Does any one know about Noburu?


Perhaps the orbit of it make it hard to find. Remember what Banshee said?

There would be SOME SORT OF EVIDENCE! A planet that large would have all sorts of gravitational effects on the other planets.

Do you know anything about astronomy? About Newtonian physics?

A planet with this translation MUST be really far away and have an incredible orbit! How do you find a planet like that?

I have no idea what you mean by 'translation' - but -

You would detect it by the effect it has on other planets. See

Gravity, Ring Around the Rosey and Perturbing Planets

Using this principle, Marcy & Butler determined that as a planet orbited its sun the resulting graviational attraction between the two bodies would result in the star's position to be perturbed or wobble (much like when as a child you would hold your friend's hand and play Ring Around the Rosey and the two of you would stagger around some common point in the school yard). By measuring this perturbation over several years, it was calcualted as to how big and how far away a planet would have to be to generate such a wobble.

The principle is the same.

Perhaps we will need to wait just a little bit to find out...

Perhaps you should not be snide with those who have studied this more than we have? :rolleyes:

Do you know anything about astronomy? About Newtonian physics?

Yes... At least most of it, I guess...

There would be SOME SORT OF EVIDENCE! A planet that large would have all sorts of gravitational effects on the other planets.

If you would look and see what I wrote in thye begining of the thread... :rolleyes:

I have no idea what you mean by 'translation'

The movement of planets around a star...

Although i dont have a complete picture,but I am stumped by deviations in the predicted outer planet the reason same as that in Case of Mercury?:confused:

Zion: Yes, we should be able to detect the existance of Planet X or Niberu by the way it affects other planets.

Everything with mass exerts a gravitational pull (a force) on everything else. If we know the mass, we can find the magnitude of this force using Newtons inverse-square law.

Even if we do not know the mass, we would detect a pull by looking at the orbits of other planets.

Not only do we fail to detect such a pull, the Voyager probes failed to detect any visible evidence of such a planet.

I ask, what is the difference between a planet that has absolutly no evidence for its existance and a planet that dosen't exist?
Banshee babbling about feminine life force, (he don't know many women!), another asteroid, some people trying to find the damn thing, (you could not find it with even a moderatly large scope, too far away), a paranoid link forseeing gloom and doom in 2003 (gee, only a year to go before they eat thier words) and somebody trying to sell a book does not constitute evidence.
She's so mean...

I would like to point out that this detecting things out in space by llooking at wobbles caused by gravitational interactions is a rather new method. Not every part of the sky has been watched extensively yet. And perturbations caused by a small planet with a very long orbit would be quite small. On the other hand, as Xev said, there's no evidence for its existence.
She's so mean...

Nah, she's just pissed because Banshee seems to find the section devoted to science a good place to babble on about pseudoscience.


Turnabout is fair play.
Great Cthulhu is a giant squid-man with lizard feet, what the hell would he know? :p
You can't judge interdimensional alien squidlike humanoid dragons by thier looks, Adam. ;)
You might hurt his feelings!

This is almost as bad as Tony1 calling him a demon. You nooner-head!

Besides, you are just jealous because he is a better dancer

*Xev summons up her dignity and adds*

Besides, I think he is almost handsome. So there. :p
Nooner-head? You only think Cthulhu is groovy coz you're a booger-brain half-lizard! :p
Yeah, that's true. *looks at the blender, considers putting face into it...*
Noooo! November likes you, don't she?


At least you are not in Xev's situation - every time she meets a man he is either gay or he is killed by evil carrots, or he is an animated corpse.

Hmm, animated corpse - sounds like some of my dates, only not as cute as Kai. :D
I think gay people don't exist. It's just a polite way of saying "No, go away". :p

Just kidding. If a reject like me can meet someone groovy, anyone can.
I'm not that sort of girl.

Actually, I am, but I still won't - 'cause it's NOT HAPPENING!
I suggest you try eating lots of garlic. Maybe wear some around your neck. Move to the Ozarks and get adopted into a family there. And just talk to your brothers a lot. I bet you'll meet someone special in no time. :p