Does a normal theist lack the ability to introspect?

Does a normal theist lack the ability to introspect on their own epistemology of religion?
i don't know about "normal" theists, but it now appears to me that all my college friends had their mental puberty times in which they question everything handed to them for granted [ of information i mean], i used to think i'm the only one who visited such murky waters, but as i said, i found out many of my friends had as well, albeit normally a couple of years later than i did, speaking to them about it was like giving advice to a kid who's just lost his virginity on how it's done :D.

so how does it usually end? with the absence of stimulus to the opposite, they tend to just make themselves forget about it and go back to their society's norm, but if you open the subject again questions and thoughts start flowing out as if they were squeezed in there for a long time, as soon as they realize they've gone back to scratching the old wound, they start closing up and trying to forget it again.

i guess they think of the question "is my religion correct?" the same as "are my parents really my parents?", you entice yourself by going through your life if that question had a not so obvious answer, but figure out after some time that it's just not a matter of big importance and decide to cut it with occam's razor.