Does Church has the right to collect money from people?

There is no heaven, so don't sweat it. Hell, take money from the plate. It's not going to matter in the end.

Actually that depends wether you think jail is no different from freedom because that's theft and I doubt the judge will take kindly to it
In US, before a person die, do you call priest to preach to him/her?
No, it's not likely to involve any preaching at all.

It's an old Christian custom originating in the Roman Catholic era. The priest gives the person a means to make a final confession so that the soul is cleansed of sin and, they believe, prepared to enter Heaven. There is some ritual use of Holy water to symbolize the cleansing, and prayers, and anointing with oil. They will often give the person a Rosary to hold, or if the person is lucid they will pray the Rosary with them. It's one of the seven sacred rituals of Christianity which Catholics call Sacraments. The priest will recite the "as I walk in the valley of the shadow of death" etc., verse from the Bible. Very often the priest will know the person quite well, and go through a lot of grief, while the family turns to him for emotional support, and he will do his best to assure them that the person died in peace, ready to go to Heaven. In short this priest sacrifices a lot of his own well being for the benefit of the dying person and the family. It's one of the essential services that the priest brings to a community, in addition to the funeral and graveside services.
If churches actively do charity, helping the poor and sick in the society,
I do not mind giving money to them,
but most of them not!
You can be sure your money is going to the sick and poor by choosing reputable organizations such as Red Cross, UNICEF, etc.

If you wish to help a church that is doing charity, you can research them online to read about their programs. Some of them give away huge amounts of aid to people in need. You might be surprised how great some of these programs are.
Actually that depends wether you think jail is no different from freedom because that's theft and I doubt the judge will take kindly to it

You could always say Jesus made you do it. I mean, church is like the one place that line would work, MIRITE?
You can be sure your money is going to the sick and poor by choosing reputable organizations such as Red Cross, UNICEF, etc.

If you wish to help a church that is doing charity, you can research them online to read about their programs. Some of them give away huge amounts of aid to people in need. You might be surprised how great some of these programs are.
If this is true, then some churches still have value in this world,
they should be respected and supported, right? :D
If this is true, then some churches still have value in this world,
they should be respected and supported, right? :D

No, the NGOs work should be supported and that may include church based NGOs like anglacare, st Vincent de Paul's, Salvation Army etc. the churches themselves should be self funded

Sorry I accidentally "posted" this as a report instead of a post
No, it's not likely to involve any preaching at all.

It's an old Christian custom originating in the Roman Catholic era. The priest gives the person a means to make a final confession so that the soul is cleansed of sin and, they believe, prepared to enter Heaven. There is some ritual use of Holy water to symbolize the cleansing, and prayers, and anointing with oil. They will often give the person a Rosary to hold, or if the person is lucid they will pray the Rosary with them. It's one of the seven sacred rituals of Christianity which Catholics call Sacraments. The priest will recite the "as I walk in the valley of the shadow of death" etc., verse from the Bible. Very often the priest will know the person quite well, and go through a lot of grief, while the family turns to him for emotional support, and he will do his best to assure them that the person died in peace, ready to go to Heaven. In short this priest sacrifices a lot of his own well being for the benefit of the dying person and the family. It's one of the essential services that the priest brings to a community, in addition to the funeral and graveside services.

Are you an ex priest ? but disappointed in the faith.
Tithe was practiced in OT,
Jesus never said we do not need to pay tithe,
the apostles also collected offering,
so my pastor said it is compulsory.
Tithe was practiced in OT,
Jesus never said we do not need to pay tithe,
the apostles also collected offering,
so my pastor said it is compulsory.

Say to your pastor: I need Jesus, I don't need you. Then go find another church.
In US, before a person die, do you call priest to preach to him/her?

Naah I just encourage them to hurry up and get it over with.... but not as rudely as this sounds. But I have only stood by one death bed. And it was appropriate in her case. Had she had her wits about her, she would have been laughing, but she was in a coma and nearly brain dead at that point.