Does God have any legitimate reasons for his demands?

God is not omniscient. If it was, it doesn't mean it knows what's best for us. That's a huge assumption. A further huge assumption is that it seeks to acheive what's best for us. If I can show I know more than you & you parents combined, will you do what I say? Parents don't have the moral or legal right to do or say anything they want to children.

In most major religions, take christianity for example; god is omniscient.
In most major religions, take christianity for example; god is compassionate and loving toward the human race, indicating he probably wants the best for us.
In most major religions, take christianity for example; god is omniscient.

You didn't say in most major religions, initially.
In the Holy Babble, god reacts to things rather than preventing them. It often reacts emotionally, indicating it did not know what would happen before it happened. It asks Adam "where are you?" It created humanity knowing humans wouldn't be what it wanted. Split personality? It played a cruel game against Satan with Job & others as pawns to see what Job would do. It needs people to pray to tell it what they want, what they repent of, to beg forgiveness, etc. In order to prevent man from finding his way to heaven, it thought it necessary to confuse their language & disperse them. It took a ridiculously long time of performing silly tricks thru Moses to get Pharoah to let the Hebrews leave Egypt. Then the god caused Pharoah to change his mind. Seems this god can't even know what it will do. It says Earth has 4 corners & there was a day before it created Earth & the sun. It does evil things then repents. It made the sun stand still to give more time to Joshua in the battle of Jericho. Making the sun stand still wouldn't affect time. That wouldn't even prevent the Earth from turning.

In most major religions, take christianity for example; god is compassionate and loving toward the human race, indicating he probably wants the best for us.

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In most major religions, take christianity for example; god is compassionate and loving toward the human race, indicating he probably wants the best for us.
I'm confused isn't this the guy who holds a grudge because humans strife for knowledge, I believe it was only from the 12-13the century that you were allowed to study laws economics medine etc without becoming a monk?

He also at one point created the world and all in it was for us. All the land all the goods and all the animals witch shows a complete lack of respect of the earth and all life in it with the exeptions of humans.
God is not omniscient. If it was, it doesn't mean it knows what's best for us. That's a huge assumption. A further huge assumption is that it seeks to acheive what's best for us. If I can show I know more than you & you parents combined, will you do what I say? Parents don't have the moral or legal right to do or say anything they want to children.

Uh, yes they do and it has nothing to do with omniscience. Its law for the minors last time I checked, but if you know more, pray do tell.;)
Uh, yes they do and it has nothing to do with omniscience. Its law for the minors last time I checked, but if you know more, pray do tell.;)

WHERE in the US, Canada, Australia or Europe is any law(s) saying parents can do anything they want to children????????????????????????????
No 1 said anything about parents being omniscient.
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WHERE in the US, Canada, Australia or Europe is any law(s) saying parents can do anything they want to children????????????????????????????
No 1 said anything about parents being omniscient.

Quite right. My misinterpretation. Noone alive is omniscient, though some of you come quarter close.
If God is a construction of our minds (like, from a ways back in the old culture), then the question is: "does our cultural construction have any legitimate reasons for the demands it makes?"
does god have legitimate reasons

First of all God doesn't demand haven't you ever heard of free will. Second of all he set the bar so high so that nobody could do it except he himself and finally if christianity is the truth then why is the christian world collapsing. If the christian bible says that no weapon forged of man will prosper against them then why is it that so many man made weapons are killing christians?

There's a way that seems right unto a man (christian democracy) but the end thereof leads only to destruction.

Broad is the road and wide is the gate (christian democracy) that leads to destruction and many are they that go by it.

Many will come from the East and the West and sit at the feast in the kingdom with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the the children of the kingdom (christians) will be cast into outer darkness where there will be weping and gnashing of teeth.

Before you condemn a God find out who he is and what he requests of you all of his requirements are for your best interest, so when he said be not conformed to the pattern of this world, he was talking about christian democracy. If I was the devil and I wanted to deceive the world into destruction, I would do it from within thre church.
does god have any legitimate reason

Ya I know but I've been shot. stabbed, and run down by cars and I'm still here. My stocks aren't collapsing and I receive everything from him for free, like the car he just gave me, my third one that didn't cost me a dime and when he gave me this computer it was on the condition that I told the truth. There was nothing in the agreement about you believing it.
Ya I know but I've been shot. stabbed, and run down by cars and I'm still here. My stocks aren't collapsing and I receive everything from him for free, like the car he just gave me, my third one that didn't cost me a dime and when he gave me this computer it was on the condition that I told the truth. There was nothing in the agreement about you believing it.
god gave you a car?
or was it some good natured PERSON feeling sorry for you?
plz give credit where its due!
First of all God doesn't demand haven't you ever heard of free will. Second of all he set the bar so high so that nobody could do it except he himself and finally if christianity is the truth then why is the christian world collapsing. If the christian bible says that no weapon forged of man will prosper against them then why is it that so many man made weapons are killing christians?

There's a way that seems right unto a man (christian democracy) but the end thereof leads only to destruction.

Broad is the road and wide is the gate (christian democracy) that leads to destruction and many are they that go by it.

Many will come from the East and the West and sit at the feast in the kingdom with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the the children of the kingdom (christians) will be cast into outer darkness where there will be weping and gnashing of teeth.

Before you condemn a God find out who he is and what he requests of you all of his requirements are for your best interest, so when he said be not conformed to the pattern of this world, he was talking about christian democracy. If I was the devil and I wanted to deceive the world into destruction, I would do it from within thre church.
M*W: First, you don't make any sense.

Secondly, your religion does not provide you with 'free will', only atheism can truly give you free will.

Thirdly, why are you so sure that christianity is the truth as you seem to claim?

Fourthly, you are following the religion of the ancients, especially the religion of Abraham. Abraham, in the day he might have existed, was a pagan idol worshiper.

No one is condemning god. One would have to believe in him first, before denying him.
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nothing can give you free will M*W

Quantum mechanics forbids it as does culture