Does Bill Cosby speak the truth?

Undecided said:
But you are missing my point, my point being that how can we expect the lower classes to get a good education, and be motivated if their schools are basically ¼ as good as those in a middle class white neighbourhood?
Actually, I think you're missing the general point. Cosby was complaining that many blacks don't seem very interested in taking advantage of the educational opportunities that are available to them. While it's true that some schools are better than others, virtually any school in the U.S. is able to teach you to read, write, and speak properly, and Cosby was complaining that a large segment of low-income blacks don't make any effort to do so. Cosby's point was that it's not a case of people who are doing the best they can, but are being held back by inferior educational opportunities – it's a case of people who just don't seem very interested in succeeding in life.
Undecided said:

I don’t disagree with you that if you really want an education you should work hard at it. But you are missing my point, my point being that how can we expect the lower classes to get a good education, and be motivated if their schools are basically ¼ as good as those in a middle class white neighbourhood?

It is shown that black students aren’t expected to do much, or very well so they don’t. You seemed to have missed the point spagnaya.

No i understand what you are trying to say, and i am saying that it doesnt matter what school you go to, if your parents or guardians tell you that its not an option for you to do badly in school you will make good grades regardless of your resources. I believe its the parents fault not the teachers if the students dont do well in school. If parents were at the school and caring how their children did then it wouldnt matter if they had new books or not, they would at least make sure their children did their work and did it well and if they had problems learning would help find out what was wrong and work to remedy that.

i believe its society's fault not the teacher. thats my point. :bugeye:
Nasor said:
Cosby's point was that it's not a case of people who are doing the best they can, but are being held back by inferior educational opportunities – it's a case of people who just don't seem very interested in succeeding in life.

exactly. thats my point.
spaganya said:
I have a feeling youre being sarcastic. but i am serious. everything you just said i totally believe. Both my parents were DIRT POOR growning up (my father's side actually had a dirt floor in their two room house), one a child of 11 the other a child of 9... both were single family homes. and out of all 20 of those children, NONE of them are on welfare. They all have good jobs, all made something of themselves. And they came from some of the most dysfunctional families out there.

It busts my gut how people just say CAN'T all the time. Anything is possible. and my family and myself are living proof of that. There is equal opportunity. The only restrictions you have are the ones you make for yourself.

If people are bitching and making excuses, they cant possibly be doing anything constructive. self pity takes up too much energy for that to happen. :mad:

I was being sarcastic but the notion of equal opportunity is ludicrous. Surely whatever chances or "luck" you might have had (considering your predicament) cannot be the EXACT SAME chances others have and therefore SHOULD NOT be labeled "equal opportunity".

That is like saying men and women have "equal opportunity" to the Presidency. On the shell, that's what it looks like and that's what it's made to appear like but appearances can be decieving for why should we have a woman ruling... ;)
