Does any one know about Noburu?

The Metatron

Registered Senior Member
Supposedly it is the mysterious 10th planet and its orbit brings it close to the earth every so many thousands of years, and its gravitational pull is supposed to wreak havoc with the Earths weather and some speculate it was responsible for the Ice Age, Destruction of the Dino, and responsible for the sinking of Atlantis it is said by some to be the basis for the story of the Pheonix due to the fact that it has what looks to be a rim of fire around it when it blocks the sun and due to the destruction it causes rebirth is a consuquence of it since survivors must rebuild a new world. Some also say its the Great Cleansing that indiginous peoples of America tell sories of. Some believe its return will be 2003 up to 2013 and thats the reason the weather has been so freaky around the world the past couple of years. Has anyone else heard of this?
You should pause for a moment and consider what the gravitaional disturbance of a planet-sized mass wandering in and out of the solar system would do to the orbits of all of the other planets.

Check around, I believe there's a story in there somewhere (it is the best paranormal site on the net, so bookmark it). I don't believe the whole thing at all because supposedly Niburu is two or four times as large as jupiter, and if it were on the way to Earth right now call me crazy but I think that we would see it. Also for your hollow earth thing meta check the left menu on the paranormal website.
Why is your name Metatron?

Nibiru is the suspected planet of the Annunaki Eloheem.
Originally posted by Cory
Why is your name Metatron?

The Metatron was an angel some say he was the tallest of them all in some jewish text (Kabala) it was said he held the highest rank of angels he was the angel that led the children of Isreal through the wilderness even though he is not mentioned in the scriptures some same Metatron is derived from the latin word Metatore meaning guide. In the movie "Dogma" he was known as the voice of god. I thought this name enbodied the type of person I aspire to be I want to guide mankind out of the wilder.....
Ok it sounded Cool.
Niburu...also known as Planet X...returning in Earths Orbit about every 36,00 years and approaching...!

See the Parapsychology Forum, Earth Changes thread...
Yeah yeah yeah. When the stars were right, Great Cthulhu ruled the earth. Now he lies sleeping in his sunken city R'yleh. He will Rise again, and his Kingdom will cover the earth. His Dreams reach out, and they can touch the living.

You buy that? Why not? It is less far-fetched.
Xev is right, don't believe the former post! Big Mistake!

It's returning in Orbit about every 3600 years...!

Apologies! :eek:

You should pause for a moment and consider what the gravitaional disturbance of a planet-sized mass wandering in and out of the solar system would do to the orbits of all of the other planets.

I've read in a scientific magazine that a scientist compared the mass of the solar system with the orbit of the planets and draw the conclusion that a tenth planet with at least the size of Jupiter might be orbiting the solar system...

Banshee is right... :)

I've read in a scientific magazine that a scientist

Evidence based upon authority and/or testimony

compared the mass of the solar system with the orbit of the planets and draw the conclusion that a tenth planet with at least the size of Jupiter might be orbiting the solar system...

Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence

Banshee is right...

The burden of proof for any claim rests on the claimant

Congratulations Truthseeker ! Your post contained the three key elements for failing the sufficiency requirements of critical thinking.
Xev is right

Brilliant, young, gifted and gorgeous. And now, right.


Apology accepted, Banshee.


Congratulations Truthseeker ! Your post contained the three key elements for failing the sufficiency requirements of critical thinking.

Yes folks! Show him his prize! Two tickets to Tahiti and this lovely....

(Q) and Xev,

Congratulations Truthseeker ! Your post contained the three key elements for failing the sufficiency requirements of critical thinking.

I didn't know you were ignorant enough to deny something that you didn't even heard yet... how much closeminded can someone be... :rolleyes:
I didn't know you were ignorant enough to deny something that you didn't even heard yet...

Que? Who is denying anything? Where?

We are simply asking for evidence. Disagreeing with you does not make us ignorent......:rolleyes:

how much closeminded can someone be...

*Points at signature*

"Keeping an open mind is a virtue, but not so open that your brains fall out. - James Oberg"

Did you read the link?
Where did I deny anything in this thread?

Q does. He says:

Nibiro or Plantet X is complete hogwash

Now, let's see why:

In 1987, John Anderson at JPL examined the motions of the spacecraft Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11, to see if any deflection due to unknown gravity forces could be found. None was found


There is no known Planet X or 10th planet in our solar system. Scientists have been looking for about a hundred years. It was believed that such a planet was required to explain the orbital characteristics of the outer planets Uranus and Neptune. Many searches have been performed and, to date, no evidence of such a planet has emerged. In addition, better information about the masses of outer planets has also now shown that no other planets are necessary to explain the planetary orbits.


Yes... I know all of that...

Then why do you not apply Ockham's razor?

There is no reason to believe in Niberu
There is no evidence for the existance of Niberu
Why should we believe in Niberu? Especially since people have been looking for over a hundred years and haven't found it?

Especially since people have been looking for over a hundred years and haven't found it?

Perhaps the orbit of it make it hard to find. Remember what Banshee said?

Posted by Banshee:
It's returning in Orbit about every 3600 years...!

A planet with this translation MUST be really far away and have an incredible orbit! How do you find a planet like that?
Perhaps we will need to wait just a little bit to find out... :rolleyes: ;)
