'direct perception of god'. I give you more credit than you probably deserve.

Furthermore I have already explained my 'knowledge base' that will allow me to know if you're lying. I am qualified in relevant fields. You're not, you have no say in the matter. So, I am not asking if you have seen the existence of the material world, or if you've seen a vishnu shaped donut. Do you or do you not have direct perception of god/s?

Erm – I mentioned that the material exists “in relation to god”

Erm - shamrocks exist 'in relation to leprechauns'. Sorry, what is your argument exactly?

if you think that claims can be substantiated bereft of a knowledge base (namely applied theory), please explain how.

Well, there's the problem. I am qualified in such matters, you're not. Your own argument here clearly prevents me from explaining it to you unless I am prepared to teach you for several years and you are prepared to learn. Needless to say, I will know whether you're lying or not.

Sorry – should have read..

Kindly point out the ad hom or strawman.

I think you are trying to get me to defend an argument I never made

? YOU stated that you had a look through NDE claims. I am asking how much time you spent looking at sites arguing against. I'm not asking you to defend anything or do much other than simply tell me how many sites you looked at that argued against NDE's being a sign of afterlives etc etc.

the moment I mentioned “NDE’s” you went off on some tangent...

And now you're going on on some tangent because I asked you to tell me how much time you spent looking at the arguments against NDEs being anything mystical. Calm down.

A science teacher may not have direct perception of atoms – does that make their teachings on the subject valueless

Yes and no. Tell me what value this teacher has in comparison to the teacher that has direct perception of atoms. Of course if asked whether they had direct perception, I'm sure the teacher would have the courage to give a yes or no.

Which is why there are other indications given in scripture of one’s relative advancement

There are "indications" given in many texts. LotR indicates how to kill Sauron. Sorry, what was your point?

Should I repeat the difference between “full of knowledge” and “complete knowledge”

Eh? I'm saying "full of knowledge". Where did I say "complete knowledge"? Look lg, if "full of knowledge" is defined by you as meaning 'thick as shit' then fine. I am using whatever definition you apply to 'full of knowledge'. In either case, considering how you differentiated spritual beings from material ones it stands that 'full of knowledge' is certainly a lot smarter than you as a material being.

Given that the quote was from a living entity that had already made the decision to enter the sphere of illusion

Along with the rest of the text - written by a being living in the sphere of illusion. You trust it?

If want to interpret “full of knowledge’ as “complete knowledge” you can, but you should understand that I don’t and certainly the Vedas does not either

Nobody here has. You're making it up to avoid the question.

“full of knowledge” – a form not composed of ignorance like material existence

Ok look, you clearly need to hear things the way they are. YOU stated that these immaterial beings were "full of knowledge". That could, in lg talk, mean thick as two spuds for all I know or care. All I know is that you differentiated material/spiritual by using that and I am aware that you consider spiritual as being better. In saying it must be stated that "full of knowledge" is a good thing as opposed to a bad thing. Immaterial beings have it, material beings don't. You trust your material opinon more than your immaterial being that had this beneficial element. Nobody was talking omniscience. Stop avoiding.

You are imagining/guessing that you have the knowledge base to invalidate the claim

Eh? I said you have nothing to substantiate your claims. If I am wrong, bring it on. You also have no direct perception. anything you say is utlimately worthless.

Given that you cannot even..

Attack the post not the person heh? You claim theists suffer less. Substantiate your claim.

There is theory, and if one follows through with practice, direct perception is revealed

Do you have direct perception? (yes/no). I will be watching out for this one and will expect a one word answer.

Is it my theory?

You've got me confused. What does it matter whos 'claim' it is?

NOI1 A sober person who can tolerate the urge to speak, the mind's demands, the actions of anger and the urges of the tongue, belly and genitals is qualified

And you verify that these people satisfy this criteria how?

I said that the experience of the doctors registering a patient as brain dead invalidates your claim that brain death is the final last word on self

So medical science has reached it's peak? Surely however the experience of doctors registering a patient as 'dead' invalidates your claim that they are still alive in another realm? While the evidence, (remembering an event), displays that the brain still works, what do you have other than nothing? So fine, it becomes an absolute stalemate.

More straw man violence?

There is a very fine line between that and pure simple honesty. Take it as you will.

Then why do you assert that death is characterized by brain death?

Death is characterised by brain death - regardless to what technically kills you. You assert that life continues. You have a big challenge ahead of you to show this as being the case.

And if a person has an experience (with or without the recollection of George Bush in a tutu as a dancing companion) where they pass in and out of a state of brain death during their NDE (and the medical professionals registering the occurrence had never publically disagreed with you on sciforums?)

I don't get the question. George Bush is not really relevant, (hippocampus deals with fresh memories). If this person is storing new memories, regardless to what a few bits of machinery say, then the brain is still functioning.

To begin with, if there was no teas leaves, you wouldn’t have a cup of tea

The question: How does that determine whether my cup of tea is hot or not?

You have some other body of work that draws inextricable links between the physicality of the brain and the self as context

New Scientist has many related and valuable articles. It's a scientific publication, you'll need to subscribe. Of course that's if scientific articles are sufficient enough for you?

you (or betrand Russell or anyone else on the FSM/IPU trip) are obviously pretending to be stupid when they advocate a belief in such things

You've made this claim a few times now, I have disagreed with it, (and being an atheist I am more in a position to know - qualification and all that). Kindly support your claim other than saying "it's obvious". That is not an argument.

How do you draw a connection (preferably not a tentative one, since I have wiped those type of responses from dribbling down the side of your face on more than one occasion) between a handful of atheists pretending to be stupid and the entire history of theistic claims?

Your pathetic little attempt at insult aside, you need to substantiate how you think atheists are "pretending to be stupid" before coming to the conclusion that atheists are "pretending to be stupid". Duh.

So you want to give brain death a metaphysical status that can not be empirically determined?

Would you really like to get down to the "empirical" argument. So lg, what in anything you've ever said on this forum can be empirically determined? Hmm...

However, by the fact that occurrences are remembered shows beyond any reasonable doubt that the hippocampus was working at the time. New scientist has more on the matter. You can subscribe for a mere £3 per month.

“Some people are guilty/wrong, therefore all people are guilty/wrong” – something you said previously

Show me where.

Snakelord – Do you have perception of God?
LG – you realize that you don’t have the knowledge base to determine whether I am lying or not?
Snakelord – Yes yes – whatever, just answer the question
LG – Ok – yes I have perception of god
Snakelord – Tell me about it
LG – to begin with one has perception of the material in relation to god
Snakelord – that is not the answer according to my knowledge base
LG – Okay (shrug) – well what would be sufficient evidence for your knowledge base, since you discredit the material (which seems to be the only thing you hold as valid)?
Snakelord – Don’t be an imbecile and just answer the question if you actually have perception of god you coward!!

Well.. you, I and anyone else reading this is now aware of your lying tactics.

For starters the question in this thread was whether you had experience, which - when you stated you did - I asked you to explain. All you merely did was tell me that your "experience of god" is that the material world exists. It is akin to me telling you I have experience of leprechauns because shamrocks exist.

Now, if we are talking 'direct perception', then even someone like you should understand and appreciate that 'direct perception' is not the perception of other things. (Witnessing the existence of the material world is not the same as witnessing the existence of a sky being). If you think otherwise then you're not ready for these kind of discussions. I however do not believe that you really think the existence of the material world is classifiable as 'direct perception of god'. I give you more credit than you probably deserve.
relating direct perception relies on some common ground of perception - like for instance if one has direct perception of heat, there is some scope for discussion of the direct perception of a match - similarly there is some scope for discussion of leprechauns if one has direct perception of a shamrock (the next question would probably be why one has not seen a leprechaun if one has seen a shamrock)
Furthermore I have already explained my 'knowledge base' that will allow me to know if you're lying.

anyone who disagrees with you?
or anyone that clarifies things after you spend 10 pages speculating about because you are too conceited to ask for a clarification?

Erm – I mentioned that the material exists “in relation to god”

Erm - shamrocks exist 'in relation to leprechauns'. Sorry, what is your argument exactly?
in relation to god, the material grants a different result than it would otherwise

A science teacher may not have direct perception of atoms – does that make their teachings on the subject valueless

Yes and no. Tell me what value this teacher has in comparison to the teacher that has direct perception of atoms. Of course if asked whether they had direct perception, I'm sure the teacher would have the courage to give a yes or no.
do you want to change the topic or do you want to discuss further whether lack of direct perception makes one's teaching on the subject valueless?

Should I repeat the difference between “full of knowledge” and “complete knowledge”

Eh? I'm saying "full of knowledge". Where did I say "complete knowledge"? Look lg, if "full of knowledge" is defined by you as meaning 'thick as shit' then fine. I am using whatever definition you apply to 'full of knowledge'. In either case, considering how you differentiated spritual beings from material ones it stands that 'full of knowledge' is certainly a lot smarter than you as a material being.
more lip service -:shrug: - its obvious from your post on the other thread that you don't understand the difference

Given that the quote was from a living entity that had already made the decision to enter the sphere of illusion

Along with the rest of the text - written by a being living in the sphere of illusion. You trust it?
speculating again are we?

If want to interpret “full of knowledge’ as “complete knowledge” you can, but you should understand that I don’t and certainly the Vedas does not either

Nobody here has. You're making it up to avoid the question.
I bring it up repeatedly because every time you address the issue that surrounds it flares up your misunderstanding like neon lights

“full of knowledge” – a form not composed of ignorance like material existence

Ok look, you clearly need to hear things the way they are. YOU stated that these immaterial beings were "full of knowledge". That could, in lg talk, mean thick as two spuds for all I know or care.
then if you are not interested in discussing from the point of clarified definitions what are you interested in?
ad homs?
confidence statements?

Given that you cannot even..

Attack the post not the person heh? You claim theists suffer less. Substantiate your claim.
did you research any on the nature of dualism in philosophy, or did you think it was better just to save time and energy and speculate what it might mean?

There is theory, and if one follows through with practice, direct perception is revealed

Do you have direct perception? (yes/no). I will be watching out for this one and will expect a one word answer.
I already answered it

Lets be concise then

Snakelord – Do you have perception of God?
LG – you realize that you don’t have the knowledge base to determine whether I am lying or not?
Snakelord – Yes yes – whatever, just answer the question
LG – Ok – yes I have perception of god
Snakelord – Tell me about it
LG – to begin with one has perception of the material in relation to god
Snakelord – that is not the answer according to my knowledge base
LG – Okay (shrug) – well what would be sufficient evidence for your knowledge base, since you discredit the material (which seems to be the only thing you hold as valid)?
Snakelord – Don’t be an imbecile and just answer the question if you actually have perception of god you coward!!

what the hell do you expect? -

Is it my theory?

You've got me confused. What does it matter whos 'claim' it is?
If I didn't advocate it, its not clear why you expect me to defend it

NOI1 A sober person who can tolerate the urge to speak, the mind's demands, the actions of anger and the urges of the tongue, belly and genitals is qualified

And you verify that these people satisfy this criteria how?
applying scripture

I said that the experience of the doctors registering a patient as brain dead invalidates your claim that brain death is the final last word on self

So medical science has reached it's peak? Surely however the experience of doctors registering a patient as 'dead' invalidates your claim that they are still alive in another realm? While the evidence, (remembering an event), displays that the brain still works, what do you have other than nothing? So fine, it becomes an absolute stalemate.
which gets back to my q - "Do you hold that braindeath is a metaphysical state?" (since its beyond the calculation of empiricisim)

Then why do you assert that death is characterized by brain death?

Death is characterised by brain death - regardless to what technically kills you. You assert that life continues. You have a big challenge ahead of you to show this as being the case.
given that you have yet to assert the the state of brain death, since according to your post above its beyond the scope of empiricism - yes its certainly very difficult (I find it a bit difficult to discuss detailed information bereft of sturdy definitions - how about yourself?)

And if a person has an experience (with or without the recollection of George Bush in a tutu as a dancing companion) where they pass in and out of a state of brain death during their NDE (and the medical professionals registering the occurrence had never publically disagreed with you on sciforums?)

I don't get the question. George Bush is not really relevant, (hippocampus deals with fresh memories). If this person is storing new memories, regardless to what a few bits of machinery say, then the brain is still functioning.
type one error

To begin with, if there was no teas leaves, you wouldn’t have a cup of tea

The question: How does that determine whether my cup of tea is hot or not?
no tea leaves means no hot tea (unless you have experience of making tea without tea leaves)

You have some other body of work that draws inextricable links between the physicality of the brain and the self as context

New Scientist has many related and valuable articles. It's a scientific publication, you'll need to subscribe. Of course that's if scientific articles are sufficient enough for you?
I asked for inextricable links, not theories

you (or betrand Russell or anyone else on the FSM/IPU trip) are obviously pretending to be stupid when they advocate a belief in such things

You've made this claim a few times now, I have disagreed with it, (and being an atheist I am more in a position to know - qualification and all that). Kindly support your claim other than saying "it's obvious". That is not an argument.
sorry, i didn't mean to hurt your feelings by suggesting that you were stupid for believing in the FSM, IPU or leprechauns

How do you draw a connection (preferably not a tentative one, since I have wiped those type of responses from dribbling down the side of your face on more than one occasion) between a handful of atheists pretending to be stupid and the entire history of theistic claims?

Your pathetic little attempt at insult aside,
you didn't see it was a reaction to yours?

you need to substantiate how you think atheists are "pretending to be stupid" before coming to the conclusion that atheists are "pretending to be stupid". Duh.
because when talking about the IPU/FSM/leprechauns they are obviosuly speaking in jest (the ten page diatribe before hand on how theists are shitbags etc for believing in god and using religion as some sort of carthartic canvas to paint their unresolved anger issues since they were 3 years old kind of gives away their real intentions)

So you want to give brain death a metaphysical status that can not be empirically determined?

Would you really like to get down to the "empirical" argument. So lg, what in anything you've ever said on this forum can be empirically determined? Hmm...
do you hold some other knowledge acquiring process as more valid than empiricism? If you do, its a term that your argument hinges on - its kind of late in the game to say you don't know what it means
However, by the fact that occurrences are remembered shows beyond any reasonable doubt that the hippocampus was working at the time. New scientist has more on the matter. You can subscribe for a mere £3 per month.
i already mentioned earlier, it doesn't matter what they do or don't remember - what if a persons remembers absolutely nothing and registers as brain dead?

“Some people are guilty/wrong, therefore all people are guilty/wrong” – something you said previously

Show me where.
Oh, so you no longer have an issue how human nature dictates that people have a tendency to create fanciful things and that may be reflected religious advocates - glad we cleared that one up
Alright, here's what I believe: God loves us all as His children because God is love. He can't hate. so that would have to mean that in terms of love, God lacks free will. He is a perfect God. He cannot hate.
Hate is not suitable for humans but is for God, the bible says, since we are fallible we are able to do things that God hate, but Gods mercy is as great as His love.

If only we could be true to ourselves...