Does God have a choice whether to answer a prayer or not?

Just another set of problems humans can fix if they do the hard work of making systemic changes in economic policy.

They've been working on that for millennia. Doesn't work.

How about praying for a blessing for the work that you are about to do in eliminating poverty, healing the sick and freeing the oppressed.

Plenty of people already do that.
I was not sure how I could contribute here but here goes.

1. To pray is one of the most self-catered thing and greedy things one can do, even if praying for someone else. The one praying has an ego so big that he thinks the God of the whole universe knows his name.

2. Praying on the battle field is like asking God to make the enemy miss you and give your bullet the right trajectory to kill the enemy.

3. If God would intervene then he would likely be screwing with the free will of others.

This last may not apply because God does not seem to care about our free will si8nce he ignores it when he murders us all over the bible.

If one is to pray then there is only one way to pray. If it is to be altruistic praying and the balance sheet of the universe has to balance then you have to pray for evil or hurt to you if you want the good or pleasant to go to another.

Most Gods will ignore prayers as far as I know. Myths are like that.

You will not believe it but I do pray on rare occasions. The last time God near had me on the floor in pain.
If you think you can pray and not pay the price when you do it right then you are sadly mistaken.

