Does Common Descent Follow Logically From Darwin's Four Postulates?

If you understand evolution, then answer my question. Can one life form evolve into any other life form?
If you mean can a population of one species of animal evolve into a completely different species over time - then the answer is of course they can!
Incidentally, I'm not the first person to write authoritatively about magical molecules. Imagine a glass of water suddenly starting to boil, producing ice cubes in the glass and a small cloud of steam rising slowly toward the ceiling.

Such a scenario is perfectly consistent with all the fundamental laws of physics. For a first course in the concept of fantastic molecular improbabilities, see chapter 9 of MR TOMPKINS IN WONDERLAND by the prominent physicist George Gamow.

Back to what I was getting at about charmed molecules. An inheritable magical molecule is maximally magical if it specifies all the molecular information needed for building and maintaining an organism such that it and every successive random mutation of that unusually charmed molecule represents a viable form of life.

Now, it's conceivable that an inheritable magical molecule can be more magical than that. And I specified an additional property in post #142 that is conceivably possible, which also strikes me as adding to the magic. "Clearly, if magical inheritable molecules were maximally magical, then every life form could evolve into every other life form."


I believe that all these clarifications should help. Who isn't understanding this?


So what law prevents an oak tree from evolving into an unthinking loathsome creature with exactly your DNA as it exists at this very moment?
If you think that evolution can happen instantaneously - then you do not understand evolution.

You are arguing more and more from ignorance. "I do not understand DNA, therefore it is magic."
If you think that evolution can happen instantaneously - then you do not understand evolution.
Didn't you read my quote from Darwin assuring us that evolution occurs in slow, sure steps? I assure you, my game also requires small, incremental changes per iteration.
Didn't you read my quote from Darwin assuring us that evolution occurs in slow, sure steps? I assure you, I'm not sidestepping any rules of the Darwinist game.
Yes. You quoted it but you didn't understand it. A parrot can quote Shakespeare - he just doesn't understand it.
As a quantum creationist, I'm not ashamed of fantastically improbable events. It's simply believing in modern science. As I see it, there is nothing more shameful than willful ignorance.
Then abandon your willful ignorance and come into the light of knowledge. Support your claims with facts rather than magical thinking. Throw away the dogma that has been force-fed to you and engage your intellect to better understand the world.

Fact: DNA is not magic. It's just a molecule that is pretty good at storing information in the form of base pair sequences.
Fact: New species arise all the time without "quantum creation" being involved.
Fact: People and bananas evolved from the same parent organism.
Fact: People and bananas evolved from the same parent organism.
I'm still waiting for a link to the most persuasive and most elementary evidence, combined with reasoning, that demonstrates that you have an ancestor whose descendants eventually evolved into plain, ordinary bananas. How long must I wait for this?

2. Biology. the actual or hypothetical form or stock from which an organism has developed or descended.
3. an object, idea, style, or occurrence serving as a prototype, forerunner, or inspiration to a later one.
I'm still waiting for a link to the most persuasive and most elementary evidence, combined with reasoning, that demonstrates that you have an ancestor whose descendants eventually evolved into plain, ordinary bananas. How long must I wait for this?
You already have it. To repeat it:

We share the same basic DNA structure and many of the same DNA sequences as plants (like bananas.) Further observation of molecular clocks allow us to assign a rough time to the point at which our ancestors split into the Opisthokonta (later leading to man) and the Primoplantae (later leading to bananas) kingdoms. (Alternatively Plantae and Animalia; choose your favorite taxonomy.) This happened about 1.6 billion years ago based on molecular timing.

Further observations reveal a great many organisms that share characteristics of both kingdoms (like euglena, which exhibits both chorophyll-based food synthesis and self-propulsion via flagella.)

A good visual aid if you are still having trouble:
As a quantum creationist, I'm not ashamed of fantastically improbable events. It's simply believing in modern science.
You don't understand modern science. You probably believe that it is possible 2 pool balls to pass through each other, "because that's what quantum mechanics tells us!"
We share the same basic DNA structure and many of the same DNA sequences as plants (like bananas.)

Further observations reveal a great many organisms that share characteristics of both kingdoms (like euglena, which exhibits both chorophyll-based food synthesis and self-propulsion via flagella.)
Yet your refusal to answer post #220 suggests that you have doubts.