Does God Exist?

I know...

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Ok! this is spam, and advertising. It seems the only way to spread bull shit is by spaming!
Ok! this is spam, and advertising. It seems the only way to spread bull shit is by spaming!

are you talking to me ?

if so then you are the bull shit itself and you are a non respectable person !

dude learn to behave because i am not spamming and i just try to make more people know the truth .
are you talking to me ?

if so then you are the bull shit itself and you are a non respectable person !

dude learn to behave because i am not spamming and i just try to make more people know the truth .

M*W: Yes, he was talking to you! You are preaching. Read the rules. Why would you bother coming to a scientific forum if you cannot prove your theories? But, we are willing to listen to whatever evidence you can provide that there is a god, so please do so. After all, you only have to prove the existence of one (1) god, so it shouldn't be that hard for you.

We're waiting!
if so then you are the bull shit itself and you are a non respectable person !

How Islamic of you! :rolleyes:

Should I now be watching my back, should I be scared of my life, is some Islamic asshole like you waiting around the corner to kill me?

Grow the F*ck up, you are in violation of forum rules, you do nothing but preach and advertise your crap, with nothing to back up your assumptions!
Well, he doesn't. And this is a science board, really. More or less. Partially.
