Does a business owner have a right to say, "Don't come back?"

The reason the two issues are relevant is because your argument for discrimination was that it could be good for business. So is saving money on things like keeping your kitchen clean. Now you're saying it's about a owner's rights? What's the argument for that?

I think most issues regarding the hygiene of a kitchen has more to do with neglect and proper training rather than saving money, but I don't own such a business, so I could be wrong.

You're talking about something being personal versus being a part of your person. Music is personal to me, but that doesn't mean it's a part of my body.

Yes, I'm talking about something that is personal, much like your commitment to civil rights in commercial businesses. I'm not saying it's a physical appendage.
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Already answered.
see post #96

Thank you. I missed that one somewhere along the line. Well now, that is a curious stand. Should all the prostitutes abstain, the whore house is in trouble. That doesn't stand well with me.
Huh? The business is most certainly private property. The business must comply with laws on the books that apply to that business, but they can refuse service to anyone. Just like some night clubs that refuse to let some people enter because they aren't good looking or well dressed enough.

Although, if you put up a sign that says "We don't serve niggers", you'll probably end up with some sort of civil lawsuit.

true a business can refuse anyone but they can't always admit why they are doing it.
The reason the two issues are relevant is because your argument for discrimination was that it could be good for business. So is saving money on things like keeping your kitchen clean. Now you're saying it's about a owner's rights? What's the argument for that?

On the other hand, who you choose to serve should be your business, in my opinion. I think selective discrimination could be a good thing or a bad thing for a business, depending on the individual circumstances.

It all depends on the management of the business, which falls--when all else has been said and done--on the owner.

And with that I say goodnight. It's fricken late. Let's pick this up again later. Thank you for your thoughts. I do appreciate your input.
Thank you. I missed that one somewhere along the line. Well now, that is a curious stand. Should all the prostitutes abstain, the whore house is in trouble. That doesn't stand well with me.

Again, that's when good hiring practices come into play. If she isn't careful to hire versatile employees she may find herself in a pickle so this is on the management's shoulders to be sure this doesn't happen. One way to avoid this is to require appointments and not take walk ins. If she schedules the appointments around the schedules of employees who are suitable to the clients requests then she shouldn't have any problems. She can also just make sure not to hire bigots. It really isn't as complicated as you are making it.

If she finds she has no prostitutes that are willing to have sex with Asians, for example, she can simply post an ad on Craigslist stating that she needed workers who are willing to service a variety of clients and with specific attention to the willingness to service Asians.

HR people post ads looking for specific requirements all the time. Needing workers who will work evenings, or weekends. Looking for employees who are good with children. Looking for employees comfortable in a semi nude environment. Looking for servers who love the hip hop scene. These are examples of how ads may be worded looking for workers who will accommodate specific clients.
I own a business, have for 45 years now. I discriminate against people who try not to pay me, rubber check me or play any variation of 'the old 6 - 8 - 9' on me. I do not work for people I do not trust or who frighten me. The bottom line is of crucial importance, anyone who hurts that is off my books. I also utilize the "three strikes and you're out" rule. To wit: the first time you step on my foot, I consider it an accident. The second time you step on my foot, I consider it a coincidence. The third time you step on my foot I figure that it was deliberate. Then I make sure that you never get the opportunity to do that again. :mad:
I own a business, have for 45 years now. I discriminate against people who try not to pay me, rubber check me or play any variation of 'the old 6 - 8 - 9' on me. I do not work for people I do not trust or who frighten me. The bottom line is of crucial importance, anyone who hurts that is off my books. I also utilize the "three strikes and you're out" rule. To wit: the first time you step on my foot, I consider it an accident. The second time you step on my foot, I consider it a coincidence. The third time you step on my foot I figure that it was deliberate. Then I make sure that you never get the opportunity to do that again. :mad:

That all seems reasonable and is legal. Discriminating against behavior, especially illegal behavior (theft by check), is perfectly legal, ethical, and sensible. But I didn't see any claims to bar people based on race, gender, religion, sexuality, etc.
I am a capitalist, all I am concerned with is that the customer pays me for my work.

I have no reason to discriminate against groups of people when there are so many perfectly good reasons to dislike persons on an individual basis. :eek:
Correct. Presuming prostitution is legal where she's practicing it, she would not have the right to discriminate based on age or ethnic background. I suppose there could be some consideration given to elderly clientele, but I'm not aware of any government oversight in the legal prostitution industry.
Yes, you are correct and that's the problem - the State has the legal authority to initiate force against the individual.

So, you are absolutely right, she will either have to have provide her service or face the full weight of the State's boot against the carotid in her neck.

The point is that she doesn't have the civil right o say no to servicing a paying customer based on things like age, race, or religion.
Exactly correct.

The State is the one entity in our society that we have given the legal authority to initiate force against the Citizen. It's pretty scary. Just remember for every Obama or Bush.... there's 100 Cheneys hiding in the shadows. Do you REALLY think it's a good idea to give these sociopaths MORE power than they already have????

Why? What is the basis for the belief that she shouldn't have to service anyone? Remember, we're not talking about choosing mates here, we're talking about her selling sex as a service. In this context, it becomes no different than selling anything else.
Because it's immoral.

Ethics clearly states you can not initiate force against an innocent person. If you pass a law to make it legal to force her to do something against her will, then this law is itself immoral. Legal? Yes. Moral? No.

Think of it like this, what if the Law said she had the right to refuse to have sex with anyone for any reason. Now is it moral. Have the morality just changed with the whim of a politicians? Is it the STATE that's going to define what is and is not moral? Take a look at North Korea - for the People by the People. The State has the legal right to take your kidney. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if the State doesn't have the legal right to turn your body into animal feed. I mean, why waste a perfectly good Citizen when they have just that much more that they can give to the State.


The free-market will deal with the bigot because a store will open up right next door and they WILL sell to anyone. And slowly the bigot will change their ways or they will go out of business. I'm positive that Hooters would have served you even if there were no laws against discrimination on the books. Because, at the end of the day, they want to conduct as many voluntary trades per day as is possible.

Free-Market Capitalism and Private Property rights (beginning with our bodies) and Law is all that is required to create the progressive prosperous societies everyone desires. The State, besides being inefficient and immoral, generally plays one group off their fears of the other. Then the other side of the isle does likewise. This destroys prosperity and creates mistrust and slows progressive ideals.

Lastly, I'd just like to mention, as it popped into my mind earlier. You know why the Priest Class always said the God needed to sacrifice the first born son? It was to keep the dissident in line with the wishes of the State. Step out of line ... guess whose son the God needs the blood of. If you think we've stopped sacrificing our children, you may want to consider what's actually being sold on 30 year bonds.

I'll take my chances with letting the bigot voluntarily drive his or her business into the ground (or change their ways).
Yes, you are correct and that's the problem - the State has the legal authority to initiate force against the individual.

So you think law is a problem? I didn't realize you were an anarchist.

So, you are absolutely right, she will either have to have provide her service or face the full weight of the State's boot against he neck.

"Boot against the neck" is a misleading image. Nor is "provide service or get boot" the only options. Again, you present a false dichotomy. A person providing a service to the public has to meet certain standards. If those standards aren't met, fines are typically levied. There's no boot involved.

The State is the one entity in our society that we have given the legal authority to initiate force against the Citizen. It's pretty scary.

Again, it's called the law, and society doesn't function without it.

Because it's immoral.

Ethics clearly states you can initiate force against an innocent person. If you pass a law to make it legal to force her to do something against her will, then this law is itself immoral.

You don't seem to have the first clue what morality actually is. Think about it for a second: you're saying that it's immoral to make a bigot serve a class of people he irrationally fears or hates. That's the immoral part, in your view. Not the part where the Mexican-American lady gets turned away because of what she looks like or how she talks. I think it's safe to say you have it entirely backwards.

And again, you've redefined "force" to suit your argument. Nobody's getting physical with anyone here. And you've also redefined "innocent" to include people who discriminate against others for invalid reasons, such as the basis of their race or religion. That isn't an innocent person. That person is morally guilty.

Think of it like this, what if the Law said should had the right to refuse to have sex with anyone for any reason. Now is it OK. Is it the STATE that's going to define what is and is not moral? Take a look at North Korea - for the People by the People. The State has the legal right to take your kidney. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if the State doesn't have the legal right to turn your body into animal feed. I mean, why waste a perfectly good Citizen when they have just that much more that they can give to the State.

You're flying all over the map here. Why do you keep bringing sex into this? Sex as a trade is illegal in the vast majority of the United States, and we've all agreed that even if it were legal there would no doubt be different laws that accommodate the unique nature of the industry. So let's leave that out of it. As to your question of whether or not it's the state's job to decide what is or isnt' moral, obviously not. Society decides what is and isn't moral; the state just makes laws. But what does that have to do with anything? And how are you equivocating mandating that public businesses make their services available to every race and creed akin to the state being able to take your kidney? Can you please show us how you made that connection?

The free-market will deal with the bigot because a store will open up right next door and they WILL sell to anyone. And slowly the bigot will change their ways or they will go our of business. I'm positive that Hooters would have served you even if there were no laws against discrimination on the books. Because, at the end of the day, they want to conduct as many voluntary trades per day as is possible.

Except that's not how the real world works, as evidenced by the state of the US prior to the introduction of civil rights laws. We eventually decided, as a people, that we weren't going to live in a country where a black man could be refused a meal at a rest stop simply because the owner was a racist. So we put an end to it. If you don't want to serve black people, then don't open a business that serves the public.

Free-Market Capitalism and Private Property rights (beginning with out bodies) and Law is all that is required to create the progressive prosperous societies everyone desires. The State, besides being inefficient and immoral, generally plays one group off their fears of the other. Then the other side of the isle does likewise. This destroys prosperity and creates mistrust and slows progressive ideals.

Institutionalizing discrimination (which is what taking civil rights laws off the books does) is not progressive. It's regressive, and the result is the oppression of women and minorities. We've already seen it; that's what the US used to be, and still is to some extent, particularly for homosexuals.

Lastly, I'd just like to mention, as it popped into my mind earlier. You know why the Priest Class always said the God needed to sacrifice the first born son? It was to keep the dissident in line with the wishes of the State. Step out of line ... guess whose son the God needs the blood of. If you think we've stopped sacrificing our children, you may want to consider what's actually being sold on 30 year bonds.[

I'll take my chances with letting the bigot drive his or her business into the ground (or change their ways).

That's because you're a nutbag who doesn't even realize what he's actually wishing for.
I'll take my chances with letting the bigot voluntarily drive his or her business into the ground (or change their ways).

And I think there are those who do prosper from a diverse crowd, but that's not the case for all.

I'm a little surprised, were you guys up all night discussing this issue?

You've made it clear, you want to live in a society where the State can force a woman to have sex with someone she doesn't want to as long as her profession is sex worker. While I find that utterly repugnant (and of course that means "I'm the nutbag"... yeah, me, not the person who is standing over a poor innocent woman who is scared and doesn't want to have sex with someone and forcing her to either fuck - or lose her business and don't feed her family. Yeah, it's me that's a little off in the head for standing up for the woman's civil liberty and her right to refuse to have sex, her right to protect you're not totally insane, it's me).

Your's is not the society I want to live in. Unfortunate for me and fortunately for you, most people think like you do. Oh sure, they wouldn't soil their hands directly. That's what jack-boots are paid by the State to take care. And yes, we'll just make sex-working illegal altogether. They can get a pimp and work underground. Problem solved.

If the States passes a law that says the business owner can't discriminate - you little State-bots are first in line to see she's fined, incarcerated, loses her State licence or in some way is punished and made to suffer for the gall of not having sex with someone she chooses not to. The State decides gay marriage is illegal - you little State-bots are first in line to bash gays. So, don't pretend you're all homo-supportive. You've made it clear - it's the Law that will determine morality. If the State says abortion is illegal - you little State-bots are right out front denigrating incest rape victims for daring to go against God and State. The State is your Religion the the POTUS your Priest. So of course, if a 7-11 owner doesn't want to serve Asians, we're not going to let the free-market work. No, that doesn't feel as good as watching a jack-boot press down on a carotid. Watching the little bigot squirm and squeal and is made to pay for all the people who slighted us in the least. Now, that sort of retribution feels ... Progressive.

And ....why not? I mean *gasp* He uses the roads!

It'll be interesting to watch the damage done when the full weight of the pendulum swings back the other way. Ouch, that's going to hurt. Oh, and yes, I must be one of those nutty anarchists for even daring to question the authority of the State. I'm questioning the in-group. I must be dangerous or nutty.... :D
True there are businesses that tend to cater to a certain crowd, but that does not automatically mean that the business owner is discriminating, ie, banning certain people from patronizing the business based on gender, race, etc.
In general in the USA every business owner is free to discriminate against anyone for any reason except ethnicity, age, sex and marital status (and in some jurisdictions also sexual orientation). There are plenty of bars where only bikers are welcome and there are also some in which bikers are unwelcome, although if you ride up on a sewing-machine-quiet BMW instead of a Harley they'll probably let you in. Hell, there are clubs in Hollywood, Manhattan and other places where the doorman looks you over and if he doesn't think you'll add to the cachet of the place, he won't let you in. But it had better not be because of your ethnicity, age, etc.

Chick-Fil-A makes discriminating statements all the time. They are openly homophobic. I can't see how that helps their business. My kids beg to go there all the time but I refuse to go because they proselytize with christian fundy literature on the packaging of the food and because of their openly homophobic stance. So their discrimination cost them my business and I am sure it has cost them more than just mine.
The hundreds of articles about this controversy made it clear that the corporation did in fact not discriminate against LGBT either as employees or as customers.

What business, if you don't mind, do you see benefiting from being discriminatory?
This is why I keep demanding that he stop being so deliberately obtuse and tell us exactly who he wants to discriminate against. No one has disputed my explanation of U.S. law, which is that you can legally discriminate against anyone you want for any reason except ethnicity, religion, etc., and even that is waived if you're interviewing people to share your home. Bowser refuses to tell us whether these people he finds so offensive are offensive because they are members of an unpopular religion or ethnicity, or because they wear tattoos and speak Pig Latin. It's a fundamental difference.

Furthermore, no one has disputed my summary of the history of discrimination in America, which comes down to a consensus that the harm done by forcing us to get used to hanging out with people of other ethnicities and religions, and allowing women to go everywhere men go, is the lesser of two evils when compared to the life I observed in this country in the early 1950s. Bowser refuses to tell us whether he in fact would like to reinstitute Jim Crow, which would make him a first-class asshole, or to merely ban punk-rockers from his bar, which would make him the President of Russia.

What's the difference? Prostitution is not a legal business in most places. The 7-11 is a legal business. She could be arrested just for conducting her "business" with anyone at all. Try some other comparison because that was utterly ridiculous.
Prostitution is legal in the rural counties in Nevada. To my knowledge each woman has the right to turn down any customer she wants to. There are others to fill the void, and if they all say no to a particular guy, the management will trust their judgment and give him a refund and an escort out the door. There are a few women who charge more and are willing to put up with activities that the others are not, but (again based on hearsay) they all draw the line at violence. They're very fussy about health and hygiene and they all get a medical exam monthly, and are trained to do the best possible layman's job of washing genitals and examining them for signs of illness. This can be treated as part of the foreplay if you pay enough, otherwise it's like having your nurse practitioner give you a very matter-of-fact exam and then start taking her clothes off. I'm sure some guys think that's fun.

They also get paid vacations, sick leave and health insurance. Many are working their way through college and think the money is a worthwhile tradeoff against the "respectable" minimum-wage jobs they could get instead.

Once again, I think it best to withhold the specifics in this discussion. I apologize if that hinders your argument.
It's destroying your credibility. You absolutely come across as either A) somebody who's playing games with us and will decide what his "minority" group is after we all weigh in on one side or the other, or B) somebody who's embarrassed to tell us what sorts of people coming into his shop would make him uncomfortable.

It's my opinion, in this situation, that the proprietor is under the gun. He is simply trying to keep his doors open. Of course we should curse him for trying.
I, and a few others, have spoken to your concern. You have failed to respond to ours: that ethnic, religious and gender discrimination have caused so much damage to civilization that it's better for the human race to sacrifice the profits of a few entrepreneurs.

I'm not sure if I've read every single post on this thread, but I've read most of them and no one has suggested cursing at an individual proprietor who feels that his livelihood depends on being able to conform to the 19th-century prejudices of his clientele. I'm probably speaking for them all when I say we feel sorry for the poor guy, but sometimes you're standing in the way of progress and you just have to get the hell out of the way.

Frankly I feel much more sympathy for the people who put a lot of effort and capital into opening legal medical marijuana dispensaries in California, only to have Barack may-he-rot-in-hell Obama change his position on the issue and start busting them.

Yes, and that is often the case. The only problems I've encounter have revolved around my smoking addiction. Unfortunately, the state has banned me from every establishment.
Well you can take that up with the Baby Boomers. No one in my generation wanted to ban smoking or transfats or perfume or peanut butter or extra-large sodas. We think the sissies are taking over. I'm a non-career musician and bar bands have suffered since the banning of tobacco in bars. They're taking in less money so they can't afford to book a live band as often as they used to.

These are the people who go home and smoke pot. :)

Bottom line, the human body is way more than simple private property, so public business laws should not apply.
I would say this fits in exactly the same category as renting out the spare bedroom in your home. Your personal space, your rules.

true a business can refuse anyone but they can't always admit why they are doing it.
Yes. A big company nearby (whose commercials you often see on TV) is becoming notorious for finding ways to fire older employees so they can hire younger ones who will work for less. They always wait until the employee does something... anything... that could conceivably be construed as poor performance or inappropriate behavior. Then they coax some of his co-workers into attesting that they observed it and that it was a lot worse than it actually was. They've been getting away with it for years, but the local government is getting wise and has a lot of evidence which, in aggregate, will probably result in millions of dollars in reparations and perhaps even a public apology. A couple of local law firms are just dying to take this case. It would be their equivalent of bringing down Bin Laden.

Talk about an issue one should strive not to be on the wrong side of. We old folks will be the majority in a few years!
Harvey Milk was an American politician who became the first openly gay man to be elected to public office in California when he won a seat on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.

Harvey Milk called for a voluntary boycott of the free-market businesses around San Francisco because these businessmen did not support him as a politician due to him being openly gay. Through the free-market the business owners came around to supporting him even if they didn't like his being homosexual. We don't NEED government. We CAN have change without initiating direct force. Sure, a politician could have demagogues the issue and passed a law (and would have if they thought it would've gotten them donations to get elected), but that would have involved the use of direct force. We must always guard against that and trust in the public as expressed through their voluntary interactions.
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If I were in the same position as this particular business owner, my first temptation would be to explain the dynamics of the establishment to those concerned, but even that would most likely get me in trouble, so seeking legal advise first would be my path. I wouldn't want to invent an excuse to drive them out and would prefer to be honest.

The free-market :)
Take THAT State run taxi licencing :D

1907, shortening of taximeter cab (introduced in London in March 1907), from taximeter "automatic meter to record the distance and fare" (1898), from Fr. taximètre, from Ger. Taxameter (1890), coined from M.L. taxa "tax, charge."
Yes. A big company nearby (whose commercials you often see on TV) is becoming notorious for finding ways to fire older employees so they can hire younger ones who will work for less. They always wait until the employee does something... anything... that could conceivably be construed as poor performance or inappropriate behavior. Then they coax some of his co-workers into attesting that they observed it and that it was a lot worse than it actually was. They've been getting away with it for years, but the local government is getting wise and has a lot of evidence which, in aggregate, will probably result in millions of dollars in reparations and perhaps even a public apology. A couple of local law firms are just dying to take this case. It would be their equivalent of bringing down Bin Laden.

Talk about an issue one should strive not to be on the wrong side of. We old folks will be the majority in a few years!
Why don't they just reduce the hourly wage of the older worker in line with their productivity?

What sort of work agreement do these older workers have with this employer?
Why do the local community continue to send business their way? Why not send business to the local competitor?