Does Church has the right to collect money from people?

If I go to a church, do I need to give money when the offering bag comes to me?
Does Church has the right to collect money from people?

Who is going to pay for electricity and heating gas . A church is a place were people of the same belief get together and discuss their their understanding
It's a donation. If you think the church has something you want to support, as with anything else, you can donate. Or pass the plate along.
The pastor, sometime, will openly rebuke the members of church, for not giving enough money. :(
The pastor, sometime, will openly rebuke the members of church, for not giving enough money. :(

The pastor is the administrator of the society, were he knows the expenditure, and he knows how the funds are distributed, therefore he might ask for additional contribution to cover the expenditures.
There is no thing compulsory. The pastor should have a job to support himself and his family

Being a priest IS a job, actually it's being on call 24 hours a day, it's not just church, weddings and funerals but they have to be available around the clock for those who are sick and dying in hospital, they visit nursing homes to give communion there. I might dislike the church but I would never say that they could possibly do another job on top of being a priest
Being a priest IS a job, actually it's being on call 24 hours a day, it's not just church, weddings and funerals but they have to be available around the clock for those who are sick and dying in hospital, they visit nursing homes to give communion there. I might dislike the church but I would never say that they could possibly do another job on top of being a priest

My former brother in law is a pastor of a church. He also holds a full time job. The church has continually tried to find a means to pay him a salary. But he has never asked for it. He takes on the task of pastor-ship because of his convictions. He has said that taking money to do it would cloud his inspiration and would cause him to question his motives.

The church has deacons and assistant ministers and stuff that help carry the load of responsibility to the church. As far as I know, that particular church is set up as an actual communal effort to take care of each other rather than a hierarchy of control. They take in a lot of money but it is distributed back out among the needy members and also to non members in the community. And I have never heard him criticizing people for not giving.
If churches actively do charity, helping the poor and sick in the society,
I do not mind giving money to them,
but most of them not!
Being a priest IS a job, actually it's being on call 24 hours a day, it's not just church, weddings and funerals but they have to be available around the clock for those who are sick and dying in hospital, they visit nursing homes to give communion there. I might dislike the church but I would never say that they could possibly do another job on top of being a priest

I don't believe is a 24 hour job . Call some time a priest or a minister , you will be surprised if someone answers
Concidering I just recently had to because my grandmother who had just had a massive stroke had a turn for the worse and we were all called back at 3am, yes the ICUs on call priest didn't answer but her niece's priest was there with in an hour ready with whatever my family needed, if she had been concious then she could have had the eucrusist because she wasn't he did the rite on the sick and then the rite of the dying.
In US, before a person die, do you call priest to preach to him/her?

Firstly I could care less what happens in the US

Secondly I can only comment on what happens in the Catholic Church, don't know what other denominations do

Thirdly from a non beliver perspective it's about what the family want because (to take my grandmother as an example) sadly her brain was Swiss cheese at that point, the stroke had caused the cells to swell, cutting off blood flow to other cells and crushing the swelling brain against the skull, there were no higher order brain functions left. She was brain dead, her body just didn't know it yet

Now if it was a different situation where someone was dying, say COPD or cancer then they might be concious and then yes it might be about what they want too