Does God have any legitimate reasons for his demands?

legitimate reasons for who?
well let me set you straight on this, atheists have a non-belief in god so there is no question of legitimacy.

Does that make sense?
Rather than just "Because I said so"?


It will depend on which god or gods and, sometimes, which sect or cult you would like that answer from. Some religious cults believe(d) their god put them here to manage the world; for the entertainment of the gods; because the gods were lonely; etc.

Many religious cults (past and present) have origin myths that sometimes touch on this. Extant cults of Christianity, for instance, draw from these myths and many modern adherents interpret them to infer meanings that can vary from cult to cult, sect to sect.

Some will cite the earliest Judeo-christian writings by Bronze Age nomads where they penned their oral cult traditions as evidence that, even today, man's purpose is to have dominion over the Earth and, thus, it's fair to exploit the Earth's resources as we see fit, particularly since the same mythology states man will be magically rescued in the "near" future.

Other Christian cults see this same passage as evidence that their god put man on earth to protect and care for the planet as a benevolent steward.

The main point is that humans create their own "purpose of god" depending on their current ideologies -its fascinating how ideology shapes cult beliefs just as much as cult beliefs shape ideologies in a sort of feedback loop.
as i said, if god exists and is anything like what has been protrayed then he would have to be a Narcissist
Does a cruel, immature, unfair, deceiving, conceited, insane sadist bully have any legitimate reasons for its demands?
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legitimate reasons for who?
well let me set you straight on this, atheists have a non-belief in god so there is no question of legitimacy.

Does that make sense?

I'm sure the OP meant legitimate reasons for theists, although I'm also sure your answer for that won't satisfy what he's looking for.
God (usually) is omniscient. He does know what is best, we must assume that he seeks to achieve the best. In the same way a parent might feel when lecturing a kid, the parent knows more than the kid, so tells the kid what to do- most of us would see this as reasonable. Therefore why should we be surprised when an omniscient being tells us what to do and what not to do. Its pretty simple really. :)
God is not omniscient. If it was, it doesn't mean it knows what's best for us. That's a huge assumption. A further huge assumption is that it seeks to acheive what's best for us. If I can show I know more than you & you parents combined, will you do what I say? Parents don't have the moral or legal right to do or say anything they want to children.