Does God have a brain?

God wasn't the Dad. It was the Holy Spirit. True, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one in a sense.
So really Jesus and the Holy Spirit are Sockpuppets of God? I think that is against the rules!!
Mary was conceived through the Holy Spirit - not the same as God.
M*W: Don't christians believe in the trinity? Aren't the F,S & HS considered to be one entity? I want to know exactly how the HS planted his seed in Mary. Oh, yeah, I forgot. That's one of those mysteries of christianity. Did Mary enjoy it? Did she have an orgasm? You know all those pictures of Mary have her eyes rolling in her head. Surely, that shows Mary feeling the sensation of ecstacy.

Virgin birth, my ass!
"He who pursues fame at the risk of losing his self is not a scholar. "
-Chuang-tzu (369 BC - 286 BC)
Well, if God doesn't have a brain but still has a mind, then isn't God's mind significantly different than ours?