Does a world exist if it's inhabited by intelligent robots?

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Laika and gukarma, thanks I agree with your posts. Its dawned on me that the higher the consciousness the higher the imprisonment because consciousness is the opposite of freedom. Consciousness is responsibility, responsibility to either one's system or a higher system. A writer once wrote that human beings are a direct representation of nature and that we possess all the intelligence in the universe so, in order words we are the gate keeper or administrator of the universe implemented to keep things going smoothly. There are two sides to life, the subjective and objective and usually if you don't get the objective right you won't attain full privilege and benefit to the subjective. The subjective is the opulent characteristic of the objective, again echoing the fact that we are not here because we are free. For instance your body only needs nutrients as food but we indulge in ceremonial taste festivals by frying, baking, and grilling these foods. Out of the illusion of freedom comes the idea of spirituality, soul, and "free will". Things to keep us preoccupied and happy while we carry along our decade to decade labor or love. Form follows function; in fact the expression of function is form. We don't understand our form, which is why we are respectively sparking and playing with many ideas. Robots however will be built by robots, or at least the robotic part of us, which is why it will be harder for them to forge hysterical ideas like we do. We were made from nature herself, formless and endless. The greatest gift we were given is both the logical and hysterical part of nature and I think for a purpose and time, when the robots come then it will be their time.
Ironicaly a part of us is free, the one responsible for function; the brain. The brian is not ours, its a product of nature, its the way nature keeps in touch with us. Draw the earth in a 2 dimensional picture and you see the brain is not more than a link to the endless outside world of our body. The body is the best representation of our function, since we have a body then we have a function. Think a metal manufacture looking for the best way to express a tool used for opening tin cans. Subjectivity and all that it encompasses is nothing but compliments to the real fact; in a 6 dimensional view we are just beautification to a 2 dimensional picture. Indeed robots may never attain these gifts but really it may not be necessary considering their form. If robots finally roam the earth as in science fiction movies then we must agree that our form was imperfect and robots are the new high end line product of nature.
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if that happens then ok, but i highly doubt it. if humans cant replicate a human bieng it either means a) its impossible to actually achieve, or b) we just dont know enough about the human brain to reconstruct it.

Its not impossible to duplicate another human being, the duplicate may be imperfect for the first few trials but some where during this evolution will there be a "perfect human". Today there is no such thing as a perfect human because different people are specialized in different fields and discipline; every specialization is due to constant experience and practice. If you skip this daunting process and otherwise imprint these specializations at birth or manufacture you will have what’s almost to be labeled the true "human". I mean what are you going to call something that was manufactured to love you? We humans are not perfect and so we see the world thus, which is why our intelligence fills in this void. It may not in our framework to manufacture or even like robots but its in deep and almost subconscious in us to pave the way to a better perfection. It’s like being drawn with a certain pencil type, everything else ought to be in that same pencil type. We are in fact robots; we are slaves to our intelligence. Does a world exist if it’s inhabited by robots? As long as the robots know right from wrong, yes. The first ever intellectual advance by man was knowing right from wrong, which is basically observing what is detrimental to a system and what is not. The "why" question is where feelings and hysterics comes in, the same reason for so many wars and conflicts in the human race. The "I want to kill your people and if you don't give me a good enough reason I am pulling the trigger" syndrome.
That depends how you define the term soul, I suppose. If by a person's soul you mean the bio-electric template of the human body and mind, let's consider that the soul of a person is the accumulation of memories and emotions over a lifetime. Now if you have robots with emotion-chips, (like Commander Data for example) and of course you have a bio-electric field, and you have a lifetime of memories for a robot just as you have for a human; then you have the soul, surely? Though I'd say you're going over into the territory of religion/philosophy rather than or as well as technology when you start asking questions like that... things get rather complicated :confused: So if a robot is killed, does that make the human or robot who/which despatched him into a murderer? Does that mean a separate Heaven for robots and humans? Does that mean we start giving the word Robot a capital letter, as we do with Humans because they are an intelligent race?
Why do people even talk about a "soul," anyway? What could possibly make anyone think one exists?
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