Does God bless America?


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
"Does God bless America?"

So asks Constance Hilliard in her September 4, 2003 editorial at USA And while, yes, such simplistic articles do annoy the hell out of me, I figured it was a good enough question for this forum to be sure.
President Bush ended his Labor Day speech to a Richfield, Ohio, labor union crowd much as he finishes all his public speeches: "May God continue to bless America." Whether he intends that as a patriotic cliché or as a deeply anchored theological assertion, he needs to explain exactly what he means to say. Given the morass our world is in, does this slogan mean that God should bless America but smite Saddam loyalists in Iraq, North Korea's leaders and maybe even the French for their irritating warnings that we were about to get into a quagmire by invading Iraq? Or should God merely ignore our enemies . . . .

. . . . Let's also remember that millions of Americans belong to theological traditions that are not predicated on the worship of a god. Do they have a place at our table of patriotic sloganeering . . . .
And what can I say? Apparently the atheists still don't count ....

Oh, well.

Did I mention that I find the article annoyingly simplistic?

And, just for color, I'll take the question a little further. Is God Bless America an appropriate song during this wartime? asks USA Today.

And I say no. The song ruins a perfect day at the baseball park. Bush wouldn't know God if It came up and bit him in his hole in the ground. And most important of all, what is with the childish playground aspect? "God is on our side!" Crap, that sounds like children fighting: "Nuh-uh. Uh-huh. Nuh-uh. Uh-huh ...."

I'm just glad the administration hasn't stooped to, "I know you are, but what am I?"

Too bad about the holy war, though.

And the link please .....
I don't think god blesses or damns much of anyone. I just think he sits up there with a smug and knowing smile on his face. Asking him to bless a country would be like asking the pope to bless a troop of baboons.
Originally posted by Clockwood
I don't think god blesses or damns much of anyone. I just think he sits up there with a smug and knowing smile on his face. Asking him to bless a country would be like asking the pope to bless a troop of baboons.

He has blessed us with the highest standard of living on the planet, not that all of us deserve it or appreciate it. Or realize what it takes to keep it. It is the honesty and good character of the common person that will let us keep it. A tast of what is at my own website-
Re: Re: This is biased bullshit!

Originally posted by dan6989
Have you read my site, Miss Sweetness?
(I glanced at it and it sucks. You are a self-righteous bigot and so are your fellow Xians. It's ignorant people like you who give your religion a bad name. The very fact that you want all Xians to unite shows your bigotry! God is the God of all the universe and everything in it. You Xians believe a pack of lies and then you want to hoard God all to yourselves like you're so worthy of our Creator! Spare me! You've got your own website, so you and all your fellow Xians should stay there, talk amongst yourselves, and leave sciforums to those of us who use their minds. In fact, there are a few Xians on sciforums whom, I'm sure, would have more to discuss with you and your group. I hope they find your website, and good riddance.)
Re: Re: Re: This is biased bullshit!

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Originally posted by dan6989
Have you read my site, Miss Sweetness?
(I glanced at it and it sucks. You are a self-righteous bigot and so are your fellow Xians. It's ignorant people like you who give your religion a bad name. The very fact that you want all Xians to unite shows your bigotry! God is the God of all the universe and everything in it. You Xians believe a pack of lies and then you want to hoard God all to yourselves like you're so worthy of our Creator! Spare me! You've got your own website, so you and all your fellow Xians should stay there, talk amongst yourselves, and leave sciforums to those of us who use their minds. In fact, there are a few Xians on sciforums whom, I'm sure, would have more to discuss with you and your group. I hope they find your website, and good riddance.)

If you had taken a thorough unbias look at my site you couldn't have gotten that message from it. Read it for real this time.
You are a self-righteous bigot and so are your fellow Xians. It's ignorant people like you who give your religion a bad name. The very fact that you want all Xians to unite shows your bigotry!

I'm trying to figure out what poor Dan did besides admit his religious affiliation. What did he do or say to deserve that kind of treatment?

God is the God of all the universe and everything in it. You Xians believe a pack of lies and then you want to hoard God all to yourselves like you're so worthy of our Creator!

You try to proslytize and you're condemned, you try hoarding God for yourself and you're condemned. What's a poor Christian to do nowadays?

By the way they make stuff for PMS and it's available over the counter.
"Poor Dan"

Originally posted by Bridge
I'm trying to figure out what poor Dan did besides admit his religious affiliation.
(That was enough.)
What did he do or say to deserve that kind of treatment?
(He showed his ignorance.)
You try to proslytize and you're condemned, you try hoarding God for yourself and you're condemned. What's a poor Christian to do nowadays?
(If you're smart, you'd give Xianity up before it destroys you.)
By the way they make stuff for PMS and it's available over the counter.
(You ignorant bastard! I'm a medical practitioner. I am very well aware of what PMS is and what I prescribe for it. It's none of your business if I had PMS, which I don't, my grandchildren are in high school. Xians are so stupid. Can you recommend anything I can take for that? You people make me sick.)
Let me go off-topic (or, in reality a bit back on-topic).

I don't exactly remember where I've heard this from, but aren't most newspaper articles written in the US intended to be read at the level of a 12-year old? That could be at least one reason for the simplistic explanation. Another is the obvious: apparently most readers need dumbed-down language to find out what the papers are trying to say.

As far as the "God Bless America" triteness... I've always wondered what it would be like to say: "God bless America ... and Iraq." The rabid nationalists would visibly flinch at such a statement because, in their minds, that would mean God was watching out for and helping the Iraqis. Not our God, surely! He's a very just, white God for whom the Arabic peoples deserve not even a passing thought.

I like <b>Medicine*Woman</b>'s idea better: God bless everyone. Even as an agnostic / budding atheist, it doesn't offend me when someone says 'God Bless You'. It would be tantamount to them saying 'Cheeseburger and Fries'. But 'God Bless America' seems to equate everything America is doing to Iraqis & Afghanis as justifiable homicide. Wow, I went from simplistic to overstatement in one paragraph!

God no more blesses just America than Allah only looks at Muslims, or than Abraham pondering the violent sibling rivalry of his three wayward sons. For me and my house, I say that Bush is throwing a shout-out to his Christian backers. He's got to say his little by-words and catch-phrases so morons can continue to support his condescending rhetoric. The guy is a walking bumper-sticker—platitudes spew forth continually and no one bats an eye because no one's told them to.

And, yeah, God's really doing a splendid job of blessing America—shitty economy, terrible foreign policy, a nation that lives in fear and hate of whoever the other is, priests defiling kids everywhere (nothing new), strapped states, voting-fraud scandals galore, lies passed off as truths.

God, in a time like this, how can we <i>not</i> turn to the Bible?
Originally posted by Bridge
I'm trying to figure out what poor Dan did besides admit his religious affiliation. What did he do or say to deserve that kind of treatment?

Just because I like Christianity, you think I am one. I was brought up in a Catholic family, but I do not believe in everything they teach, especially on how best to bend over(although I was not one of those abused). That said, I am not one to condemn it all. People have developed a stereotypical view of others who use key words like 'God' or 'Christianity'. Do people here at this site seriously like ponder about the spiritual realm, or do they just like to insult people? I logged on to this site to share some interesting facts I have discovered. These facts should make us stop and think about how we conduct our lives. I have discovered dates, names and events that link the original American Woodstock festival of 1969 and at least one of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Woodstock was originally to be held in Wallkill, NY on 8/15, 16, & 17/69, but the people there protested. So, Woodstock ended up being held in Bethel, NY on 8/15, 16, & 17/69. I Kings ch. 12 in the Bible tells about another sinful(Yes, I said sinful, but don't call me a idiot Christian yet. OK! There was both good and bad that came from it) festival held in Bethel on 8/15. The original author of about 100 B.C. interpreted several Bible verses in this particular scroll. One of those verses interpreted is Micah 2;11. In my modern Catholic translation Bible, Micah 2;11 reads, "If one acting on impulse should make the futile claim: "I pour you wine and strong drink as my prophecy," then he would be the prophet of this people." Concerning this verse, the scroll author writes about a, "follower of the wind, one who raised storms and rain down lies, had preached to them(Mic. 2;11), against all of whose assembly the anger of God was kindled." At Woodstock Joe Cocker sang, Lets Go Get Stoned and then, With A Little Help From My Friends. Just seconds after he was finished singing it began to rain. The was no rain forcasted for that day. The two songs give a negative and a positive message, and therefore constitute a 'following of the wind.' Proof of this and other connections can be found at my site. To help convey my train of thought about the connections I make no attempt to make money from my site or the subject matter. One main message of the connections, is that the 'hippies' and a little later the Jesus freaks touched on what God really wants for us. but the scoffers and 'yuppies' diverted them with drugs and words of doubt.

Main References

Woodstock the Oral History , by Joel Makower

Dead Sea Scrolls in English , by Geza Vermes

The New American Catholic Translation Bible

There are also links to the Mayan calendar's end of the world as we know it at around 2011 or 2012. The numbers 390, 40, and 20, the years 1620, 1969, 1989, and 2009, the Plymouth Pilgrams, Thanksgiving and others. I believe nearly all religious writings have value in wisdom and as words of God, however they are all corrupt in verying degrees by mans very human qualities of greed, desire, and hate. Even, the Damascus Document is not perfect, but I believe it is the closest to God's true word. The reason I say this is because of the connections.

I will answer any questions here, but I have already answered several at a different forum site (and at my own site). You can see all of my posts in my profile section at that site, to get a better feel about what I am talking about.

bridge mentioned being a gnostic. There is a gnostic saying by Jesus that I like a lot. "If those who lead you say to you: See the kingdom is in heaven, then the birds of heaven will precede you. If they say to you: It is in the sea, then the fish will precede you. But the kingdom is within you and it is without you. When you know yourselves, then you will be known and you will know that you are sons of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you are in poverty and you are poverty."
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Archie Bunker fan

One entry found for kike.

Main Entry: kike
Pronunciation: 'kIk
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1904
usually offensive : JEW
Re: Archie Bunker fan

Originally posted by Bridge
One entry found for kike.

Main Entry: kike
Pronunciation: 'kIk
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1904
usually offensive : JEW

Being named an Archie Bunker fan is suppost to offend me, right?
I am more of a Rush Limbaugh fan. The difference between them is, that the Archie character was created by liberals to depict their twisted view of conservatives. Rush is a conservative and he has your lying, cheating, conniving, always right, but seldom are, asses pegged. Liberals are the very group that the Damascus Document is refering to, when it mentions the scoffer(s). And he made known to the latter generations that which God had done to the latter generation, the congregation of traitors, to those who depart from the way. This was the time of which it is written, Like a stubborn heifer thus was Israel stubborn(Hos. 4;16), when the Scoffer arose who shed over Israel the waters of lies. He led them astray in a wilderness without way by bringing low the everlasting hills, and by causing them to depart from the paths of righteousness, and by removing the bound with which the forefathers had marked out their inheritance, that he might call down on them the curses of His Covenant and deliver them up to the avenging sword of the Covenant. For they sought smooth things and preferred illusions (Isa. 30;10) and they watched for breaks (Isa.30;13) and chose the fair neck; and they justified the wicked and condemned the just, and they transgressed the Covenant and violated the Precept. They banded together against the life of the righteous (Ps. 94; 21) and loathed all who walked in perfection; they pursued them with the sword and exulted in the strife of the people. And the anger of God was kindled against their congregation so that He ravaged their multitude; and their deeds were defilement before Him. "The names have been changed to protect the innocent," as the Dragnet announcer would say, but the gist of it is there. I haven't seen one honest Demacrat running for president yet. They have all told lies about Bush, his effort in Iraq, and the economy. President Bush never said that the war on terror would be short and sweet, on the contrary. There are people out there, who delighted in seeing O.J. Simpson set free. Not because he as an individuual was innocent, because of STUPID political reasons. Why is this Gray Davis making it legal for illegals to get drivers licenses, for crying out loud, when we are trying to keep terrorists from coming in? Two plausable reasons. One, likes all those Hispanic votes. Two, a successful terrorist(s) would make Bush look bad. I am not saying what Bush is doing is the perfect way to combat terrorists, but far better than what I can imagine Gore doing. Terrorists have the psychological edge, because they are willing to die for Allah, and we are not willing to do what it takes to rid ourselves of them. If the connectons that I have found can make at least one terroist think twice about 'doing it for Allah,' then it will have been all worth it. All the insults toward me, 'well I don't know's,' time and expense I have made. I have emailed the President, the CIA, and many others, but I haven't been on the evening news yet. So, unfortunately another grave terrorist attack may have to occur, before they will do such a thing.
By the way, did you hear about the new study results on marijuana use?
It significantly reduces reflex function.
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Does God bless America?

I pray that He does. America has its flaws, problems, tensions, and scandals, but compared to the other countries on this world it is the greatest place to live.
Being named an Archie Bunker fan is suppost to offend me, right?


The poster named and2000x used the phrase kike. In reference to whom I do not know. I simply replied with the definition and my remark about Archie was aimed at that poster, not you. But thanks for your insights on the Damascus Document. I'll keep an extra close eye out for those pesky black helicopters flying around my neighborhood.
God Bless The Whole Earth !

Hi :
I think God is blessing America. You Americans have a vast land. Throug the years and decades you have made an empire with the help and Blessing of that God. You are a super power.
The Bush administration tries to dictate to other nations what they must or must not do. The administration has put himself above the UN. And all that with the blessing of God.
I think now it is time someone tells God : Please bless Africa, Bless poor nations and poor people. Bless the people of Iraq whose lands have become occupied.
It is time that we all ask God : please Bless people living in Israel including palestinians and others who are living under the terror which is supported by US administration and some lunatics.
It is time that God blesses the whole Earth and its inhabitants and put an end to the human misery. Amen Thanks